《Bloodthirsty》His promise


Running up the stairs to their apartment Seth wanted to fix his little gypsy Vampire's favorite meal three cheese ravioli with sausage meat sauce. But as his feet hit the top of the stairs he could smell her beautiful strong scent in the air it was fresh and warm like she had been outside. Quietly sneaking into the apartment he caught her standing there as she often did after dealing with some dumb ass Vampire doing dumb ass Vampire shit. He knew killing her own even if it was her job and they needed killing as she would often say just so he wouldn't worry which he never told her it didn't work he always wort about her. He admitted to her he hated her father and most of her family for how they used her while the rest of them sat in their fat asses all day.

He stood there just looking at her; she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He could tell she was really concentrating and deeply thinking about something. He wondered for a few if he had been seen doing reconnaissance around her Uncle Silas compound, he did not think so he had gone in in his bear form. And like most Vampire's who hunt humans they believe they are the top of the food chain and that arrogance was always their downfall. He knew that wasn't it because she would have been pissed. He realized she was thinking about her Uncle Silas and what he did to her he could see the tiny goosebumps on her arms.

Walking up to her scratching his nails against her hips he didn't say a word he just growled at her as he leaned in kissing up her neck biting the strong muscles that connected her neck to her collar bones. Taking his hands pulling the knot from her shirt slipping them up cupping her breasts squeezing her nipples knowing how they loved the extra rough play. Kissing her deeply, taking her breath for his own letting one of her hard pink nipples go he ripped her lace panties off. His bear growled out into her mouth smelling her warm honey scent slipping his cock out of his pants as he picked her up making her cross her legs around his waist.


"My beautiful little gypsy Vampire.:woozy_face:

Slowly pushing his cock deep inside her warm wet little pussy he grunted into her neck as she clung to him even tighter. Her breath was hot on his neck as she gently scraped her fangs against his skin he pulsed inside her she knew he loved when she fed from him only though. Balancing them against the wall he started slowly thrusting inside her as she sank her fangs into his neck hearing moan out his name as she started tasting him made him thrust even harder. She ripped his shirt off clawing at his back with one hand as she rubbed and scratched his head with her other. She knew he loved that as well he slipped his arms under her legs stretching her open for him even more.

Kissing her neck as his rough hands squeezed her firm breasts pushing his palms into her nipples. Their thrusts became as one his hips slammed into her ass just as she smacked her thighs against his pelvis. She gripped his cock with her inner pussy walls like warm velvet covered vise grip. He was close but he could tell she was ready. Gently turning his head into her beautiful face letting her know she'd had her fill clawing the wall feeling her fangs slowly retracting. When she licked the tiny holes closed that was all it took his head expanded slamming into the back of her cervix causing. Her to climax her warm juices flowing down his cock like a river of honey pushed him over that sweet glorious edge he filled her full thrusting several more times one last extra hard one when his bear felt her juices ripple out of her dripping onto the floor.

Kissing her softly nuzzling her neck with his head his bear wanted to protect her and always keep her safe from any harm. Whispering in her ear.

"I will marry you my beautiful Brianna but after I've taken care of your treacherous Uncle Silas and convinced your father it's time for you to be something other than his personal vengeance squad."

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