《Bloodthirsty》Uncle Silas


I felt my phone buzzing. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I looked down and realized it was a message from my father and read it.

My Dear Brianna,

Please come to the castle as soon as you can. It is extremely urgent that I talk to you. I feel something isn't right. Please hurry, Brianna.

What could be so urgent. I mean I know I had a mission to go to New Orleans but besides that what could have such importance. I went into the kitchen and wrote a note to Seth letting him know where I was going. He got up early this morning to stock his bar. I stuck the note to the refrigerator.

Snuggle Bear

I had an urgent message from my father. He said it was extremely important to talk to me so I will go see what he needs and I should be home for dinner.

Love your, gypsy Vampire

I flashed to the castle and I could hear a woman screaming and my father yelling. I ran into the dinner roam and there stood my Uncle Silas. He had two of his men holding my father's arms stretched out wide. His ankles were cuffed in silver. My father's eyes flashed red and he looked up at me.

"Brianna, leave! Leave now! You're Uncle is here to turn off my humanity and you know what that means. I will not be able to stop and yours will be turned off as well. Leave, Brianna!"

I gritted through my teeth, "what the fuck is going on here, Uncle. Why the hell do you want to turn off my father's humanity? What are you going to do with that woman you have on her knees? What the fuck are you doing?"

I despised my Uncle Silas. He was extremely jealous of my father. He thought he was the rightful heir to the elder Vampires. He wanted everything my father had. A wife, children and a title of his own. No woman in their right mind would want him. He was a greedy, pathetic piece of shit. I took a step closer to my Uncle and spat out.


"Let my father and that poor woman go, Silas. Why must you keep doing stupid shit. I mean if you knew how to treat a woman maybe she would give you what you want. Now this will be the last time I ask you to let them go."

I pulled my gun from its upholstered. I raised it up aiming the laser beam that glowed on his heart. He looked down and back up to me and shook his head. My father roared out in pain. Dominic stabbed a silver stake into his ribcage, close to his heart. I held my gun steady and cocked the trigger.

"Let my father go, Silas! Right fucking now or I will kill you myself."

Silas's eyes flashed red, his huge fangs were on full display. He growled out, put your fucking gun away, Brianna or I will end your father's life. You are going to do this for me whether you like it or not. You're father's humanity will be shut off, making yours shit off as well. He is your sire! You two are connected in ways I didn’t think possible. I need to breed and have an heir of my own. You will bleed this woman dry or I will kill you both!

I flashed to my father and pulled out the stake driving into the heart of Aries. My Uncle flashed behind me, grabbing me by the back or the neck, lifting me off the ground. I tried to flash away but I couldn't move. He was more powerful than I was and he could take control over your body. He was the only Vampire that could do this. I was frozen and I couldn't move. He crawled into my mind taunting me.

"I can see everything, Brianna. Every fucking memory of yours. Now it's time to make you pay for disobeying me. He reaches further into my mind and switches off my humanity. He released his grip and I slammed to the floor. I slowly got up and stood by Hector's side. I was like a good little pet waiting for his orders. My father tried his best to get to me but was stopped by his brother. Hector told my father to behave or he would punish me."


Silas pulled the woman up by her hair and sliced her wrist. Her crimson blood flowed freely puddling into the floor. She screamed out. She was scared and I could hear her heart beating 100 miles per minute.

"Now, Brianna. End her now, Silas bellowed out."

Her blood flooded my nostrils, making me moan out. She smelt so sweet and I wanted nothing more to taste her blood. I flashed in front of her and sank my fangs deeply into her jugular. Her blood burst into my mouth, flowing past my tongue, down my throat. She tasted like warm honey. I pull hard, gulping more blood down. I was on a fucking high of blood lust. I haven't fed like this since I was first turned. I ripped out my fangs, her blood sprayed across my face.

"Finish her, Brianna! Fucking finished her!!"

I didn't hesitate, I sank my fangs into her pulsating vein on the other side of her neck. I pulled until her feet stopped kicking and her heart came to a complete stop. I removed my fangs and punched my hands into her chest pulling out her heart and handed it to my Uncle. He pulled me to him and kissed my cheek and whispered,

"I always knew you loved the thrill of killing. I am so very proud of you. Now I will turn your humanity back on so you can marvel in your beautiful masterpiece."

He crawled back into my mind and I could feel the moment he turned my humanity back on. He released me from his grip. I slowly turned and saw the woman laying on the floor covered in her blood. I took a step back almost stumbling because my legs felt like jello. I looked down at myself and I was also covered in blood. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. It was me that killed her. It was me.

Silas chuckled and told Aries to release my father. He walked over to me wrapping his arms around me. He softly whispered against my ear.

"This isn't your fault my beautiful, Brianna. He did this. Not you! Please remember that."

I couldn't even speak. All I could do was stare at the beautiful blonde that was now dead because of me. Hector scooped her up and flashed out with Aries. I was overwhelmed with emotions. Blood tears begin to fall down my cheeks. I took a step back out of my father's embrace.

"I am a fucking monster. I killed an innocent. I fucking killed her. I am no better than Silas."

I didn't wait for my father to speak. I didn't want to hear him say it wasn't my fault because it was most certainly my fault. I flashed to the cabin and collapsed on the floor and pulled my knees up to my chest. I laid there waiting for my bear to come home. How was I going to explain this to him? Was he going to hate me and think I am a monster for killing an innocent, mundane?

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