《Bloodthirsty》My Savior


How many times was Logan going to inject me with the toxins? He was such a pussy. He knew damn well I was strong and that I was equally match to his powers. He wasn't the only one that had the elders blood coursing through their veins. My father was one of the eldest Vampire and he was my sire.

I tried hard to fight the toxin but nothing seemed to be working. I laid on the bed paralyze and all i could do was connect with his mind and tell him what a worthless piece of shit he was. I screamed at him to let me fight him but he kept telling me I was his to do as he pleases.

I knew my bear would be on his way to rescue me. I was his mate and one thing you do not do is harm someone's mate. I knew Seth would make him pay for what he has done to me. I really didn't want to think about all the violent things Logan has done to me but my body reeked of evidence of his betrayal.

I could hear noises from a distance and I knew exactly who was talking. It was my bear and Logan. I screamed out, connecting with Logan's mind,

"My bear is going to kick your ass, Logan. He is going to shred you apart. Keep taunting him. It will just make him that more eager to kill you."

I tried to move but my body just wouldn't cooperate. I wanted to see this fight. I wanted to see my bear in action but I was fighting a loosing battle. Logan's toxin kicked in and I could feel my lids getting heavy. I tried to concentrate on Seth's voice.

Logan roared out in my head, "your dying Brianna and he is going to be next."

"Fuck you, Logan. Fuck you."

I couldn't hold on any longer, but the moment I heard my bear roar out and Logan laughing telling me he just ripped into Seth's chest. I screamed out so loud rattling his brain. "Noooo!! I gave into the darkness and could only hoped I would wake to see my bear's face again.

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