

Seth used his powers to get into Transylvania as far as he could but because he had only been to a few places in the country on one of those -Spooky Transylvanian tour guide packages- he would have to track his little gypsy Vampire using his nose and her scent which was getting weaker by the hour. So he wouldn't miss any of her scent he traveled by foot making a running joke of it to keep him focused as if he were playing one of his Video games. The same ones Bri always complained about him playing all the time as they laid there in bed her head in his lap yelling and screaming 'watch it babe' 'oh kill that guy no no that one' 'RUN BEAR RUN' until she would drift off to sleep. It helped as he tracked her scent deeper into the Carpathian Mountains, with each step he took he promised, the picture of Bri in his head, that Logan's death would be slow and very painful.

He stopped at the top of a low peck surveying the terrain he thought it was a truly beautiful country, too bad it would be covered in blood soon. Seth's Bear could smell her scent it was still fading but he could smell more of it, he was close. Growling as he turned running faster towards his gypsy Vampire's scent even using his Bear form to get through some of the tougher passes until a giant half frozen lake stopped his progress. Seth looked around this didn't look right, the rest of the Mountains were covered in Summer growth, animals running around and warm sunshine, but not there. He noticed a faint shape peeking out from the blizzard like winds blowing around the lake just as his Bear caught a strong whiff of Bri's scent. He didn't think he just started running straight towards the lake he ran almost half way around the lake looking for a boat dock, he could tell this blizzard was magical in nature and assumed the lake was as well.

Dodging and knocking boulder sized chunks of ice out of the way, it was as if they were attracted to the hull of the rickety old boat he found, Seth would yell out each time he had to stop and start rowing again.



Reaching the shore he looked around for any guards or traps but found none. But he could now smell more than just his gypsy Vampire's scent, dozens of them and the closer he got the more and stronger they became but that did not matter to him, he was there to rescue his Bri and kill anyone or anything that stood in his way. Stopping just outside the main Castle doors flashing his armour and axe to him tying down the lashings of his bracers to his wrists. Seth reached into his bag pulling out his Flask raising it to the sky speaking words he had not said in several thousand years.

"The blood I spill today I spill for you father may my enemies fall quickly in your honor I beg you give me the strength I need to banish all that oppose me today I pray you give me speed to protect myself from an attack. Mother give me the fire in my soul to Vanquish my enemies give me the ability to turn my rage and anger into Ferocity to show my enemies the mercy they have shown me this day."

Drinking from his Flask tasting the ancient gifts his parents gave him he couldn't help but to think of one of his favorite movie quotes.

-What's in the Flask, Egg? Magic potion:

Thought so, good. What do we do, drink it?


Good thought so.-

Slowly slipping in between the two giant doors, Seth stopped what looked to be an army of young Vampires, then a voice rang out through the Castle.

Logan yelled. "Oh you must be Seth, my Brianna has told me so much about you, I do hope you make it through my guards. You see I have always wanted a Bear skin rug in front of my fire place so I could make love to Brianna on it, don't worry your sad little animal shifter brain about her because soon enough she will be under my control and won't even remember you or that foul stench of yours."


Seth stood there listening to Logan going on an on about how great he was and how he was going to kill him and have Brianna for himself as some kind of mindless controlled Wife. Taking a deep breath exhaling quickly.

"For the love of puppies and kittens will you shut the FUCK UP. Damn do Vampires ever just shut the fuck up? I mean do you want to fight or do you want to just keep talking my ears off?!"

Seth moved with the quickness the prayer to his father had given him. Swinging his axe as mightily as he once did in battles for his father's honor, taking the heads of several of Logan's guards. Smearing their blood across his face as he had done so long ago, but soon enough several more waves of Logan's guards were upon him. They attacked him with a pack mentality, grabbing his arms and legs scratching and clawing at his skin but none of them were trying to bite him, this had to be part of Logan's plan, yes weaken him but let him get to their master. Seth was no fool, he went along with the plan killing as many of Logan's guards as he could but not wasting any extra energy to do it. When he reached the door the fight lead him to he realized the attacks had stopped, looking around Logan's guards had vanished. Looking down at his torn mangled flesh he chuckled to himself, reaching into his bag, this time pulling out a mixture of Sugar and Salt. He placed a small stick in his mouth biting down on it as he slowly rubbed the mixture into his skin pushing it into each cut as deeply as his hands could.

He steadied his nerves, he had faced hundreds of enemies but not too many like this one. Seth opened the door dragging his axe behind him, his eyes caught Bri laying there passed out, a needle by her side, a pool of dried blood under her, her clothes had been ripped from her body.

Logan said, "Oh don't worry the injections haven't fully kicked in yet I made sure of it, I wanted the last thing that animal loving bitch to see was me draining her precious pet Bear dry *laughing* and it seems my guards did their job, you look completely exhausted there Bear. Truth be told I debated on having my guards attack you at all because you can't beat me no matter what, I have the souls of a dozen Older Vampires coursing through my veins, were as you are merely just a shifter. But in the end I wanted them to get the practice, they don't get the chance to practice enough you see."

"Yes you are a kind and gentle Commander, they should all feel so proud to have you as a teacher and a role model. But tell me what are they going to do when I remove your head from your neck there Count Chocula."

With that insult Logan used his Vampire speed to close the gap between him and Seth, plunging his claws into Seth's chest, the sucking sound of his blood spurting from the fresh wounds was almost deafening, slamming him into the wall behind him.

Logan replied, "Now what was that you said about killing me little bear, even your blood has that beasts stench in it."

Reaching up Seth grabbed Logan's wrists pulling downwards the sound of his bones breaking reverberated around the room.

"I don't know where you guys get that I am just a Bear shifter but so far it's worked to my advantage so keep thinking it for the next few seconds you piece of pig shit."

Seth pulled Logan's claws from his chest leaving massive open bloody holes in his flesh.

" I am the son of Itzamna he was the supreme ruler of the, Mayan gods and Artio, Celtic bear goddess, who was also worshiped by the Gauls. You covet blood because you gain your powers from it, if you drank my blood yes you would be a hundred times more powerful because of it, but I was BORN OF BLOOD my people worshiped blood itself, but I think we have talked enough don't you Eddy Munster."

Invoking the power of the blood he had spilled today in the name of his father, Seth used the strength his mother had given him as he shoved Logan's claws into his own neck then ripping his arms off causing his head to detach from his body.

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