《Bloodthirsty》Family Dinner


What the hell was I thinking when I said yes to my father meeting Seth. Did I want to bring him into my family? I haven't had the chance to explain my past to him. I mean I have killed so many people. Yes they were bad people but still. I am a cold blooded killer. This was my job and I was fucking good at it.

I would make sure their pain was a slow and painful torture. I would slit their throats and feast on their blood, bleeding them dry. My anxiety was through the fucking roof. I didn't know how Seth would feel about my father. Cassius wasn't my biological Dad. He was my sire and he took me in and treated me like a daughter since day one.

I walked down to Seth's Bar to see if he was ready for this little family gathering. I was so nervous. Yes even vampires can get nervous especially when they are introducing the love of their life to their father. I opened the door and his delicious scent hit me in my face. Holy Shit! He smelled so fucking good. I wanted to take him right there in front of everyone. It is no secret that Vampire's are very sexual creatures and I wear that shit like a badge of honor. Judge me all you want but have you not seen my bear? He is drool worthy.

Seth's eyes locked with mine and he tilts his head to the side. He could tell something was up. He walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me flush to his body. His lips crashed against mine and I suddenly forgot about everything. He pulled back and raised his brow.

"What's wrong my sexy Vampress?"

"I am nervous about you meeting my father."

"Everything will be fine. There is nothing to worry about"

I wanted to believe that more than anything but if he knew my past would he still want me? I grabbed his hand into mine, flashing us to my father's home. It was an ancient castle that he purchased so long ago. The Gothic theme he had going on was my doings. I love the darkness and what it had to offer.


Cassius greets us with a smile, his fangs were on full display. I looked up at him, shaking my head. He was so theatrical. He chuckled and shook Seth's hand.

"So your the gentleman that stole my daughter's heart? You must mean a lot to her. Never in her 500 years of existence did she bring a man home to meet her family."

I rolled my eyes at my father, "well there hasn't been a male that was worthy enough to bring home."

Seth growled and held me close to him. My body responded to his touch and I knew my father could sense the connection that Seth and I had. Seth was extremely protective and that is something that him and my father had in common.

"Can we eat now or we going to stand around all day looking awkward?"

Seth squeezed my hand trying to settle my nerves. He let out a chuckle and shook his head. I pulled him towards the dinning hall. I knew who would be waiting for us. My brother, Cullum. He was like a bestfriend to me. He was turned at the tender age of seventeen. I was turned at the age of twenty-two. Cullum and I became very close and boy did we get in trouble alot.

I heard a squeal coming out the dining hall and my little sister claps her hands together and runs towards me. She wraps herself around my leg. Basil was only 7 years old. She was a pure breed. My father and her mother were the eldest of the Vampires. Basil was proof of their love.

Basil giggles and I pick her up into my arms, "hello little one.Have you been behaving since I have been gone?" Her golden locks bounced up and down as she shook her head. She was a beautiful little girl. Her piercing blue eyes would make anyone's heart melt.

"Bri, who is the big guy beside you. Is he your boyfriend?"


I give her a smooch on her cheek, "yes Seth is my boyfriend."

"You did good sissy. He is so handsome."

Seth chuckled, "it is nice to meet you, Basil."

Basil looked up at him and back at me, "I am sitting beside him for dinner"

I tickled her sides. "You are a mess. Now behave!"

I put her down and she took off running. Seth pulls me back to his side as we walk into the dining hall. My brother flashes in front of us and snarls at Seth. I poke him in the chest. "Would you behave, Cullum!"

Seth didn't look amused. He simply growled at Cullum. Cullum took a step back laughing. "I just needed to let you know that if you hurt my sister, you will answer to me."

I grabbed him and wrapped him in a hug, "you're such a fierce one. I am sure Seth is shaking in his boots. Now be nice and let's go eat."

My father looks over to me, "Bri I want to talk to Seth alone. We won't be too long. I promise I will not say anything to upset you."

I could feel the worry rise up in my throat. I didn't want my father to tell Seth of my past. I couldn't bare the thought of losing him. Cullum pulled me alongside him. I gritted through my teeth. "Fine."We will go eat dinner. "Don't you dare scare him off, Cassius!"

Cassius, shewed me away. "You have nothing to worry about Bri. Now go eat dinner. I fixed your favorite."

I turned and I could hear what my father was saying. I shook my head and walked into the kitchen. I knew this was going to be the end of Seth and I. Blood tears stung my eyes and my brother reached for my hand.

"Bri, he will not scare Seth away. Honestly I don't think anything would. Now calm down and let's eat."


Seth, I want to tell you the story behind Bri. Why I turned her into one of us. She lived with her mother and her father left them when she was only 2 years old. When she became of age, her father showed up in her life. He thought he could sell her for sex. He wanted to make money off of her. Her mother was dying of cancer. I couldn't allow that bastard to ruin her innocence. The night he broke into her mother's house was the night I took his miserable life. He was going to allow a man to rape her. I simply would not allow it. I fucking torn him to shreds. Her mother was taking her last breath so I knew it was time to bring Bri home. I turned her that very night and I do not regret it. She is my daughter and I will always protect her. She knows nothing of this and I hope you will keep this between us. She thinks you will leave her because of the killing she has done. She is special, Seth and she has a great purpose to serve. Please keep her safe and don't break her heart or the gates of hell will be waiting for you.


Seth and my father walked in and my eyes locked with Seth's. My thoughts seem to be racing on what my father told him. Was he going to leave me? Would he understand the things I have done? I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts.

He sat down beside me and crashed his lips to mine. All the worry melted away at that very moment. I knew he wasn't going to leave me. "He pulled back and whispered, **I love you Brianna."

"I love you too, bear."

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