

I walked into the council room with all eyes on me. I knew I broke the golden rule when it came to the Vampires but I wasn't a typical Vamp. I was turned over 500 years ago. They all knew exactly how I felt and they knew I would take on any job that came my way.

Cassius steps forward, "Bri you have killed one of your own. How do you think you should be punished?"

Cass was the one that turned me long ago. I hated every fiber of his being when I became like him but over the years he became like a father to me. I grew to love him and he taught me the ways of our people. How to hunt and feed properly.

I was wild and out of control in my younger years. I would feed on humans like they were dessert. Cassius would lock me in the dungeon to stop me killing innocent humans. He would make me go with him on every hunt until I learned how to control my thirst.

I spun around and lock eyes with Cassius, "why should I be punished? You turned me over 500 years ago. You showed me how to live in this Vampire world of yours. You taught me how to fight and I became a killing machine. The fucking Vampire I killed was feasting on human and raping them. I believe a thanks is in order, father."

Cassius cupped my face, "you know the rules Bri. We simply do not kill our own kind."

I pushed away from him and walked to the Elders in the room. I pulled my blade and flashed before them. I snarled in their faces.

"Listen to me, I will not sit back and tolerate a fucking asshole that rapes his victims before he has drained them dry. I will continue to kill my kind until I am fucking satisfied. I don't give two shits about the species. You fucking do wrong you answer to me."


I flashed back to my father's side, I turned to face him. "If you decide with the elders then I promise you will lose me as your daughter and it will be my mission to kill every last one of you. I started to walk out the room. I looked over my shoulder, "when you make your decision you know where to find me."

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