
"Repetitive cycle"

"Something bad is about to happen to me"

yelled in a bored tone, as I rang up the customer and handed them their receipts. I was so tired of this repetitive cycle. Customer after customer, always the same, no eye contact, ordering a coffee. "[name]?" I glanced to the door upon hearing my name. "Sieun?" I exclaimed upon seeing my best friend. She was a few years older than me, but we were still best friends.

She widely smiled before sprinting over to me, knocking over an old lady in the process, and leaning over the counter and gave me a bone crushing hug. "Careful Sieun, you knocking the poor woman over." I exclaimed in concern, before rushing in front on the counter, and helping her up. She thanked me for helping her up, and wondered of out of the cafe. She didn't even order anything, strange. I hope she's okay though. I turned to Sieun, before giggling and scolding her. "Alright sorry mum" she chuckled sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

Around half an hour later, I found myself sitting down at one of the nearby wooden tables in the corner of the cafe, talking to Sieun. "Oh For goodness sake [name] when will you come over and help me?!" My coworker Soobin questioned me in frustration, "Soobin. I haven't seen Sieun in ages, I'll be literally five more minutes I promise.

He lightly smiled and rolled his eyes, before turning back to help the customer. As Sieun was speaking to me about her travels around Europe, so that's why I didn't see her for months. A young boy and slightly younger girl rushed into the cafe, holding a stack of papers. Someone's in a hurry.

I though to myself as Sieun continued to ramble on. "So we traveled from France and then to- [name] are you even listening?" She playfully glared at me as she caught my disinterest.


She sighed before continuing talking, but all my attention was on that boy and girl. The pair had been frantically rushing around every table, asking everyone something that I couldn't make out. Every customer had shook their heads in 'No.' Then they came over it mine and Sieun's table, the boy spoke first. "I-I uh, I need to ask a um favour" he stuttered nervously, poor boy, must be nervous around other people.

I smiled at him, encouraging him to go on. "Uh sorry- this is quite a weird f-favour," he looked around his surroundings before turning to the girl who was tapping her leg anxiously. "Um, could you take care of these d-documents please" he spoke as he frantically looked around, as if looking for someone.

Not thinking anything of it. I accepted. He thanked me about one hundred times before running off with the girl, out of the cafe, and into the rainy streets of Seoul.

I turned to Sieun to start taking, but hesitated when I saw her face. "What the hell was that?! Why'd you say you'd look after it?!" She quietly scolded me in disbelief, her jaw was practically on the floor. I sighed before looking up at her. "Look, they looked what, fifteen? sixteen? It probably just important school stuff, remember when you were in collage? And you asked me to take care of your exam results? It's probably like that" I reassured her.

She sincerely smiled at me before putting her bag on her shoulder, "well, I should get going. I'm meeting up with my parents after not seeing them for months." She told me with a smile. I hugged her goodbye and waved at her as she left the shop. Back into the streets of Seoul.

Well at least it wasn't the same repetitive cycle.


Word count - 655

This chapter may seem quite boring, but I promise it will get better, stay safe :)


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