《Love of Yiruma》BTS- Louder than bombs
BTS эргэн ирсэнтэй холбогдуулан MOTS: 7 цомгоос хамгийн сэтгэлд хүрчь чихэнд наалдсан дуугаа хөрвүүлэхээр шийдлээ. Уг дуун дээр Австралийн дуучин Трой Сиван хамтран ажиллаж, хөгжмийг нь найруулсан билээ. Трой Сиваныг мэддэг хүмүүс бол түүнийг ямар чаварлаг уран бүтээлч, хөгжим зохиогч болохыг андахгүй биз ээ. Тэдний хамтрал үнэхээр төгс байж чадлаа.
гэж орчуулвал дөхөх юм шиг санагдсан.
Энэ их магтаал дэмжлэг дунд үл мэдэг сүүдэр нуугдаж буйг сайн мэдэж байна
Бидний хэзээ ч хүртэхгүй тэдгээр сайхан зүйлсийг харъя байз, сонсъё байз
Чиний чимээгүйхэн гуниг намайг донсолгоно
Заримдаа миний дөлгөөн тэнгисд давлагаалаад ирнэ
Би тэсрэлтээс хүчтэй нуран унаж
Өвчинд шаналалд үйнэ
Би тийм дүр төрхтэй байгаагүй гэдгээ мэдсэнээс хойш чиний бий болгосон тэр дүр төрх
Намайг тэсрэлтээс хүчтэй сүйрүүлнэ
Би оргүй хоосноос ч илүү хоосон, онцын хэрэгцээгүй зүйлсээс ч илүү онц сонин биш
Ямар нэг зүйл надаас хүсэхгүй байна уу?
Гэхдээ л чи намайг ямар нэг зүйлээс илүү, гэрэл гэгээнээс илүү гэгээтэй гэж хэлсэн
Амьдралаасаа уйдаа юу?
Энд би илүү дээр амьдралын төлөө үлдээд, залбираад
Миний байх ёстой газар мөн үү гэж өдөр бүр тээнэгэлзэнэ
Миний зам яг хаана байна?
Газар хөдлөхөд ганцаараа чимээгүйхэн унана
Тэсрэлтээс чангаар унана
Түнэр харанхуй, хаана ч оршин байхаас бүү ай гэж хэлэхийг хүссэн юм
Ямархан харанхуй намайг нөмрөн авахыг мэдэхгүй ч би бууж өгөхгүй
Чиний төлөө тулалдана, бид гялалзана
Чи бид хоёр цугтаа гуниг, зовлонг мэдрэх юм
Энэ тохиолдол биш. Тийм ээ, бид л энэ тоглоомыг сонгосон
Тэсрэлтээс чангаар хэлье
Би дэлхий дахинтай ярьж байна
Чамаас зугтсаар байсан тэдгээр өдрүүд дахиж давтагдахгүй
Тэсрэлтээс чангаар хэлье
Хүмүүсийн бидэнд атаархдаг тэр зүйл бол надад байдаг "хоёр нүүр гаргах" гэдэг өвчин
Миний ямар бантангаа хутгаад байгаа нь пад байхгүй
Биднээс өөр хэн үүнийг хийнэ гэж?
Хүмүүсийн бидэнд атаархдаг тэр зүйл бол надад байдаг "хоёр нүүр гаргах" гэдэг өвчин
Миний ямар бантангаа хутгаад байгаа нь пад байхгүй
Биднээс өөр хэн үүнийг хийнэ гэж?
Тэсрэлтээс ч чангаар дуулъя
Чи бид хоёрт амласан амлалтыг
Цохилт нь их байлаа ч би чамд эцэс төгсгөлгүй дуулж өгье
Тэсрэлтээс ч чангаар дуулж өгье
Jordan Leoren – A Tale From The Wizarding World
Jordan Leoren is, unfortunately, not your average 10-year-old boy. He is handsome, from a rich family, and has been a very popular child model and actor since the age of 4. His long golden locks and piercing blue eyes could be easily identified by anyone in England and many across the world...and he hates it. He doesn't want the fame and attention, nor does he want jealous looks from other boys when the girls swarm him. All he wants from life is to explore and discover the unknown. From artifacts and treasures located deep in dungeons to strange glyphs or languages found covering ancient ruins. He longs for adventure and to be free of his constricting schedule. If it wasn't for his parent's proud smiles and expectant eyes, he would have long ago quit and lived normally. He lives a kilometer or so from the small village of Godric's Hollow in his family's manor. This manor has been in his family for generations and they are considered one of the founders of the village. This, and the small-town vibe, basically ensure Jordan cannot go anywhere in the village without being immediately noticed and called for pictures, autographs, or asked to meet people's sons or daughters. Jordan's saving grace is the huge plot of land that his family owns around their manor, and it is his one source of adventure and escape. It is in this large expanse of rolling hills, lush and verdant forests, and rocky crags that he finds a secret. A secret found just days before his 11th birthday. A secret that truly starts his life. No more dreaming of adventure, it is time for him to experience it and discover the mysteries of a strange new world and his family's legacy. The legend of Jordan Godric Leoren is about to begin. Author's Note: Just a bit of fun from an amateur. This is my first attempt at writing and I have no planned release schedule. I am just doing this for my own amusement, but I hope that others enjoy and I would appreciate any and all feedback! ~~~ I do not own anything from this property. Harry Potter is (TM) and (C) J.K. Rowling. This is just a fandom piece and I make no claims to it whatsoever. ~~~ Image purchased through Etsy from PotterFinds.
8 85I was Reborn as a Background Character
THIS IS AN RE: MONSTER FANFICTIONI've been reborn, reincarnated if you can believe that. Unfortunately its not like any of the stories I've read. I didn't come back as the protagonist, heck I didn't even come back as side character. I've been reborn as a background character to the MC's epic plot. If that wasn't enough I'm a goblin of all things, gimme a break!!PLEASE SUPPORT THE ORIGINAL WORK WHERE YOU CAN.
8 185Chris Daniel Smuts
Random smuts about Chris... *Completed*
8 188Black Heaven
The rope was hanging around his neck.The decision of suicide was not easy for him but he still did.Strahd lived his life in earth until his suicide.He believed this was not the end.After his suicide he found out that he had been in similation just like he thought.Now the real life started.He have to survive and bear all danger and perceive The Gaiya.The world is full of violence and terror.Kill to be alive. -Reader suggestions is enabled for readers to add correction-
8 87Gravity and Divinity: Apocalypse System LitRPG
B-boy and parkour performer Jay Luckrun and others from his high school get an offer they can't refuse. A leveling system with stats and skills, access to other dimensions where dungeons hoard incredible loot, and magical powers that'll alter reality as they know it. There's a price, of course. Upholding the responsibilities of a near-extinct pantheon of multiverse protectors and facing oncoming cosmic doom, which sounds way over Jay's head on a drunk Friday night. But hey, how can he say no? Yeah, he'll fight monsters, divine apocalyptic forces, assassins, and many others, but that's par for the course in this Power Fantasy. The offer is coming from the most beautiful girl ever. And it nets him an OP Affinity to a fundamental force. Freaking Gravity.
8 199Words I Left Unsaid
"Like a treasure map in a bottle, We were slowly drifting apart, Mother Nature sailing our purpose out to sea, The more I got to know you, I realised how much of a hoax your devotion was, Almost as fake as the smile I paint across my shattered face."This collection of poetry releases trauma in the form of expression - mainly the words I could never build up the courage to say. Most of these poems present conflict of the mind and allude to mental health struggles, which may be relatable to a certain community of people.Ranks -#3 in poem#3 in poembook#8 in poetry collection #7 in sadpoems#6 in poemcollection #7 in wisdom #15 in poetic
8 52