
Two months later

We've started our WAEC exams. For that reason,I have been studying hard for it .Its so stressful. I haven't heared from Aisha for the past weeks but I guess she is also reading for exams.

I only have two papers left before I will be through with waec. I didn't pay for NECO exams because baba don't have much money, he only gave me money for Waec exams. I pray I will make my papers if not I will have to resit.

We had accounting today and the paper was oK( alhamdulillah).

I greeted mama when I entered the house, baba went to the market.

" How was the paper? " mama asked.

" it was ok" I replied.

" I cooked your favorite, go freshen up and eat your lunch" mama said with a smile on her lovely face.

" wow!.. mama I love you so much. Let me quickly freshen up first " I said happily.. I love moi-moi so much, its my number one best food.

I later came out of the bathroom few minutes later.I ate my meal and by the way, it was so delicious. Mama can cook, sometimes I'm even jealous of her. Her cooking is always the best ever.


Today is Wednesday which means I will be writing my last paper . I'm so happy.

" Mama today is my last paper, I'm so happy" I said while rejoicing.

" you have said it morethan ten times, my daughter . I can see you are so happy." mama said with a smile.

" Very happy"

My paper starts around 10:30am and we students are to be at the venue 30min before exams start. I quickly wore my school uniform and took my calculator and other exam materials. I hug Mama before living the house.


On my way to school I met Faisal on the way.

" How have you been, Ameera?"he asked

" I'm doing good " I answered hurriedly

" I heard you are writing your last paper today, I hope you studied well for it" he said.

"yeah, I really studied hard" I replied

I need to be fast,exam will soon start and how will I tell Faisal without him taking it wrongly.

" I know you're in a hurry for the exams ,so I will see you in the evening outside your house. Do you permit me to come" he asked.

" yes of course, you're free to come" I said. He was happy with my answer.

" Thank you so much Ameera. It really mean alot to me and goodluck with the exam. " he replied back happily and retreat.

I quickly hurry to the exam hall to write my final paper. At last.

Few minutes later

The paper was OK, Thank God. We the passing out students rejoiced because we were so happy. It was not easy.

I later went home after the celebration. Mama and baba was so happy for me. My two yaya bought me a present and guess what? it was a sky blue dress. It is so pretty and I love it.

I plan on calling Aisha today. I haven't seen or spoken to her throughout these passed few weeks. I miss her so much.

I went inside my room to retrieve my phone. Aisha pick up on the second ring.

" hello, how are you Aisha? and how was your exams?. We haven't meet up these past few weeks and you didn't even call me." I ranted out.

" OK calm down tiger. I was preoccupied with the exam, I didn't even have time for myself. That reminds me, I want to tell you something very important " she said. I hope it's not something bad.


" what is it about?is it about bashir?" I asked.

" No it's not about him, it's something else Ameera . It very important and I need you. Will you come to my place in the evening " she replied with a crack voice. I think she is crying. What could be wrong.

" yeah,I will be there around 6:00pm" I said

" OK, Thank you so much ameera" said Aisha.

I hope it's not something serious.

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