《BakuTodo OneShots》Kirishima's Birthday Party
*3rd P.O.V*
"We need to plan something for Kirishima! His birthday is this weekend!" Mina shouted, throwing her hands in the air dramatically.
"Shh, you gotta keep it down." Sero whispered, not wanting to spoil the surprise.
"We should throw a birthday party." Kaminari muttered, his finger on his chin while thinking of other ideas.
"That's a great idea! We need a band for music! Balloons, cake, piñatas, confetti, cupcakes, more sweets-."
"Do you have the money for that shit?" Bakugou asked, interrupting Mina from her mumbling.
"We're all pitching in!" She yelled, the rest agreeing.
"Psh, bold of you to assume I have money-."
"I thought I saw piggy bank in your room that one time we went-."
"The hell are you doing in my room for?!" Bakugou yelled, Kaminari hiding behind Sero, not wanting to die at such a young age.
"C'mon Bakugou, you're doing this for Kirishima not us." Sero muttered, placing his hand on the hot headed male's shoulder, hesitating a little bit.
Bakugou rolled his eyes, trying not to come off as soft for Kirishima.
"Fine." Bakugou mumbled.
"Awesome! Now we just need a band." Mina whispered.
"Why do you just get a DJ." Sero asked.
"No we gotta make this extra special for Kirishima." Kaminari muttered.
"Just ask Jirou to form a band with someone else in this school, she plays a lot of instruments." Sero explained, smiling at his "perfect" idea.
"We just gotta ask her." Kaminari mumbled, looking at the other side of the class where Jirou was seated.
The bell rang, signaling all the students to get to their class.
Some students sat down on their desks, being already in the classroom while more students entered.
"Alright class, as you know, we're having a stupid event for all students next week, surprisingly, that's all that's happening for the next two weeks prior, so if you guys have any plans, nothing is gonna get in the way of that. Enjoy yourselves." Mr. Aizawa proceeds to wrap himself up in his yellow sleeping bag, the rest of the students enjoying their morning.
Bakugou stayed seated on his seat, not bothering to go over and speak to his friends.
"Do you even have a crush on anyone?" Momo asked, turned in her seat, speaking to Todoroki who was behind her.
"No, I don't wanna focus on that." Todoroki whispered, glancing at the spickey blonde haired boy at the front.
"Well, I know someone who actually has a crush on you." Momo whispered tracing her finger on the seat.
"Someone likes me?" Todoroki asked, suprised that he caught someone's attention.
"Yeah I overheard him talking to his friends about you."
"Him? A boy likes me..." Todoroki blushed, looking down, smiling to himself. Usually it would always be girls talking about how handsome and cute he is, but when it came to a male, it made his heart tingle almost, he liked getting compliments from males.
"Who is it?" Todoroki asked, looking at Momo with hopeful eyes.
"Hitoshi Shinsou." Momo blurted with a straight face.
Todoroki's eyes went wide, he never expected an actual answer, nor did he expect SHINSOU to like him at all.
Todoroki blushed, he doesn't have a crush on the said male but again, getting male's attention makes him feel some kind of way, almost like there are people that love being around him.
"Why are you smiling, do you like him too?" Momo asked.
"No, no, it's just, I never knew I'd be able to catch a boy's attention." Todoroki whispered, placing his arm on the table, putting his head on his hand.
"Pfft, are you kidding, there are plenty of them that stare are you when you walk down a hallway, Shinsou is the only one I overheard talking about you." Momo said, adjusting her brah, not caring if anyone saw really, what were you supposed to do? Just leave it and make it look like you have three tiddies?"
"What was he saying?" Todoroki asked.
"Something about your ass..."
Todoroki's eyes went big. His ass?! Even his back image was attractive to others. He liked it almost.
"I need to ask Aizawa soemthing." Todoroki whispered, getting up from his seat.
"Pleeeaase, it's for Kirishima, he'd really appreciate it!" Mina cried on her knees.
"Okay okay okay, just don't make such a scene." Jirou panicked, looking around the class.
Todoroki was passing by Bakugou's desk, accidentally bumping his thigh on it, hissing.
Bakugou rose his head to see who the hell interrupted his nap.
Instead of hearing an apology, the first thing he saw was Todoroki's ass, his face turning slightly pink, putting his head back down, trying not to think about the sweet cake he just saw.
*after school*
Everyone was in the dorm building, the Bakusquad-along with Jirou-discussing Kirishima's birthday party.
"We just need a drummer in order for this to work out."
"Hi guys! Sorry I couldn't make it to school today, I wasn't feeling well." Kirishima popped out of nowhere, smiling at his group of friends while scratching the back of his neck out of embarrassment.
The group went quiet, not knowing what to do, Bakugou trying to not laugh at everyone's stupidity.
"I heard something about drumming, I remember Bakugou showing me his drum set that was in garage when we went over a while ago!" Kirishima shouted.
Bakugou's eyes went wide, glaring at Kirishima for telling them that information.
"Was, I not supposed to say anything..." Kirishima muttered, frowning.
Bakugou rolled his eyes, looking at the rest as they all smiled at him.
"FINE! I'll do it." Bakugou mumbled, rolling his eyes for the third time that day.
"Do what? What's going on?" Kirishima asked.
"Nothing, there's just gonna be this school event next week and we wanted to do a stage performance for the school." Sero lied, everyone agreeing with it.
"Oh cool!" Kirishima smiled.
*Kirishima's birthday*
"You guys made sure that Sero went to take Kirishima shopping right?" Jirou asked.
"Yeah, they won't be back for another hour, Midoriya, Uraraka, Todoroki, and Momo went aswell to keep him distracted, we have the place decorated but we just need to set the speakers and the stand for the keyboard and everything else." Mina explained, everyone appreciating her leadership.
As soon as Mina mentioned Todoroki, Bakugou couldn't help but blush, especially after what he saw earlier that week.
"Ok good, did you contact people from school yet? We need them here." Jirou asked
"Yeah I just sent a message to everyone, they should be here in a bit." Mina answered, holding up her phone.
"Awesome, alright, Kaminari, help Bakugou set up his drums-."
"I don't need his help." Bakugou interrupted, going to the back to grab all his drumming shit.
"Ok, well, Kaminari, just help Mina with the speakers-."
"It's fine I got it." Mina yelled, already setting them up.
Jirou and Kaminari just stood there.
"Ok help me with the keyboard and microphone." Jirou muttered.
Kaminari just followed her.
"Guys I think I got everything I want now."
"Oh, well, let's just go get some icecream then!" Midoriya panicked, Sero still hasn't gotten a message from Mina telling them they were ready, they just needed to keep stalling.
"I actually wanna buy clothes to wear, can we go there first?" Todoroki asked.
"Yeah that's a good idea, I'll go with Todoroki while you guys eat icecream, we'll meet you guys in like thirty minutes." Momo said, dragging Todoroki with her into one of the clothing shops.
"I need something to wear to the party, can you help me choose out an outfit?" Todoroki asked
"Yeah, ofcourse, did you want to impress somebody?" Momo smirked.
Todoroki blushed, nodding.
"Okay~, what did you have in mind?" Momo asked.
"I, uh,,,I wanna,,,my,,,it's embarrassing." Todoroki shyed, covering his face with his hands.
Momo laughed a little.
"It's okay, did you wanna make your ass look good or what?" Momo joked.
Todoroki nodded, his face still in his hands.
"Oh shit, I was just joking, but, alright." Momo chuckled.
The two were looking at the pants and some shirts.
"What about this one." Momo asked, holding up a pair of dress pants that were high waisted. Tighter at the top and more loose at the bottom, it was a cute pair of pants.
Todoroki nodded, loving the material.
"I just need a shirt." He whispered, scanning everything till one caught his attention.
"What about this one?" Momo asked, holding up black turtle neck with long sleeves.
Todoroki took it from Momo's hand, feeling the material, he liked it.
Todoroki nodded, a small smile on his face.
"Great, you wanna try it on?" Momo asked, pointing at the dressing rooms.
He nodded.
*minutes later*
"Wow, you look great."
"I know."
Todoroki was looking at himself in the mirror, very satisfied with the way the pants fit him.
He turned to the side, checking if the arch of his back is displayed nicely, he then turn away from the mirror, looking at his back image, seeing that the curve of his ass was noticeable, he loved it.
"Are you buying that?" Momo asked.
Todoroki nodded, getting back into the dressing room to take everything off.
He came out of the room, the shirt and pants on his arm, ready to go pay.
"Ok, I just sent the message." Mina whispered, Jirou nodded.
"Okay everyone! Kirishima is gonna be here any minute! Start hiding!" Mina yelled.
Everyone started hiding under the table, in the kitchen, behind the couches, in the restroom, behind the drumset, well, Bakugou telling them to go hide somewhere else.
As soon as everyone wasn't seen, Jirou turned off the lights, going back to her hiding place.
A couple of minutes later, commotion was being heard outside, the door job turned.
Everyone held their breaths.
The lights turned on and every one came out of their hiding spot, yelling "Happy Birthday."
Kirishima's face lit up, thinking that his friends might have forgotten.
"Wow, thanks!" Kirishima yelled.
"Okay! We need to set something else up, then we can start the music." Mina whispered to Jirou, going to the garage.
Kirishima was easily distracted by everyone's birthday wishes, having short conversations with a few people.
Todoroki took that time to change in the bathroom, coming out with a stunning outfit.
Some boys and girls staring at him walk over to his friends, checking out his back image.
There was a loud, very high picked noise coming form the other end of the room.
Everyone looked over, covering their ears.
"Hi everyone, thank you for coming to Kirishima's birthday party, we have a song set up for him, so, enjoy the show." Mina yelled.
Everyone cheering them on.
Jirou went up to the microphone, taking a deep breath.
"One, two, one, two, three, four."
The guitarists going starting the song, Jirou singing softly into the microphone, Bakugou waiting for his queue.
As soon as he counted "four" for the 5th time, he started playing his drums, suprising some people, others playing attention to Jirou's singing.
Kirishima was at the front, his face so bright, Bakugou was content because of that.
From a distance, Todoroki was also suprised at Bakugou's drumming, but he was mainly paying attention his his muscles flexing.
Bakugou only had on a black tank top, with his back jeans.
Todoroki's mouth went watering, not being able to focus on the song. He looked at Bakugou's concentrated face, staring for a while.
Bakugou ended up making eye contact with the two colored haired man, seeing as he turned away immediately, his face turning pink.
He smirked, while he was playing his drums, he checked him out.
Not being able to take his eyes away from the bottom half of Todoroki's body, almost messing up in his part but soon, putting himself back together.
Todoroki looked back at the blonde spickey haired, hot headed male.
The song ended, everyone clapping and cheering.
"Happy birthday Kirishima!" Mina yelled into the microphone.
"Thank you!"
Everyone was now doing their own thing in the party, enjoying themselves.
Todoroki went into the bathroom, trying to cook himself off.
He splashed his face with water, looking back up at the mirror, seeing Bakugou right behind him.
"The hell are you doing in here." Todoroki asked, backing himself up on the sink.
"I saw you staring." Bakugou mumbled, not so subtly checking him out.
"W-what are you saying?" Todoroki blushed, not being able to make eye contact with the male in front of him.
"Please, don't act stupid."
"How did you know I was staring? Did someone tell you or were you staring too?" Todoroki asked.
"I was staring too, don't get me wrong you look fucking hot." Bakugou blurted.
Todoroki's eyes went wide, not expecting to recieve a compliment from Bakugou.
"Thank you." He whispered.
"No thank you, I've been waiting for this you know?" Bakugou smirked, putting his head back, leaning on the cold bathroom wall.
Before Todoroki knew, he was pinned on the wall, Bakugou's lips right on his.
"B-Bakugou~." Todoroki moaned, placing his hands on Bakugou's hair, pulling it.
The two went at it, practically eating eachother's faces.
The two let go, Todoroki trying to catch his breath, while Bakugou attacked his neck with tons of kisses and biting.
It was funny really, the two hardly spoke to eachother and now their making out in their friend's bathroom.
They went as far as grinding on eachother. Bakugou lifted Todoroki off the ground, one hand on his ass and the other on his upper thigh. Bakugou groped the precious globes, Todoroki whimpering at the action.
Bakugou placed Todoroki on the sink, placing himself in between his thighs. Bakugou kept his hands on Todoroki's waist as the two kept on eating eachother's faces.
The two pulled away immediately, Bakugou groaning at the interruption, Todoroki hiding his face in Bakugou's shoulder.
"Of course had to be you fucking Deku, ever heard of knocking?" Bakugou asked, reading to kill the green haired boy.
"I-I'm sorry but Kirishima-."
"Midoryia-, HOLY SHIT.!" Mina yelled, covering her mouth with her hands.
"What's going on-, OH MY GOD!" Kirishima yelled, smiling afterwards.
"Bakugou! You finally did it!"
"Get the hell out!" Bakugou yelled.
"You two were about to fuck on my birthday!" Kirishima laughed.
The three that interrupted left the other two alone.
Now they were in awkward silence. Bakugou kept his hands on Todoroki's thighs, Todoroki looking at the ground.
"Hey." Bakugou mumbled.
Todoroki raise his head, not making eye contact with the blonde haired man.
"Don't be embarrassed, just forget this happened." Bakugou whispered, going towards the door.
"Forget about it?" Todoroki asked.
"You want me to forget that I just had the best makeout session with my crush?" Todoroki asked.
Bakugou turned around, "you like me?"
"Well no shit, I wouldn't haven given in if it wasn't you." Todoroki blushed, playing with his sleeves.
Bakugou turned around, he went over to Todo, who was still sat on the sink.
Instead of another heated makeout session, Bakugou hugged him.
"Go out with me?"
Todoroki smiled, "sure."
"Are y'all done-."
"I swear to GOD if another person comes in without knocking I'm gonna blow their head off!"
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