《NCT -Imagines, Scenarios, Reactions, etc.-》💙Haechan×Reader💙


Donghyuck Werewolf & Vampire AU

You closed your umbrella as you entered the dark, shaded house.

"You get a tan yet Y/N?" asked your friend Jisung jokingly.

"Jisung, I'm not in the mood. I just wanted to sleep in today, not fight the others."

"Wow, feisty much?" Jeno entered and ruffled your hair.

"Yah! Listen up!" called your gang leader, Taeyong, "you know why you're here, so let's stop the chit-chat and get going!" Another member of the group tapped on Taeyong's shoulder and spoke, "umm...what is it again that we're doing?"

"Oh my gosh Lucas!!!" Everyone exclaimed at the same time.

"To find the hurried treasure of course," you said rolling your eyes.

"Since when did we become pirates? Aren't we vampires?" Lucas asked.

"Lucas, sweetie, you're lucky you are pretty," Ten said, patting Lucas on the back.

"Let's go!!" Taeyong said rushing every immortal out of the house.

On the way there you had to explain to Lucas that you all were going to fight the wolves, again. Ever since your gang moved into the area, the wolves have been at war with you all, claiming their territory. Obviously you guys decided to tussle with them, you were here to stay. But lately, you weren't really sure that what you were doing was right.

"We're here," Taeyong said, handing everyone a packet of blood, these are basically juice boxes for vamps like you. By the time you got to the right part of the woods, the sun was down and the full moon was out. The full moon meant that the wolf pack was going to be super crazy and strong. Of course a battle can't be started without a formal meeting right? The leader of the pack steeped out from behind a bush on all four and stood up on two legs,

"It seems that you have finally arrived."

"Why wouldn't we, Taeil?" Taeyong stepped in front of him, nearly an inch of space was left between them.

"Back off," Taeil growled, literally.


"Woah, woah, woah, the fight hasn't started yet, take it easy man," Mark, a pretty nice wolf said, comforting Taeil.

"So why don't we start?" Kun -the quiet vampire- asked.

"Sounds good to me," Taeyong said and Taeil nodded, hatred birning in both of their eyes. At that point, all of the wolves transformed into their true forms, howling, and the vampires grew their fangs to a length that was sharper than any knife. You stood in the back just watching. Usually you would fight back, but again, today you really thought the whole biting back thing was useless. As you watched both gangs recieve equal amount of wounds, you felt someone ferociously scratch your back, leaving a gash behind.

"AHG!!!" you winced in pain, really feeling the sting. You turned around, an angry expression on your face, you saw that it had been Yuta who had slashed your back. His eyes were pure yellow and he was about to pounce onto you until one of his pack brothers tackled him to the ground.

"Don't mess with her!!!" You recognised the voice, it was Haechan, a wolf who had always caught your eye. His visuals were no joke, and speaking of jokes, his were amazing. He was so witty and cute- but he's a wolf...you aren't allowed to fall for them, but what if the whole vampires vs. werewolves thing was just total nonsense.

"What the hell, Haechan?!" Yuta said, trying to roll Haechan off of him, but he had him pinned stiffly to the forest floor.

"She is a vampire!" Yuta said, still struggling to get Haechan off.

"Well of course, but why do we have to fight her? Or even them?" You were stunned, someone felt the same as you? Wow. You're immortal and you have never met someone in your life that had agreed with your thinking. The brawl that was going on behind you had fell still and silent. Everyone's attention was on the two wolf brothers and you.

"I don't know why- I just know that they are our enemies and they think that they run the place so when need to destroy them all!!!" Taeil and the rest of the pack came over to seperate the two. Taeyong stepped up and asked,


"So, are we going to continue?"

"Hachan, sit this one out. Go home." Taeil commanded. He gave a signal that meant the fight was resumed. You stepped back and fell, but was caught by- Haechan? He wasn't in his wolf form, and he held you bridal style.

"I have a nice catch, huh?" It sounded like he was flirting but you didn't think of it like that at the time.

"Wh-what are you doing?" you asked, trying to hold in the tears that you wanted to spill as you felt your back start stinging again.

"Getting us out of here."


"Well, someone lile yourself shouldn't be in a bloody battle like this one. Also your back isn't looking to good, no offense."

"Oh," is all you said as he set you down and transformed again, he told you to sit on his back and hold on tight as he ran to somewhere you have never been to before. It was a quiet place, very dark, but you could still see the moonlight shine through the many trees. There was a bench to sit on but this place wasn't a park.

"Haechan, where are we?" you asked as he set you off of his back on to the bench.

"Hey call me Donghyuck, and um. This place is where I come to cool off, you know like when you just need some alone time to think."

"Oh, okay."

"I'm going to get a first aid kit Y/N, I will be back in no time." He ran off fast and like he said, in no time, he was back. He transformed back into a human and sat next to you on the bench. You couldn't help but look at him, his cute nose, his soft eyes, his beauty marks, and everything about him seemed all the more admirable at that moment. He was opening the kit and rumadging through it to find the right studd to treat your wound.

"Found it!" He said with a nice smile and he turned to you, only to find you staring right at him.

"What? Is something wrong?" he asked.

"Huh? No- no not at all."

"Okay," he chuckled, "now may I see your cut?"

"It's a little more than just a cut, but sure," you giggled a bit.

"Oof. Yuta really didn't go easy on you. That jerk."

'Oof' was right, that gash stung so bad once Donghyuck put on the alcohol to clean it. You were constantly whining about the pain, and he kept apologizing for it. When he was finally finished, he pacled the kit back up and stuffed it away under the bench.

"So, Y/N, what's it like being a vampire?"

"Uh, it's a pain sometimes. You know, I don't get to go to the beach on a sunny day," you smiled which caused him to do the same.

The rest of the night was spent just talking, about everything. From TV shows to just life in general, you two talked about everything. You really enjoyed the time you had with Donghyuck and you wanted to have that forever.

"Donghyuck, I like you," you confessed to him, laying your head on his chest. You could hear his heartbeat begin to speed up and then slow it's pace.

"I like you too, Y/N," he wrapped his arm around you and brought your body closer to his, "will you be mine?"

"Yes, I will," you lifted up your head for a split second to lay a kiss on Donghyuck's cheek. You layed your head down on his chest again, but then he called your name,

"Y/N, look," you turned to him and he kissed you on the lips. You kissed back, and hoped that this moment would last forever.



Thank you for the request, hopefully I didn't write like Shakespeare and sorry for taking a bit~💕💞💖💞💕

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