《Cold || 黃仁俊 ✓》twenty three


"Don't you think that it's cute." Soobin spoke as all the three friends looked over at him.

"What demon possessed him today? Suddenly saying this is cute, that is cute. Scary." Beomgyu stated as he shivers at his spot seeing Soobin act all weird.

"Gyu you could've just asked him what was cute, instead of saying if he got possessed you know?" Lia shaking her head in disbelief.

"Thank you Lia." Soobin smiles at her before he stuck his tongue out at Beomgyu.

"What's cute?" Lily asked again.

"I was just thinking about you and Renjun. Don't you think that it's cute that he likes to draw you, whilst you like to write about him. I don't know I just find it really adorable." He explains to them.

"Now that I think about it, it is really cute. Damn soobin, how'd you even think about this." Lia agreeing with him as the taller lad could only shrug.

"Don't know, the idea just flew around in my head."

"You know whats cute? Soobin and the detention that he has to attend to after school." Beomgyu spoke up as it made Lia and Lily laugh. His efforts to make fun of him made the taller lad angry as he hits his shoulders.

"Like you're not also going to detention for talking to me during class you idiot." He fires back as this time Beomgyu was the one who was taken aback by his words.

--- ⛅


The chair besides Lily being pulled backwards as someone had just arrived. The person placed their bag down on the table, catching her attention as she looks beside her. Being met with none other than her boyfriend; renjun.

"What are you doing here?" She questions him once he had sat down on the chair.


"I was trying to find you, you wouldn't pick up my calls." He frowns at her, giving her that devastated look.

"My phone is off and besides, we're in the library Injun. No noise allowed shh!" She tells him and quiets him down at the end.

"You could've at least sent me a text tt you were in the library. I was running around the school like a mad person trying to find you." He complains as be lays his chin on her left shoulders. Just staring at the girl as she continues to read her book.

"Alright then my bad. I'll make sure to contact you next time. But genuinely speaking, what are you planning to do now that you're in the library with me?" She asks as he only shrugs.

"Don't know, just stare at you as you read. I wouldn't get bored." He replies, still staring at her as she concentrates on her reading.

"Why don't you read something Shortie! Ease your mind a bit by reading a book from time to time." Lily suggested as she hands him over the book that was in one of her piles.

He gives her a disgusted look.

"Reading a book would definitely NOT ease my mind but drive me more insane." He scoffs as he opens the book in discomfort.

"Lily, just looking at these words is already making me sick." He points at the first page in utter displease as she only rolls her eyes tiredly at him.

"You haven't even read the first sentence yet Injun. Stop being a baby and read it." She tells him off as he yet again frowns before burying his face in the pages of the book. Trying to read the first few lines.


They sat there reading in peace, enjoying the tranquil atmosphere. Ah how the peace and quiet was so enjoyable--

"Arghh Lily this book is boring!!" He whines as it interrupted her few minutes of silence. She let's out a defeated sigh.

"You're the boring one!" She argues back. Closing her book in annoyance as she faces him. Seeing Renjun with his chin laid down on the table as he flips the pages in the book from boredom.

"This book is so boring you don't understand! How do you even manage to read everyday for hours even??" Renjun continues to whine.

"I don't know. I just got used to this lifestyle, maybe reading isn't your thing." She said.

"You just noticed that now??" Her boyfriend exclaims.


"sorry." Renjun getting up as he bowed apologetically to everyone. He then sat back down and faced Lily with a sunken look on his face. Laying his chin back on his girlfriends shoulders.

"I'm bored and I'm not going to read any of the books here." He stated.

An idea came into her head. Lily taking what seems to be her journal out of her bag as she hands it over to Renjun.

"Read this instead. Soobin said its cute how you like to draw me in your spare time and that I also like to write about you. Um I'm trying to be an aspiring writer in the future and would write when I have nothing else to do. Whether you want to read what I wrote or not is completely up to you." She explains to him. Renjun's eyes shimmering when hearing this as he immediately puts his attention on her journal. The cover of the book decorated with a picture of her and her brother when they were younger.

"I'll read it!" He said in enthusiasm before opening the book and burying his face behind the pages.


--- 🌧

"Where'd you want to go now?" Renjun asked once the two were done reading at the library. It had came to the end of the school day.

"I was planning to go home since i have nothing to do after school, but if you have any plans or ideas of where you want to go after this then I'm up." His girlfriend replies as the two couples were now walking towards the parking lot.

"In fact I do have something in mind. How about we go do some karaoke, how does that sound?"

"I'm literally the worst singer in the world. I'm going to embarrass myself." Lily spoke as she sits down on the couch. The two of them now in their own booth.

"You can't be that bad. I'll go first then, so you'd feel comfortable around me when it's your turn to sing." He said as he then proceeded to choose a song of his liking.

"Which song are you choosing?" She asks him. Renjun facing her as he flashed her a warm smile.

"No.1 by BoA."

"You're still my no.1

널 찾지 말아줘 나의 슬픔 가려줘

저 구름 뒤에 너를 숨겨 빚을 닫아줘

그를 어는 이 길이 내 눈물 모르게"


could we appreciate how soft and enduring Renjun's voice is. His voice is like honey and I could listen to it for day 😭

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