《Cold || 黃仁俊 ✓》two


[ 𝗯𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗲 ]

"You, take back your words." Renjun spoke. His blood boiling as he starts to lose his temper.

"No. I meant each and every word I said. You wanted an apology? I gave you one. But you chose to not accept it? Then suit yourself." She replied, about to walk past him when he blocked her way.

"Listen here Lennie-"

"Lennie? Who the hell is Lennie??" She said in confusion as he just threw her a look.

"Um, you." The lad pointed at her. Giving her the 'are you dumb, do you not know your own name?' type of look.

Her eyes widens at him in utter distrust.

"My name is Lily. Don't know any Lennie that you're talking about." She simply answers.

"Don't care, didn't ask. Listen here . You just ruined my school uniform, how am I supposed to go on with my day when my shirt is fully drenched in hot chocolate. Not to mention that you burnt my fucking hands." He declared, staring down at her in fury. Lily on the other hand just start at him emotionless. The look on her face seemingly not changing.

"I don't know, take it off or something? It really isn't my problem. You were the one who bumped into me. Why, do you want me to wash your school uniform or get you a new one hah?!" Her anger seeming to match his as she grew irritated of the situation.

Renjun clicked his tongue in annoyance before mumbling a few words to himself.


She let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"." The girl retorted. Renjun looking at her in aghast. Taken aback that she could understand him.

"SWEET LILY'S I THINK THATS ENOUGH FOR TODAY. HAHAHA, SORRY RENJUN. WE'RE GOING TO BE LEAVING NOW, come on Lily I'll buy you a new drink. Just don't get close to him, he's scary." Soobin interrupted. Laughing nervously as he slowly pulls Lily away from Renjun. The older lad just glaring at them.


"Ya you Lily girl, don't think that I'm done with you!" He shouts. Lily looking back as she shows him the middle finger.

"LILY!!" Soobin cries in fear, dragging her away from the scene as fast as possible.

-- ☆

"Lily what were you thinking trying to pick a fight with him?!" Soobin wails. The three friends were now back in their table as they enjoyed their lunch.

"I wasn't!! He started it, what's his problem?? Got anger issues much." Lily whines as she angrily took a bite of the strawberry cake that Lia had gotten her.

"Yes but still, Renjun is really um... really scary. Don't wanna mess with him. What if you were his next target?" Lia tried to reason as she was only replied with a shrug.

"Ok so? If he wants to fight with me then so be it."

Her two friends could only shake their heads in disbelief. Oh Lily, you are one weird soul.

--- 🌤

Opening up the door to the art room as Renjun entered the classroom. He examines the classroom to see it already being filled with students. That is until his eyes caught a particular figure who was busy taking all her things out of her bag.

"What the hell is she doing here?! Since when was she in my art class?? " Renjun panics when seeing her. He quickly went over to his seat that was by the window. Going through the rows of students rapidly as he tried to avoid her.

Well he thought that he succeeded of trying to not catch her attention. But of course he failed. Oh so miserable.

Once Lily was done taking her necessities out of her bag, she looked up to see Renjun walking past. The two of them holding quick eye contact, neither of them refusing to look away.

That is until Lily broke the eye contact and looked away from him. "Weirdo stop holding eye contact with me. Its creepy." She spoke as he clicks his tongue in annoyance.

Renjun then going over to his seat and sitting down.

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