《Cold || 黃仁俊 ✓》one


Tired, is what's best to describe Lily's current mood right now. Trying her best to keep her heavy head up as she continously slipped in and out of sleep. Wanting to so badly lay her head down on the table and sleep away for eternity.

"Why am I so tired? I literally slept so early last night." Lily thought to herself before letting out a small yawn.

Lily I don't think that sleeping at 2am is considered as 'early.'

Xu Lili, or better known as Lily. A girl with a yet feisty personality. She's seen as an emotionless girl. Is she really though? Or is she just seen as someone who can't portray any emotions because of that thick ice that covers her whole body. Hard to break her out of her iceberg and set her free. Could this all have a reasoning behind it?

"Psst Lily, are you alright?" Her seat mate asked. She slowly but languidly looked over to her right to see her friend Lia. Having a very concerned look on her face, worried if anything was wrong with her dear friend since she kept drowsing off.

Lily could only shake her head at her. Wanting to show her a reassuring smile, to show her that she was alright but her lips refused to move. She could only sigh.

"I'm fine Lia. Just a bit tired." Was the answer that Lia needed to know that her friend was okay.

"Don't be afraid to tell me if anything is wrong ok?" Her dear friend patted her shoulders in consolation as Lily nodded her head a yes.

"Alright students please take your textbook out and go to page..." The teachers voice slowly drowns as his words turns into muffling. Lily falling into a slumber as her eyes denied to stay awake.


That is until she was abstractly awoken by a loud noise. The girl flinching in her seat as she was now wide awake. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looks over at the person whom had just woken her up.

"Mr. Huang, how nice of you to join us today in class. Fifteen minutes late." The teacher stated firmly. Staring at the boy who had just arrived as they gave him a look of disappointment. They were disappointed by his behaviours, but weren't surprised at all.


. You could say that he was a bit of a trouble maker since he's always getting into conflicts.

The way the lad dressed was disorganised. It looked like he had just came to school straight out of bed. Hair all messy as he didn't bother to comb it, one of his buttons untied as his body was wrapped around a black jacket. Not apart of the school uniform, breaking the rules as usual. There was also a speck of blood across his lips. Renjun quickly rubbing it off as he made a displeased look. Him probably wincing from the pain.

"Sorry, I guess??" He apologises.

You guess?? What sort of apology is that.

All the teacher could do was shake his head in disbelief.

"*sigh* just get to your seat. But please Renjun, could you at least come to class on time for once? It's your last year of highschool so please use your time for this school year wisely." The teacher ended their statement there. He just stared at the teacher with no sense of remorse what so ever.

"We'll see one day." Renjun answers before making his way to his seat.

Walking over to the back of the class as he walks past Lily. She side eyes him before putting her attention to the front. Laying her chin in the palms of her hands as she tried to pay attention.

"How troublesome. "

---- 🌨

"Lily are you coming along?" Lia exclaims from outside the classroom. Her question made Lily pack her things quickly. Placing it all inside her bag in a hurry as she struggles to zip it back close. "Coming!" She runs out of the classroom as she closes the door since she was the last person to leave the room.

"Why are we in such a hurry anyways?" Lily asks. Really eager to know why Lia was in such a rush to head to the cafeteria.

"They're having strawberry cake today. I want to get my hands on one as well! We can't be late!" Her friend said in enthusiasm before she took a hold of Lily's hands and bolted towards the cafeteria.

"Ya slow down!"


"About time the two of you arrived. You guys are so mean, leaving me alone and made me look like a loner for ten whole minutes." Soobin stated. Their taller friend exaggerates as he proceeded to take a bite of his food with a frown on his face.


"It was only for ten minutes geez." Lia casually rolls her eyes at him as she was replied with an annoyed scoff from the male.

"Anyways I'll be lining up to get some strawberry cake. I'll get two for Lily as well." Said Lia. About to leave again when Lily interrupted her.

"Lia you don't have to. It's fine I just won't be having lunch today."

Both her friends immediately glaring at her in disapproval.

"No objections!" The two Choi's spoke in unison. The girl was a bit taken aback.

She just sighs in defeat, not wanting to argue with her friends any longer.

"Alright fine." Her answer bringing a smile across her friends faces.

"I'll be going now." Lia then leaving the table as she heads towards the (semi) long line.

"Lily." Soobin called out, this making the girl look forward at him who was sitting down across the table from her. She gave him a hum in reply. Waiting for him to continue speaking.

"Me and Lia are worried about you ok? We're not trying to be mean whenever you decide to not want to eat. Your health is important and you should take care of yourself. If you're not going to take care of yourself then me and Lia will. We'll always make sure that you're eating your meals on time and atleast consume something for the day. You're really important to us, so please..." He spoke to her with the softest voice. It was only reasonable that they were worried about her.

His words warming the girls cold heart as she tried to show him a smile, yet her lips refused to move again.

"Don't worry Soobin. As long as the two of you are still alive, I'm not going anywhere. The both of you are stuck with me for life." She replied. Her friend's weary state changing rather quickly as he was now smiling from ear to ear after hearing her response.

"Ya you better keep that promise!" He crosses his hands, trying to tease her and making it seem as if he was still mad.

Lily only rolling her eyes at him jokingly.

"I'll make sure too. Oh if you don't mind, I want to order myself a drink. I'll be right back." She said before leaving their table.

"Here's your hot chocolate."

"Thank you so much." The girl quickly paying before taking a hold of her drink and making her way back to her table.

She struggles to get past the sea of students as the cafeteria was increasingly getting filled up with people.

"Excuse me,, pardon me,, could you please make way?"


Someone bumping into her hard which resulted in her hot chocolate spilling onto the person and on the ground.

"Noo my hot chocolate." Lily cries to herself in the inside. What a waste. She looked up in anger to see whom the person who had bumped into her was. Her being met with the eyes of the devil himself.

"That fucking burns. Hey do you not have eyes or something?!" Renjun exclaims. The lad wincing in pain as lily could see his arms burning red from the impact of the hot drink. His uniform was as well ruined and dirty (as if it wasn't even dirty since the beginning of the day).

"Well sorry, I guess?" She replied coldy. Using the same method that he used to apologise to the teacher in the morning.

"You guess???? Where's the sincerity in that?!" He questions her in anger. Not wanting to accept the fact that a random girl had just spilled her stupid hot chocolate drink on him.

"But the thing is. It wasnt meant to be sincere in the first place. You were the one who bumped into me first, so you should be the one apologising. Besides, you don't like it do you when someone apologises to you like that? Serves you right you asshole." Lily spat at him.

And that's when moment's of mayhem started.

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