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Indigo sat in her room humming to the soft voice of Giveon playing in as she painted her walls. She was currently re-painting one of her walls. Indigo normally repainted her walls every other month as a reflection of her mood.
Dipping the thin paintbrush in water she wiped it on a towel before using it to clean the edges of the heart she just painted. Suddenly the door opened and Violet walked in before laying on his twin sister's bed without saying anything.
Dropping the paintbrush she straight faced him, "Go close my door". He stared at her before smacking his teeth, shutting the door.
"What you want", she asked him as Violet came to sit next to her as he laid out on her lap. Letting out a sigh, he pulls on one of his sister's curls as he says, "I'm hungry". Indigo side eyed him before saying, "So go get some food".
"Mane ion wanna go by myself. Come wimme", he pleaded with his twin. Violet seemed to have a fear of being abandoned and a slight case of separation anxiety. He was very possessive and craved attention.
As a result he loved being under his twin. He adored her more than life itself. Indigo was in a way his hold and connection to the world. If you see Violet you saw Indigo, it was rare to see them apart from each other.
Nodding she patted her twin's face signaling him to get off her. Indigo hummed to I Lose Me by Layton Green as she moved her bushes into the box. "Gimme a second", as she grabbed a sweater from her closet.
Violet looked at her outfit before laughing saying, "Stop stealing my shit". His sister was wearing his sweatpants and sweater. She stuck out her tongue at him before grabbing her phone pausing the music playing as she plugged her phone out her speaker.
"TT we going out", she yelled before she heard her aunt reply back. She walked with her twin to the store a few blocks away.
"I am not fly, I am levitation, I represent an entire generation. I hear the criticism loud and clear. That is how I know that the time is near. So we become alive in a time of fear. And I ain't got no muthafuckin' time to spare", she randomly rapped a verse from Fly by Nicki Minaj.
Violet looked at his sister laughing as he held the door open for her. Indigo was someone who acted randomly when she got close to someone. She became a weirder version of herself.
As they walked in the store Violet went to the counter as Indigo went to the back. She grabbed a bag of cotton candy and a hot pickle. She attempted to walk to the back where the drinks were located before she saw the crowd.
By the freezers a group of people, mostly boys were conversing. Indigo shifted nervously pulling on her hair. She still struggled with being around a lot of people, especially boys. Taking out her phone she pretended to text someone so they wouldn't speak to her.
Walking in their direction she went to the Snapples and reached for a Mango Madness. As she opened the freezer she could hear everyone go quiet. She nervously pulled on her hair as she heard someone say something before everyone started laughing.
Indigo can feel her eyes water up before she quickly blinked back the tears. She hated the fact that her social anxiety made her so awkward around people it made her not want to go out at all.
As she tried to walk away she felt someone grab her arm. Flinching she pulled her arm as she turned around her face instantly going into a mug. "Aye shawty can I get your number", said one of the boys as he licked his lips.
Indigo twiddled with her fingers before gently shaking her head replaying, "No thanks". The boy smacked his teeth saying, "You a dark ass bitch anyway".
This is one of the main reasons Indigo hated going out. For some reason men had difficulties accepting rejection. It's crazy how many women die because men felt the need to kill them over rejection.
Before Indigo can say anything she felt a presence behind her. "Who a bitch", Violet said tilting his head to the side. Indigo let out a sigh, her brother had a bad temper and always was always trying to fight someone.
"She a bitch", the boy said with a smirk leaning against the freezers. Violet pushed his sister behind him as his hand went to the gun hidden in his pants. Indigo looked around at the other five boys to see that they all had guns discreetly hidden in their pants.
"Come on Vi", she nervously pulled on his arm as the other boy pulled out his own gun. She knew this was a situation that they could not win. Violet looked down at his twin before he put the gun back in his pants.
As much as he wanted to murk them niggas he knew that his sisters safety comes first. The last thing he wanted was for her to get caught in the middle of gun fire. "Don't sleep with your eyes closed tonight",he warns, smirking at them.
Grabbing his sister by her hand he pulls her to the cashier where he pays for her food. They then take the ten minute walk back to their house.
Indigo walks back to her room slipping off her sneakers, placing them by the door in her room. Going to her bathroom she looks at her reflection in the mirror to see a tear slowly slide down her face.
Shaking her head she quickly cleans it off her face. Indigo hates crying, she wants to be strong like her brother. But sometimes people's words do get to her. Like the darkie jokes. She knew she was dark skinned and did love her melanated skin. But it was hard to hear people say things like that.
There was a time that looking into a mirror and seeing her reflection disgusted her. Society's expectations seemed to control everyone. Indigo grew to realize that she can't please or satisfy everyone. Someone gonna have something to say about you.
Shaking the thoughts out her head, she turned on the sink washing her hands. Drying them on her towel she exited the bathroom closing the door behind her.
"You good", Violet asked her, squinting his eyes. Indigo nodded yes before grabbing her black bag. Sitting on the floor next to her twin she plugged her phone into her speaker before playing some Ann Marie.
Violet watches in disgust as his twin wraps cotton candy around the hot pickle, "You nasty as fuck for that", he says gagging. Indigo looked him up and down as she cut the pickle into smaller pieces.
"Here taste one", she says, shoving one of them in his face. Violet smacks it out her hand causing the small piece to hit the floor. Indigo looks up her mouth wide open, "Why did you do that", she whines as her eyes water up.
Violet straight faces her, "I know you not about to cry". Indigo sniffs her nose wiping the tears that slipped out her eyes, "I was gonna eat that".
Her twin starts laughing, "NiNi please go somewhere". Huffing Indigo grabbed her plate getting up from the floor in her room, "Imma just go somewhere I'm appreciated", she says as she walks out the room.
Violet rolled his eyes knowing that she will be back in a few seconds. Just as he thought his sister walked back in the room a few seconds later. "I'm only in here cause I need to get ready to go out with Seven".
"I thought you done with him", Violet asks as he eats a wing. Before he could blink a shoe came flying in his direction. "Mcht I was just asking a question".
"We going out as friends", Indigo explains from her mirror table. "But does he know that", he asked as he looked for something to watch on tv.
"You in my business? Don't do that".
After their talk last week Indigo suggested that they start over as friends. Sev of course didn't like that idea but agreed with it anyway. Sev thought it was pointless. They both liked each other and knew it so what's the point of walking around pretending to be friends.
However Indigo has a strong belief in truth and honesty. She believes the relationship is pointless if they can't trust each other fully. In her eyes it will be better to just start over.
"Take my picture", she says passing her phone to her twin. Shaking his head he replies, "Answer my question first". Smacking her teeth she walks downstairs with him trailing after her.
"Yea I think", she hesitantly says as she takes a seat by the kitchen island. He takes the phone from her hand in satisfaction from the answer.
"Hi I'm peppa pig and this is my brother george", Indigo says in a fake british accent as she sits across from Sev. He let out a laugh as he watched her antics. They were sitting at a restaurant eating.
Indigo used her fork to pick some of Sev's alfredo off his plate. He mugged her, "You have a whole plate of food, eat that". Indigo's face formed into a pout as her bottom lip stuck out, "But yours taste better".
"Za'Niyah, you asked for that", he referred to the salmon and rice on her plate. Indigo sighed as she scooted closer to Sev. He pulled her closer with his arm allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder.
Placing a kiss on her forehead Sev pushed some of her curls from covering her eyes. Sev hesitated for a second before starting to speak, "Imma be honest with you for a second. I'm not used to these types of feelings and it's lowkey scaring me".
Sev was not a relationship person, it just was not his thing. Indigo was the first real girlfriend he had. The rest of the girls he messed with were just fuck buddies. Sev probably won't admit it but he really liked Indigo. She was different from any of the other girls that he has messed with.
"I'm scared too. But it's okay, we can figure it out together", Indigo said as she smiled warmly at him. Grabbing her face he gently placed a kiss on her lip with a slight smile on his face.
"You ready", he questioned her. Indigo nodded her head as he paid the bill and left a tip on the table. Holding Indigo's hand he helped her out the chair.
The couple walked out the store and around the corner to the roller skating rink. Thankfully it was not that full and there seemed to be plenty of space on the rink.
Lights were flashing in various colors as kids and adults alike skated around the link. A few couples were around the rink holding on to their respective partners as they steadily made their way on the rink.
The crowd of people was stirring up her anxiety slightly. Big crowds did still make Indigo nervous. But Sev's presence seemed to tame it and make her calmer.
Indigo observed the rink spotting out the exit doors scattered around the area. One thing her parents taught her before they passed was to always know the nearest exit. If anything happened to go wrong she will already have an escape plan in mind.
After Sev paid for their tickets they grabbed their skates and sat down by the benches. Indigo sighed in frustration, "I don't know how to put these on", she says with a frown as she struggled with her skates. Sev patted his lap signaling for her to place her feet there. In a few seconds he laced up both skates.
Sev skated around the rink as Indigo held on tight to the railings. He gestured for her to come out as he spinned into a figure eight. Indigo frantically shook her head holding on to the railing tighter, "I'm scared".
Laughing Sev skates to her taking her hold of her hand as he pulls her into the rink. "Push out with one foot and glide with the other", he instructs her as keeps a hold onto one of her hands.
Indigo nervously follows his instructions pushing out her right foot before sliding on her left foot. "Don't let go", she told Sev as she gripped on his hand tighter. "I gotchu", he reassured her.
It took a few more tries for Indigo to be able to do it smoothly, but she eventually got a hang of it. "Imma let go now okay", Sev told her. Indigo nodded as she attempted to skate by herself. She made it halfway around the rink before she fell.
Sev instantly started laughing at the sight of Indigo stumbling before she fell hitting the floor. "It's not funny", she frowned as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Stop pouting", he told her as he helped her off the floor.
The couple continued to skate around the rink. Well Indigo skated while Sev showed off doing tricks. Call Out My Name by The Weekend softly started playing.
We found each other
I helped you out of a broken place
You gave me comfort
Sev wrapped his arms around his girlfriend as she instinctively cuddled into his chest. As she inhaled his scent of cologne and weed she let out a small smile. The couple rocked back and front as they slowly skated around.
But falling for you was my mistake
I put you on top, I put you on top
I claimed you so proud and openly
And when times were rough, when times were rough
I made sure I held you close to me
Indigo lifted up her head to see Sev staring at her, his dark brown eyes seeming to pierce into her soul with no remorse. Feeling butterflies start to erupt in her stomach she turned her head to the side to avoid his gaze. Sev then pulled her face towards him as he placed a kiss on her lips.
So call out my name (call out my name)
Call out my name when I kiss you so gently
"Where we going now?", Indigo questioned as she entered the car looking at Sev who was holding the door open for her. "Issa surprise", Sev said as he drove the car.
Indigo looked at his hand that was resting on her thigh before she looked away blushing. Seeing her phone lighting up she unlocked it before she went to Instagram.
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she's wearing the smile I gave her ❤️
Indigo smiled of the cation of the picture that they had taken earlier in the day. Looking up she saw that the car stopped and placed her phone back in her pocket. "Where are we", she asked as she took off her seatbelt.
"Girl just get out the car", Sev laughed holding the door open for her. Holding her hand he led her to the door of a house knocking. The door was opened by an energetic young girl.
Indigo recognized her as Sev's little sister. "Hi, did you come back to do my hair", Eleven asked with a smile showing off the small missing space where a tooth was missing from.
"She will play with you later Levy. Where's mommy", Sev asked as they entered the house. Indigo took off her shoes leaving them at the door before following after her boyfriend and his little sister.
They walked into the living room where a woman who looked like an identical copy of Levy was sitting. "Hey mommy", Sev said, letting go of Indigo's hand to give his mom a hug.
"Who's this pretty lady", she said smiling at Indigo. Indigo smiled at the compliment before sticking her hand out to the older lady respectfully introducing herself. Pushing her hand away the older lady wrapped her into a hug, "Call me Meredith", she said smiling.
Sev and his little sister made their way out the room to play leaving Indigo with their mom.
"You know my son really likes you. He's always going Indigo this Indigo that". Indigo laughed with a slight smile, "Really".
"Yes that boy is obsessed with you. I like you better than all those other treshes he brings around", she says waving her hand.
"Momma stop", Sev says as he walks back in the room with his sister in hand. "Boy stop before I bring out your baby pictures", his mom replies back.
Indigo smiled as she observed the happy family. She missed her's.
Thoughts on this chapter?
Part One is coming to an end so what y'all wanna see before it over?
maneee some of y'all are weird asf. I saw someone post I hope tooka beat von up. Then she goes "von deserved to get shoot". And ofc her dicksucking ass readers are agreeing with her.
Ofc the life he was living resulted in his death. But speaking on the dead is ode disgusting. This man had kids and family. Y'all wrong asf
It's crazy cause you write books with characters that live the same life as von. Some of em do stuff worse then von. In all your books it's a hood nigga that shoot and kill 😟.
It's nothing wrong with writing books like this cause I do have books like that. However that's ode hypocritical of you. How you gonna do the same thing you bashed someone else for doing?
anyway LLVon 💕. we not from 63 🕊
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A Broken World [Rewrite]
In a world of floating islands of stone in the sky, where rivers flow through the air and defy gravity from one island to another, and ancient ruins can be found containing wonders beyond what can be produced by the lands current inhabitants- a millenia long war rages. In the distant past, beyond recorded history, when the crown of humanity's glory, the city of Uri, had stood whole against the enroaching demon swarms- even as hope seemed lost, a band of heroes, against all odds, managed to steal powerful magical knowledge from the demons. With the demon's forbidden knowledge, in the heart of Uri a new ritual was made. Called, "The Millenial Summoning," the ritual had the power to call a being from another world that would have the power to change the world forever. The first being summoned became known as "The Speaker," and he brought the power of the Gods to the world. With the blessings and power of the new priests, the unstoppable demon hordes were finally halted. A thousand years later, the ritual was used again and "The First Sorceress" was brought to the world. She brought the knowledge of advanced magics, and techniques to find and refine magical talent. With the magic power now added to the battlefield, the stalemate was broken. And for the first time, the demons were pushed back. Another thousand years later, and all of humanites hope for a final victory were dashed. Traitors slew the ritual's participants and took their places, and humanity quaked as The Demon King stepped into the world. His name, his nature, where he came from none of these are known, but what is known is his overwhelming power and his brilliant strategic leadership of the formerly formless hordes. Still, despite their position being even more dire than it has ever been since history has been recorded, humanity held on for another thousand years. Aided, thankfully, by The Demon King not taking the field after the first few years and battles. Now, the ritual is being cast again and a new hero is being summoned. In our world, after nearly three decades of study and hard work, Lucas Jaeger is making his dreams come true. With a double doctorate in both genetics and microbiology, as well as an associates degree in accounting, he has finally, after nearly driving himself mad from stress and sick from overwork, been able to put to together a presentation and ask for a business loan. His long time dream, earned by his own blood and sweat, to start his own commercial genetic company is finally coming to fruition. Lucas's car never left the banks parking lot and Lucas was never seen again in our world. This is a rewrite of "A Broken World." It is basically the same story, just a thousand times better and with decent length chapters!
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Cosmic Bulldozing Team
"Welcome to the Cosmic Bulldozing Team! CBT for short... references to any other acronyms are purely coincidental." Breve has one exceptional gift: an inborn potential for Resurrection magic. The cost? Every other healing spell she casts is absolutely paltry in comparison to the rest of her race, making her family outcasts within her society. That potential alone, however, classes Breve as a Rank A Healer. By what metric? Well, by the crazy elf lady who’s about to destroy her planet. Wait, what? Here's the low-down: her planet has been targeted by the Cosmic Bulldozing Team, which, as their name suggests, operates in the apparently lucrative business of destroying planets. This comes with the unfortunate side-effect of also murdering everyone who lives there. And Breve would’ve been killed, too, if she hasn’t unintentionally passed their audition for a new healer. Unwillingly saved by the people who just annihilated everything Breve ever knew and loved, she’s dragged into a massive spaceship before, without a moment’s reprieve, being assigned missions to sally forth and commit the same atrocities on other planets. And with Breve's home lying in a pile of celestial bedrock, it seems that cooperating is the only option. And she will cooperate, or so help her, they'll send her back whence she came: into the void of space, where the smashed rubble of her planet now drifts along. "Buckle in, rookie: you've got some planetary destruction ahead of you." (Updates every 2 days.)
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pretty girl - technoblade ✓
IN WHICH they help eachotherorIN WHICH they're opposites, but you know what they say about that.-i put this together in maybe 3 seconds please forgive me :) but yknow, copyright laine_writes 2021, if you take this story from me i'll take your first born or something idk just don't steal my writing plscover by bluearuoras social media story(bits of irl)techno x fem!ocstarted: april 24th, 2021ended: november 11th, 2021bonus chapters completed: march 18, 2022this story remains up for now, and will stay up until future notice. rest in peace techno, i'll never forget what you've done for me and so many others.#1 in fanfiction #1 in fanfiction#1 in techno#1 in mcyt#1 in minecraft#1 in technoblade
8 143