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Thanksgiving | 5:15 p.m

Sev used his key to open the door to his mom's house. He can smell the refreshing smell of different foods as he enters. This year it was his mom's turn to host Thanksgiving so the house was packed. "Seven baby,do you remember me. The last time I saw you was when you were a baby", this old lady said hugging him.

Now how the fuck will I remember your old ass he thought in his head.

Instead of saying that he fake smiled and said, "Of course I do". The old lady smiled at him before patting his cheek and walking away. Old people were so weird to Sev, they were always touching on him. Like go die already, you've been here long enough.

Making his way to the kitchen he saw his mom sitting at the island with the rest of his aunts. "Hey Mom", he said leaning in to give her a side hug. His mom stood up to give him a full hug, "Look at you, getting all tall". Standing at a towering 6'3, Sev was considered tall. Sev has not spoken to his mother in a few weeks because they were not getting along. But they recently got back on good terms.

"Where is Eleven", Sev asked, referring to his younger sister. "In the back with the rest of the little kids", his mom said pointed towards the direction of the backyard. Sev nodded at his aunts before making his way to the backyard. In the backyard he looked at the little kids running around in disgust.

One thing about Sev is that he hated kids, the only child he liked was his sister. He was a proud member of fuck these kids. All they did was walk around and cry. Just a bunch of poor unemployed leeches feeding off people.


Sev looked around looking for his sister just to see her playing tag with some other kids. He walked in her direction and when she saw him her face lit up. "Hey Levy", he said, smirking at her. His sister ran in his direction and jumped on him, resulting in him wrapping his hands around her. Levy was her nickname because she hated being called Eleven.

It was a commonly known fact that Levy was obsessed with her brother, she was literally his best friend. Even though she was eight she did everything with him. However they had not seen each other in the past few weeks because he was beefing with his mom. "I missed you bubba", she said kissing his cheek. "Are you staying for dinner", she asked as she swung their entangled hands together.

Before Sev can even answer she continued talking saying, "Come sit". She then used his hand to drag him to a seat on the dining table where everyone else was sitting. She pushed him into a chair before sitting in the chair next to him. Her feet could barely touch the floor as she swung her feet back and front.

"So you're staying for dinner", his mom said, smiling at him. Before he can object and tell her no he wasn't, his sister jumped in saying, "Yes he is mommy". Mcht he thought in his head. He wanted to slap her so bad, but could not bring himself too.

He placed a mug on his facing hoping that everyone saw that as a sign to not talk to him, but of course they ain't get the hint. "Hey Seven", Diamond said. Diamond was one of his family friends. They were not blood related and she had this crush on him. Sev made it clear several times that he ain't want her hoe ass but she just doesn't get it.


"Don't call me that", he said before pulling out his phone and checking his phone. Diamond kept on trying to talk to him but Sev was fading her out. He was sick of seeing her ugly ass face. Going to messages he saw that he had one from Indigo and opened it.


Im actually 17.

Nah you look like 16

You have a baby face like a mf

Feeling someone breathing on him Sev turned his head to see Diamond looking in his phone. When she saw that he saw her, she quickly looked away. "Who is that", she questioned.

"Bi- you almost made me call you out your name. Stay out my phone". This is exactly why Sev hates coming over on thanksgiving, all these people were very always in his business. He just wants to eat and go.


Sev laid in his bed scrolling through Instagram. It has been a week since Thanksgiving dinner and school has already started again. His phone rang and just by the number he can tell that it was his dad.

"Hey son", his dad said. Sev's dad has been in jail for the last six years over a drug possession. They were really close so Sev was heartbroken when they went to jail. Since then he hated the system. There are murders walking free and his dad was in jail for a dime of weed.

"Wassup pops". Sev and his dad kept on talking until he heard the system say that they have 60 more minutes. "I love you Seven". Sev slightly smiled before saying, "Love you too".

Ending the call, Sev put his phone on the table next to him before turning off the lights and getting ready to sleep. Sev's quiet was interrupted by Sin walking into his room with Ria following after him. "Heyyy", Ria sang as she sat on his bed.

Sev made no hesitation in pushing her off the bed. "That was very rude of you", she said rolling her eyes. Sin dapped him up before asking, "Why the fuck is it so dark in here".

"Y'all act like you have no homes. Go home.", Sev said as he put the comforter over his eyes. Sin pretended to cry as he said, "So we not wanted for real. Oh wow, I see how it is". Ria sat down on the floor criss-cross applesauce style.

"I'm so deadass. Get out", Sev said with his eyes still closed. He then heard someone hissing their teeth and the door opening then closing. With that he made himself comfortable as he felt himself fading into sleep.

A few minutes later he heard the door open and close, "Ria get the fuck out", he mumbled. He turned around and saw that it was Indigo, "I thought you were Ria's ugly ass". Indigo let out a laugh as she sat on the edge of his bed, "Your sleeping", she questioned.

"Obviously", he mumbled before pulling her towards him. "Wait I don't want to go to sleep", she whined. Sev ignored her and started to doze off. Indigo shrugged as she traced on his tattoos. Eventually she faded off and fell asleep as she laid on his chest.


Hey. ignore the fact that this chapter is a lil late.😖

Thoughts on this chapter?

On Sev?

Sev and his sister?

Sev and his dad?

Sev and Indigo?

Yall like these short chapters three times a week or should i do one long one every week?

If I make a writers ig will yall follow it?

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