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Mal opened the door helping his very visibly pregnant wife out the care. Amethyst was now nine months pregnant and ready to pop at any moment. But Mal's mom invited them out to lunch. Mal didn't want to go because he was not on good terms with his mom, but Amethyst convinced him too.

"Hi, Mr.Mal", one of the neighborhood kids said as he ran up to Mal. Even though Mal was a kingpin he was a "neighborhood hero". He will always look out for the kids in his area and provide them with money. He tries to never kill people because that can be someone's father or child.

Mal refuses to sell drugs to people with kids and doesn't allow kids under 19 to join him. Mal's biggest regret is not going to college because he knows that he will have become so much more if he did. As a result he makes sure that all the kids in his neighborhood have the funding and opportunities. After all what is the point of having all his money if he does not give back to his community..

Bracing himself, Mal walked up to his mother's house, Amethyst in hand. Before he can even knock on the door it was yanked open by a young Ameena. She jumped into his arms. Mal's seven year old sister was his best friend. They did everything together. Ameena was beyond delighted that she is going to be an aunt.


Everyone sat around the table with food spread around the table. There was clearly a tense atmosphere around the table. Ameena broke the silence by saying, "Mommy, Thy is gonna have two kids. And imma be an auntie two times", while swinging her legs back and front.

"If they baby don't die", Mal's mom mumbled under her breath. Well not quite enough seeing that everyone on the table heard her. Ameena gasped loudly before saying, "That's not nice mommy say sorry". Mal's mother just wont seem to let the hurt go.


They never got along because of Mal's involvement in gang activities. But he really didn't have any other choice. He only started selling to pay for his college but he got in too deep. Ameena covered her ears as her mother and brother yelled at each other. Suddenly she gasped and pointed to Amethyst saying, "Thy peed on herself".

Everyone turned to see Amethyst standing there in shock with a puddle of water under her.


"I hate you Mal", Amethyst cried as she was pushing out the first baby. "I'm never having sex again".

"Ion know why you just lying like that,'' Mal said with a laugh. In one swift movement Amethyst hit him right in the middle of his chest. The doctors in the room were holding back their laughter as they watched the young black couple.

With one final push Amethyst pushed her first baby out which was a girl. A loud cry was heard from the baby as they took her out. "Okay just one more big push mommy", the doctor said. With one more push her son came out.

But no crying was heard from him.


Indigo Za'Niyah Jendayi


April 9, 2003 at 6:15 p.m

Violet Zaire Jendayi


April 9, 2003 at 6: 42 p.m

Violet unfortunately passed away because he was not receiving enough food in the womb.

well at least that's what they were told.....


Indigo stared at the white wall in her hospital bed. She has been in the hospital for the past week. She was struggling metally and physically not after only watching her parents be murdered but also from there assault on her.

She has yet to even speak a word since she was admitted in the hospital. Her young ten year old mind just couldn't wrap around the fact her parents were no longer here. No more bedtime stories,hugs, or kisses.


The trauma from the men was also affecting. At that age she was not completely aware about what sex is, but her parents always told her to never let anyone touch her no no square. And those men touched her no no square.

At this point Indigo flinches at the touch of anyone. For the doctors to treat her they have to put her to sleep or she will spazz.

Ameena and her mom were outside talking, well actually arguing. "I really hate you bro", a 16 year old Ameena said with tears rolling down her face.

Her mom was refusing to take custody of Indigo over a petty argument. As a result Indigo has nowhere to go and will have to go into the custody of the government. Ameena can't get her until she's 18 so she has one and a half years to go.

Ameena knocked on the door and quietly entered it. She taught that Indigo was sleeping. Ameena sat on the edge of the bed holding her hand and started to talk, "They are saying that you have to go foster care. I'm so sorry I can't get you yet. I promise the second I turn 18 imma go down there and get you. I love you so much NiNi".

For the first time this week Indigo spoke saying, "I love you too".


Ameena shook her leg as she tried to prevent herself from flying across the table and choking the white lady across her. "So you gonna sit here and accuse my 11 year old niece of lying".

Indigo was now eleven while Ameena was seventeen. Indigo was assigned to a group home. The last time Ameena went to visit her she was flinching at her contact. After a few minutes she confessed to her aunt that one of the owners was touching her no no square.

Ammena was aware that some of the kids were bullying her but the fact that a grown man was touching on her niece was what pushed her to the edge. She was currently in Indigo's social worker's office to report him.

The social worker did not believe her. She was sitting here and saying that Indigo is a child and doesn't know what she's talking about.

Ameena got up from her seat and walked all in the white lady face, "I went to see my niece last week and she was scared of me touching her. When I left she had such a tight grip on me and was refusing to let go. All I'm going to say is if I even think that his white ass is putting his hands on Indigo I will turn this city upside the fuck down".

With that last sentence Ameena walked out slamming the door behind her leaving the white woman sitting there in fear.


Ameena walked into the group home with a huge smile on her face. Today was her 18th birthday and she was finally getting custody of her niece. When she entered the first thing she saw was Indigo sitting in a chair swinging her legs back and front.

"NiNi", Ameena said. The minute Indigo heard her aunt's voice she ran into her arms with tears.

"Am I staying with you forever".

"Yes you are".


Hey how yall doing?

Back to back updates as I should 👅. Say thanks to Chy again for reminding me to update.

Thoughts on this chapter?

On Mal's mom?


Owner of the foster home and the social worker?

The main purpose of this was to give a lil background on Ameena and Indigo.

Catch up on Mercedez i'm updating it tomorrow.

How old are yall?

Im 16.

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