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November 2019 | 11:23 a.m. | Seapoint High School

Sev walked down the hallway with his bestfriend Sin. It was the period before lunch so of course they were skipping class. "Thot pocket is bugging again", Sin told Sev. "You stay calling her that", Sev replied while laughing. Thot pocket is one of Sin's many hoes.

"Tell me why Mia has been bugging all week. She be feenin to be my girl. I don't even like her. I only like ha mouth", Sev said while squeezing up his face. One thing about Sev is that he is mean as hell. He doesnt give a fuck about anyone's feelings. He just says it as he feels.

"How she want to be your girl if the whole team hit", Sin questioned. Mia was most definitely the school hoe. Sin could not think of one person who did not fuck her.

"I don't know but all I know is that girl is delusional".

"Bro look at that", Sin said, pointing to the scene by the lockers ahead of them. A group of girls was surrounding a girl pushing on her. "They say picking on that girl. She doesn't even bother anyone".

Sev looked at what Sin was pointing to. "I don't even think that her little ass even talks". Sev shook his head. Females confuse him so much. "She do talk I seen her in that barbershop and she was speaking. But what's her name", Sev asked.

"I think it's Blue or some shit like that", Sin replied. Sev suddenly walked up to the group of girls and pushed one of them, "Y'all are bugging, the fuck you hitting on her for".

The girl rolled her eyes saying, "It's not even that deep" before walking away. Sin turned to the girl asking, "You okay Blue". Indigo scrunched up her face clearly confused to what he was talking to her. She then shrugged her shoulders and walked away.


Sin pushed his head back in shock, "Well that was rude she could have said thank you". Sev rolled his eyes making his way back to his class, at this point he was used to Sin's antics.

Sev put his head down on the table in the cafeteria. The day has been going so slow for him and he was feeling tempted to go home for the rest of the day. "Heyyyy y'all", Ria sings. So of course Ria has to come and be the loudest one.

"Dam Ria you can't use your inside voice" Sin muttered.

"What you say", Ria moved close to him, "Oh okay cause I thought a pussy ass nigga said something". Ria and Sin were always arguing, 24/7, it was rare if they were in the same room and not fighting.

Dess then walked to the table with her girlfriend Nie, with Trey following close after them. Dess sat into her seat with a frown, "Why this bitch wanna give a zero on the test".


"Cause she claimed that I cheated on the test", Dess replied while rolling her eyes. Everyone at the table just stared at Dess for a minute. Sin squinted at her before replying, "If I recall correctly you did cheat on the test".

Dess threw a pen at him, "Shut up", she replied while bucking at him. Sin started laughing at her, "I am baffled how you mad that you got caught cheating?"

"Real clown bitch shit", Trey echoed while holding back his laughter. Ria held out her hand saying, "Imma need y'all to chill on my friend".

Sev finally lifted his head of the table, "Well imma need you to shut the fuck up or go sit somewhere else. It's too early in the morning for all this".


"Well excuse the hell out of me".

Nie burst into laughter. There was never a dry day with all of them together. "You better leave that boy alone", Nie told her girlfriend. "Anywayyy, I have decided to recruit a new person for our friend group", Ria announces while clasping her hands together.

"Yea no." , Trey says while making a stank face. "Yea yea", Dess replies while mocking Trey. "So as I was saying her name is Indigo and she is so sweet", Ria proceeds to say.

"Ain't that the mute girl", Sev questioned. "Not too much on my good sis. She does talk", Dess replies back. Nie looked at Dess with a confused look, "You don't even know her".

"Mind your business bae".

"You are my business bae".

Ria got out of her seat going to the table where Indigo was sitting by herself. She sat down at the table conversing with the girl. Well she was talking and Indigo was staring at her. Sev watched them both from a distance, for some reason Indigo intrigued him. She just gave off a different vibe.

Sev kept watching as Ria somehow convinced Indigo to come sit with them. Indigo slowly got up bringing her books with her.

"Everyone this is Indigo", Ria announced while making space for her to sit down. "Hey Blue", Sin said while waving at her. Dess turned to Indigo saying, "Ignore this clown. But He's Sin and I am Dess".

She then points to Nie,Trey, and Sev saying, "That's my lil bae, Nie. The one with dreads is Trey and the mean looking one is Sev".

Indigo nods her head before replying, " I'm Indigo, nice to meet y'all". She was visibly nervous and everyone had to lean closer to even hear what she was saying.

"Speak up. Why the fuck are you mumbling", Sev barked at her. Looking down and pulling at her hair Indigo replied saying, "Sorry".

"Yea no. Don't yell at my friend like that", Ria told him. "The period is about to be over so give me your number real quick", Dess told her. Indigo passed her phone to Dess and the exchanged numbers. The bell rang and she got up and speed walked out the cafeteria.

"Dam she's fast".

"Shut your ass up Sin".


Authors note:

Heyyy, thanks for reading. I just finished my online classes today so imma update more often.

Thoughts on this chapter?







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