《Don't Fall》Chapter 7: The Silent Effect


It was a warm and humid night as Red Robin stood on the rooftop of the Wayne Tower. The air was still warm, especially in his tight suits, despite the day's cooler temperature than other nights. He wasn't looking forward to how hard it'd be to take them off later. He sighed and breathed in and out as if to calm himself from his racing thoughts.

His mind wandered to the piles of documents sitting on his desk. He wasn't worried about the business documents at all since he had almost finished them all. What he worried about was his little brother's blood test that was sitting still untouched. He wasn't trying to avoid it. It was the total opposite, actually, because he was quite curious about the official blood test from the hospital.

Why was there such a need for an official blood test when they could have it done in the cave? The question kept repeating in his head, but he couldn't be bothered by it now since he needed to know what was the result saying.

He sighed, loud enough for him to hear his own breath going out from his mouth. Along with a tap on his shoulder.

Tim jumped immediately to defense mode with his bo-staff ready by his hand.

"Wow, wow! Calm down, Red Robin," Red Robin's faced the person talking to him with his staff still ready to attack. "Why are you so jumpy lately?"

"Batgirl," he called as if not expecting her to be there with him. "I thought you were running twenty minutes late?"

She laughed and left Red Robin in the dark. It was almost like she didn't believe what he was saying to her at all.

"What are you talking about, Red Robin? It has been twenty minutes. Are you okay?"

It was a sigh of relief that came out of his mouth the moment he recognized her. Was he really into such deep thought that he lost his sense of surrounding? He sighed again and reminded himself that he needed to get his thoughts organized.

"Yeah, I was thinking. Sorry, I didn't notice you at all," he said.

She hesitated in trusting her partner of the night. Stephanie rarely saw Red Robin being this distracted before, and it wouldn't be good if he were to be like this in the middle of a fight. It wasn't that she didn't trust his ability but being distracted to the point of not aware of his surroundings was the first for her to see.

"Hey," Steph said in a more concern tone. "Is everything okay? What's going on?"

Tim sighed when he heard the change in her voice. He wasn't sure if he should share about their little brother's situation. Not that he didn't trust her because he did. He just hadn't analyzed the result to find anything to say yet.

"Let's talk after. We need to get to GCPD to help their case."

With that, Batgirl nodded and they both left to handle their usual business.


It was three in the morning when they came back from working with the police department. The roar of their motorcycles welcomed them back to the cave as they finished the night off. Tim took off his helmet as soon as he parked before hitting the floor and walked towards the computer. Stephanie did the same, except she also took off her mask after the helmet.

The cave was deserted, and it was rare considering how much Bruce liked to hoard the computer by himself. The Batman was still doing something on the computer before he left for patrol.


"Where's Bruce? It's weird to not see him in the cave around this time," Stephanie broke the silence.

Tim didn't answer her. He was pretty quiet the whole time they were working on the case, which made Stephanie wondered if something had happened.

"Tim, are you okay? You've been quiet."

Stephanie tried again, then a sigh escaped from Tim's mouth. She didn't know what to expect but if talking helped, she could be a good listener.

"...I don't know, Steph. Something's been bothering me lately."

She didn't reply, just waiting for Tim to continue.

His hesitation was loud in the air, yet Stephanie didn't say a thing. It was as if Tim was gathering his thoughts and trying to put it all in one sentence.

"I found something, and I don't think I'm supposed to find it."

What he said was vague, and he tried his best not to mention any names. He wasn't sure what Stephanie's reaction would be if he were to say Damian's name out loud. Damian's name wasn't a taboo; but when he returned the mantel and started distancing himself from the family, it was seen as a rejection by the family. Some also felt guilty for something that they didn't know, and it was killing them, trying to find what their faults were.

Tim didn't want to go back to that. He didn't need to try finding what his faults were anymore because he had so many, yet didn't know which one triggered his guilts.

"What did you find and where did you find it?"

The follow-up question was bound to ask this, and Tim hadn't prepared any answers for it yet. Would it help if he were to tell her that it was Damian's?

"I don't know if I'm supposed to tell you this, Steph. I haven't finished looking up into it myself, so I can't give you any explanations if you want to," Tim said.

"Well, what is it? Don't tell me you found drugs and thinking of using them," Stephanie paused, looking at Tim as if she believed that was what going on. "Because if you say that, I'll say no and tell Bruce about it."

Tim sighed. He didn't know how his sister got that idea in her head but it totally took all the tension out of him.

"No, thank goodness," he said and heard Stephanie breathed out in relief. "I found Damian's blood test result in his room when I tried to wake him up a few days ago."

She nodded, probably didn't find anything amiss from it yet. It was normal for them to have a routine blood test anyway, so this wasn't something too weird.

"Is there anything wrong with it? Stop making me worry, please."

Tim shook his head.

"I don't know what's wrong with it yet, but it's from Gotham City Hospital," Tim finally sat down on the chair in front of the big computer. "I haven't called the hospital yet, thinking that I'll be able to figure things out myself. But, it's rare to see such an official blood test for no reason."

"Is that the reason why he's been sneaking out lately?" Stephanie asked while leaning on the table.

Tim thought about it for a second but couldn't jump to a conclusion. It was a possibility but he didn't have any evidence to support himself. Besides, if he did have evidence, would Damian be willing to open himself and talk about his issues with them?


It was impossible either way. If he were to face their youngest brother with all the information, Damian would only distance himself further from everyone. Even now, they eventually had to address the elephant in the room because it was getting much to his nerve. It didn't help that Bruce was trying to avoid this whole thing too.

"I can't say for sure. I'm still trying to figure out how he can get all these treatments without parental consent. It's also impossible to get in and out of the hospital without being noticed by paparazzi too."

He didn't want to remind himself of the time he went to an arcade and the next day's headline was his face on the first page. The headline was so ridiculous that he couldn't bear seeing Jason teasing him about it, or Dick making puns related to it.

Stephanie sighed as she looked around the empty cave. They both needed to get out of their own costume and shower pretty soon.

"Don't you think it's comforting that he, at least, believe in someone enough to do this?"

What Stephanie said caught him off guard. He turned his face towards her only her eyes looking at the floor and lips glued together. Now, he felt guilty for sharing this with her. It wasn't his intention to drag her down with him, but it was getting too much for him to hide everything by himself.

It did cross his mind that Damian had someone with him to get the help he needed. But, he never thought of it like the way Stephanie put it. He didn't think of his brother trusting someone else enough to do this for himself. All he thought was the distance Damian placed in the family as a form of rejection. The thought of comfort never crossed his mind.

Tim sighed and noticed that he had been doing it a lot lately. He realized how tired he had been ever since he found that papers scattered in his brother's room. How Damian didn't notice his presence in his sleep was a new surprising fact that he didn't know until that day. For all his life, he knew how sensitive the youngest was with his environment and sound. Yet, it was comforting to know that he was not greeted with a knife on his neck when he sneaked in.

"Do you think he'll ever tell us what's going on?"

He asked. Others had been telling him that Damian would tell them when the time came. But, did they even believe what they were saying?

"...I don't know, Tim. I honestly don't know," that sounded like the real answer he was waiting for. "There are questions that are best left unanswered. I think as long as we don't ask him, he won't ever tell us anything. Unless it was getting too much on him..."

His shoulders dropped, no longer tensed like before after he heard the answer from her mouth. What she said was true since this was Damian they were talking about. But, he didn't want to force his brother either.

Tim wanted everyone to know first before they could say anything to Damian. He didn't want to scare his brother more than he was now. The feeling of isolation and fear that anyone would judge Damian for what he did, he knew those feelings despite their differences.

He smiled, looking at Stephanie who hadn't budged from where she was leaning. He felt better after letting everything out in the open to her. It wasn't that he couldn't believe anyone else but Stephanie was easier to talk to about this than to Dick or Jason. He could imagine Dick's reactions in his head while Jason's silence would definitely kill him.

"Thank you for listening, Steph. I have been thinking about this, and I guess it really took a toll on me."

Stephanie moved; her head jerked up as she looked at Tim openly. What he got was only a sad smile as she stood up from the table and sighed.

"Well, what time is it now? It's good talking with you like this, but take me out during the day next time. I'm tired and sleepy now."

Tim chuckled and nodded. Everything that Stephanie said had turned into a promise now for Tim, but he was okay with it. All those didn't matter much to how much relieved he had in his chest.

"I promise. Are you staying in the manor?' He asked as he made his way to the locker and shower.

Stephanie shook her head as she yawned. Since Cassandra's apartment wasn't too far from the manor, she had promised to spend time with her.

"Nope. Promised Cass to stay with her and hang out. I bet she's still waiting for me."

Tim stopped on his track and turned over to see her.

"I'll drop you off. You're about to fall asleep and I'm not risking it."

Stephanie smiled as she walked towards the locker too. God, she needed a shower so badly and a bed. Her yawns were really getting annoying.

"Great. I'm counting on you, Red Robin. I'm dead on tired," she said as she grabbed her clothes to head for the shower.

"Gotcha, I'll drop you after a sandwich enters my stomach."

She giggled and watched Tim walked away. Those smile fell away when Tim disappeared into the shower as if she had remembered something. But, she bet it was nothing important.

Stephanie hoped that it was nothing important at all.


It was close to four in the morning when he finally settled back in his own apartment. The tiredness had now sunk into his bones, but he still managed to walk to his desk and sit on the office chair. The documents in front of him were waiting to be transferred to the office while some were to be reviewed. Yet, it didn't matter to him because what he wanted to see was his brother's result.

Tim picked up the papers again and tried his best to stay focus despite his messy emotions. The guilts were eating him alive but he couldn't care less about it. He needed to take care of this and called the hospital for more details. There was a possibility that he might need to visit the hospital doctor if he needed to.

Jerrik P. Wang was the name written as the doctor.

He continued to read the test result but knew that it was impossible to understand. There were some that he understood but Damian's results were very detailed. It even listed the different kinds of immune systems too.

A sigh was all that came out as he put the document down on the table again. This was impossible and he knew it. He had to call Gotham City Hospital the moment he woke up and maybe set up an appointment with Doctor Wang. He doubted that he could get anything out of the doctor, but it was better than nothing at all.

It was better than knowing nothing about his own brother.

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