《Bad is an Understatement | ✓》Chapter 22
"Happy Birthday to you!" I wake up to the sound of a hundred cats singing. "Happy Birthday Riley! Happy Birthday to you!" Wait they're not cats. Oops.
I sit up on my bed with my back against the backboard. I look around to see everyone around me even Heath."Thank you guys. How'd you know it was my birthday?" My voice sounded groggy.
"There's a thing called social media profile." Kylie points out as if I'm stupid. My mouth forms an 'O' shape. I might actually be stupid or I'm just really tired.
I've been training all week and it's been draining my energy. "Happy Birthday Princess." Heath says smirking and for some reason it just made me smile.
"Blow out the candles!" Dylan says. I do as I'm told blowing them out.
"Yaay!" They all cheer," You're finally twenty two!"
"Where are my presents?" I raise my eyebrows.
"You'll have to wait for those." Ian grins.
"Come on guys! Please!"
"No way Riley. You have to wait." Logan adds. I playfully glare at him.
"Fine then. Can I go back to sleep? I feel dead. Thanks to you." I send another glare towards Logan. Everyone laughs. I lay back down and fall asleep before knowing if they left or not.
I wake up to an empty bedroom. I sit up and grab my phone 12:35pm.
Unknown ID
Happy Birthday Beautiful<3
Read at 12:40
Who the hell is this? I've messaged them, he or she back, but it never reply.
"Birthday girl's awake!" Jen announces as she enters the room. Following her was the rest of the gang.
"Morning guys." They take a seat around me on the bed.
"Sooo?" Kylie asks.
"Soooo?" I mock her.
"What do you have planned?" She finishes.
"Oh. I don't know anything you guys want to do."
"Okay so first of all you didn't tell us it's your birthday and now you won't tell us what you want to do."
I laugh," Okay. Well.... I've always wanted to get a tattoo." I admit.
"Then we're getting you a tattoo!" Jen shrieks.
"Only on one condition."
"What?" Ian asks.
"All of you have to get one too." I grin.
"Fourteen needles in my skin all at the same time. Yeah... no thanks." Logan defends.
"Come on Logan stop being such a chicken." I say. "It's just one tattoo, it doesn't even have to be big! Pleeeeaaaaaseeee!"
"We'll do it." Heath says for everyone. Logan's expression drops.
"What?! No!" He argues.
"Okay it's final everyone's getting a tattoo!" I announce before anyone else can argue.
"Fine." Logan groans. I send him an innocent looking smile.
"Oh, and what happened to the cake you guys brought last night?" I ask curiously. I'm hungry and in the mood for some cake.
"It's right here." Heath slowly creeps towards me.
"Where?" I ask dumbfounded. Heath pulls it out from behind him and before I could realize what he was planning on doing he does it.
My vision blurs as I close my eyes preventing from getting cake in them. I get smacked in the face with cake. The cold cake lands on my face blocking my vision and breathing. I wipe the cake of my eyes," I'm going to kill you!" I say to a laughing Heath. He and the rest of them were laughing so hard they're faces were turning red.
I wipe the rest of the cake off and hold it in my hands. I grin mischievously. I get up and I slap the cake on his face. He was too busy laughing to even notice that I had stood up. This time I laugh with the rest of the gang and he glares at me. "Oh it's on." He says grabbing whatever's left of the cake.
"No!" He grabs me by the arm. He shoves the rest of the cake down my back. "Heeeathh!" I whine and we all start laughing hysterically.
"All of you have your tattoo designs right?" I ask everyone.
"Yup." Everyone nods.
"Okay two people at a time." One of the tattoo designers says.
"I'm getting two so I'll go last." I say.
"I'll go." Ian and Dylan both say in unison.
"Okay then. You two can go." I say. After they leave, we continue looking around at other designs.
"You know I'm going to make you work your ass off for this tomorrow." Logan whispers to me. I smile.
"Yeah, yeah like you're already not." I shrug his words off.
It has been two hours now and it's finally my turn. "We'll do the heart one first." The young girl with a bunch of tattoos says. I nod.
One of the tattoos I'm getting is a heart that represents music. When I was younger I would think a lot about very unnecessary things. I would make big deals out of situations that weren't even there. The worst part was I couldn't stop them, I didn't know how to. Until one day I blasted the music so loud I couldn't hear my thoughts it was like they disappeared.
Music's always been a big part of my life and this tattoo represents it perfectly.
After half an hour, it was done and it was perfectly resting on the inside my right wrist. It's swollen, but it was still amazing. "For the next one, you want it on your left shoulder blade?" The artist asks.
"Okay so do you wanna lay down? it'll feel better." I nod. I follow her until we reach the little bed thing. I lay down. In front of me was Heath getting his tattoo. He grinned after he noticed I was right in front of him. He was probably satisfied by the fact that the only thing I was wearing was a sports bra, and I was showing a lot more to him then I was use to.
I feel the needle go in near my bone. I cringe trying to hold the pain in. It hurt way more then when I got the tattoo on my wrist. "Scared of a little pain? Princess."
"No." I lie.
He grins," Your red face begs to differ." I roll my eyes.
"What does your tattoo mean?" I ask. I noticed he was holding a roman numeral in his hand earlier. I can't see the tattoo being done right now, because it was on his left outer bicep.
"Two thousand eight." He says.
"Oh. What's so special about that?"
"Think about it."
"Will you ever stop playing riddles with me?" I ask.
"Whenever you stop." He replies. My expression drops serious..
"Who said I was? I'm an open book."
"An open book with secret pages. We all know there's more to you then you lead on Princess. You might be able to fool them, but you can't fool me."
"I think you missed the page where it said I'm planning on murdering you any day now." I'm pretty annoyed. My life is for me and only me to know about not anyone else's story to laugh at.
"You know what I'm saying is true. I'll find out one day." He grins.
"That makes the two of us." I grin and he looks surprised," You're not good at hiding things either. Rider."
"It's done." He says.
"What? What's done?"
"Your tattoo." I turn my neck around and see that it is.
"Oh." I say. How'd he know my tattoo was done? I didn't even know. Was he just talking to me to keep my mind somewhere else? It did help I didn't even remember I was getting a tattoo.
I sigh and get up to look at the tattoo. Wow. Sometimes you've gotta fall before you fly. I read my tattoo which was under a bunch of flying birds which curled up my shoulder. I turn around and look at the artist who was holding up the mirror," Thank you so much."
"You're welcome." She smiles. "But I'll cover it up. It's pretty swollen." I nod. She brings a black cover and covers it.
I walk back to everyone else. Everyone looks pretty satisfied with their tattoos even Logan. He got a really cool tattoo of a tiger slash dragon thing that's pretty hard to describe in words. "Thank you so much guys for doing this for me."
"Oh no biggy, but if we get skin cancer we know who to blame." Logan laughs and we laugh with him.
"So what are we doing next?" I ask.
"We're going to..." Ian says," It's a surprise."
"Why?!" I whine," Just tell me! Pwease!"
"Ahaha no." Jen laughs.
"Ugh." I groan and we walk out.
"You're coming with me Princess." Heath says pulling me by my arm.
"Why? There's room in the car." I complain.
"Because I said so."
"No." I say walking away, but like usual he grabs me by my arm again.
"Do it yourself or I'll make you." He warns dead serious. We glare into each other's eyes. His chocolate brown eyes had glowing lines in them today which were brighter. He looked happy.
"Fine." I give in. He sits down and I sit down behind him. "By the way we both know you can't make me do anything. I only do what I want to."
"You should be happy. I don't just let anyone ride on my baby." Heath says. I roll my eyes.
"I thought you were the baby." I grin.
"You can ride me some other day."
"Nooo thanks."
He starts the motorcycle's engine. I curl my hands around his waist preparing him to start. I feel his muscles tense at first, but they soon relax, and we drive off.
We stop in front of a club," You guys brought me to a club?" I ask Heath.
"Not my idea." He says.
"Kylie's?" He nods. I laugh. Only Kylie would.
It's past one o'clock and I've thrown up over twice now. I really just want to call it a day. I walk outside to where we parked and lean on the car. "Done for the night?" Heath asks taking me off guard.
"You could say that." I reply.
"Let me drive you home." He gets on the bike and I take his offer by sitting behind him. He starts the engine and we start our route.
"I thought you were taking me home." I say noticing that he took a wrong turn.
"After one more place." He says.
"You're not kidnapping me, are you?" I ask playfully.
"I would never make that mistake." He laughs.
We stop at a lake almost an hour later. I get off his bike and walk towards the dock. It was so peaceful and silent. The lake was surrounded by trees. On the other side I could see people camping and having a bonfire. I sit down at the end of the dock. I take my shoes off and dangle my legs in the cold water. "Why'd you bring me here?" I ask Heath who sits beside me.
"I thought you could use the silence." He says. I'm twenty two years old. Jack I wish you were still here. I hold in the tears. I've been through so much and I'm here today. Alive in one piece with amazing friends. I have everything I've ever wanted. Thank you so much. "Uh, happy belated birthday." Heath says breaking my thoughts. I look at him holding out a rectangular box.
"Thank you." I say taking it from him. I carefully pull the top off. It was a silver plated bracelet that had smile written on it. "Thank you. Will you?"
"Yeah." He takes the bracelet and secures it around my wrist. The cool metallic felt nice against my swollen skin.
"Why smile?" I ask him.
"Uh because I think you forget how to smile. You get lost in your thoughts sometimes and they drain your happiness away. I just want that bracelet to remind you that your smile... It's beautiful and you should always keep smiling no matter what." Wow.
"Oh." I feel my face heat up. He just said that my smile's beautiful.
"You look cute when you blush. You should do it more often." He winks. I blush even more.
"You. You're something else my man." I say.
"I'm your's? Huh." He grins.
"I never said that." I argue.
"Yes you did."
"No I didn't."
"Yes! Huh!" He says.
"Idiot." I mutter. "Can we go now?" He nods.
I unlock the door only to reveal a stack of presents lying on my bed. I literally feel like a zombie, and I do not have the energy to go through them all so I just lay down on Jen's bed, and go through my phone. I had a lot of messages wishing me happy birthday from various people.
Happy Belated Birthday(:
Seen at 2:05
Seen at 2:05
Sorry I haven't talked to you all week. Are you free tomorrow?
Seen at 2:06
Seen at 2:07
I'll pick you up at one then?
Seen at 2:09
See at 2:10
I haven't talked to this guy all week, and I've been worried that he's offended or something, but he just messages me randomly saying he's sorry?! What an ass. He's definitely going to hear for this.
On the top the pic is of Riley and Heath's tattoos.
What does MMVIII(2008) mean for Heath?
Who's the Unknown ID person?
So many questions!:$
Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children While Being an Adventurer~
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With his blood wielding Best Friend at his side, an angelic Stalker following him wherever he goes, a Glasses Kid as his know it all teacher and his psychotic Rival failing to surpass him, can Main Character harness the powers of anime genres and become the hero of the ancient futuristic world of Steam Punk? The Main Character is a psychological action animestyle parody created to set a new standard for Shounen protagonists! Expect tons of anime refrences and unique abilities! This meta experience blends comedy and the epic action sequences SOC is known for!
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Dimensional Mage(?)
Jonah is your usual 19 year old, besides the fact that, to help his widowed Mother, he chooses to quit school and does many different part time jobs for money. He does that, so his little Sister can go to college and have a good education. But a month after his 18th Birthday everything changed. Underground stations and different monuments or big buildings changed to dungeons and everyone inside died. A new "System", together with blue boxes, got introduced and changed law and order completely. Now humans can level up and be as strong as Superman or be as fast as Flash. But to be like that, you have to risk your life in dungeons and kill monsters. Right after the system appeared on earth, an alien guild named Frontline-Guild, appeared and they chose to make different cities their base and keep the nearby dungeons safe, so that Humanity can survive. This is a story about Jonah Bellwood and how he rises to be the strongest mage(?) on earth. *This is my very first try at writing a novel and I'm not a native in English, so pls tell me mistakes and I will fix them ^^ *There won't be harem, but I will try myself on some romance. I always liked romance in LitRPG, so I will try my best do an acceptable romance that works together with the story. *Later I will also add some POV's for some important chars, but not for many, cuz thats too much for me at the moment.
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Stained Red
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Change the past?
A disciple with the whip stood behind him as he kneeled on the cold ground.He braced himself for the impact-"STOP"All heads turned to a young woman who immediately threw herself in front of Wangji in a defensive stance with two wicked looking daggers in her hands."You will not hurt him under my watch!"This a bl and LGBTQ+ storyShips included are XianWang Xicheng OC x OCAnd the beautiful cover was made by @Kimberly_Flower !!!Status: Completed
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