《Bad is an Understatement | ✓》Chapter 19
"Hey, guys." I sit down at the table for lunch.
"Hey, how was class?" Kylie asks.
"Boring. Just like usual."
"Hey! I was there." Dylan butts in.
"That's why it was even more boring." I tease him. He rolls his eyes, kisses Kylie and sits down beside her.
"How was your day, yesterday?" Jen asks.
"It was good." I take a bite out of my pizza.
"Why weren't you answering my messages or phone calls yesterday?" Heath comes in and I roll my eyes. I put the pizza down and swallow whatever's in my mouth.
"I forgot it in my room and I still don't have it on me. DAD."
He fakes gasps," How dare you call me dad! In the wrong context." He grins picking up my pizza," This is mine now.
"Eew! My pizza!" I whine as he eats it with his mouth opening wide," That's gross!"
"You want it back?" He asks shoving it in my face.
"No! You keep your germs away." I scold and he continues eating.
"Okay, so where did Luke take you? Somewhere romantic?" Kylie wiggles her eyebrows.
"No, he took me home."
"He took you to Canada?" Dylan asks.
"No stupid. He took me to his house." Dylan and his brain.
"He took you to his house?" Jen asks with wide eyes," Did you have fun?"
"Yeah we watched a movie, played with his dog, ate and talked." I say and everyone starts laughing except Heath.
"Not that kind of fun." Kylie corrects.
"Ah-oh, nope. That was the only kind of fun we had." I lied.
"Really?" Jen asks," Because that bite mark under your lip and the hand print around your neck begs to differ."
My eyes widen in horror," What?!" Kylie brings out her phone and opens the camera. I grab it from her and see that there is a bruise under my lips shaped like teeth and a print of fingers around my neck.
"So do you mind explaining what happened?" Heath asks. I don't even dare to look at his expression.
"Ah.. he kissed me, and I kissed him back. We ended up on the bed, but something happened which caused me to stop. I told him I wasn't ready for a relationship. That's it." I try to sound innocent. Hey! I am innocent...
"So you have no feelings for him?" Kylie asks.
"No! I mean I might, but I don't know what I feel right now."
"What did he say?" Dylan asks.
"He said it's okay. We're fine now and I don't think I like him that way." I admit and everyone nods.
"Hey guysss." Ian comes in sensing the awkwardness. "So how was everyone's day?" He asks sitting beside Jen.
"My day had a good start. I'm not sure about the way it's going to end." I get up not bothering to pick up my empty tray.
They shouldn't be judging me because of that. It's not their lives, and why did I just tell them everything?! It's not even their business!
"Hey Princess?"
I turn around to see Heath, but I keep walking ahead. "What do you want Heath?"
"Are you okay?" He asks causing me to stop. That was kind of unexpected. I thought he would go beat up Luke now.
"What are you talking about?" I'm pretty sure it's not about the way all of them acted.
"I know you see him." He says.
"I'm fine." I state.
"Who was he? Does he have a name?" He asks.
"He does have a name, but that's none of your business because he's gone."
"But he's still in your heart."
"In my memories too. Sometimes my memories feel like a curse to me."
"Princess." He takes a hold of my arm with one of his hands as the other one caresses my cheek.
"Heath I'm sorry." I pull his hand off and walk away.
I walk into my room and sit on the bed. Right when I was about to reach for my phone I hear a knock on the door.
I walk up to it and open it," Hey, Riley." Ian smiles vaguely.
"Hey..." I say," Come in."
He walks in and sits down on the floor I sit down beside him," Are you okay?" I ask noticing there's something wrong.
"Yup. I just wanted to.. ahhh I don't know how to tell you this. Shit." He pulls at his hair frustrated.
"You can tell me anything, you should know that." I say.
"I slept with Jen." He sighs.
"You slept with Jen. Meaning... Jen slept with you. Which also means you guys slept with each other." I raise my eyebrows.
"Yes." He says.
"And." He copies me.
"Okay. Am I missing something? I mean you guys slept together what's the big deal in that?"
"She doesn't remember."
"She doesn't remember she slept with you?" I ask. He nods," Wait! OH MY GOD! You're that guy!"
"What?" He asks confused.
"Jen told me that she went to this party. She remembers sleeping with this guy, but when she woke up in the morning he was gone. She said she really thought him and her had a good thing going."
"Yeah." I nod rapidly," Ya idiot. Why'd you leave her?!"
"Because even I didn't know who I slept with. I woke up in the morning and saw her. At first I had the biggest smile on my face, but then I thought about the fact that we've been friends for over years it disappeared. What if she doesn't feel the same way?"
"You were scared of ruining your friendship?"
"Well why'd you come to me?"
"Because I want your help."
"You want me to find out if Jen likes you?" He nods," I don't know because what if she doesn't. Are you ready to get your heart broken?"
"I'd put my life out on the line for her. This is just a heart." He says.
"You better mean what you're saying, because someday you might have to lose your life for her."
"I do. I love her." He says and I see a glint of love and desire when he said love.
"Enough said. I believe you and I'll help you out." I pat him on the shoulder.
"Seriously?!" He asks happy, but shocked at the same time.
"Yup." I say popping the 'p'. He hugs me.
"Thank you!"
"I-I c-can't-," I pinch him.
"Ow!" He rubs his side," What was that for?"
"I couldn't breathe."
"Sorry." He blushes.
"It's all good." I get up and grab my phone. Four fifty four. "Hey, I've gotta go to work."
"Oh. Thanks Riley."
"For what?"
"For not breaking whatever hope I had left."
"You are very welcome." I smile," Now you can stay here and wait for Jen or leave and do something time worthy."
"I'll do something time worth." He says sitting down on the bed. I tilt my head sideways. "You said something time worthy and waiting for Jen is time worthy." He explains.
"Awww! You're so sappy. Why can't all guys be like you?" I over exaggerate. We both burst out laughing. "Well, I'm going to head out now. Touch anything that belongs to me and you won't live to see the next day." I warn before heading out.
I walk into the bookstore right on time. "Hi Kris."
"Hi, sweetie. How are you?" She asks.
"I'm great, how are you?"
"Well, I'm old that's one thing for sure." She laughs and I laugh with her.
"Not too old. I see you stringin in them boys." I wink at her playfully and we start laughing again.
After we sober up,"Sweetie there's a shipment coming in today. Just sign whatever they get you to. If you have time or if you want, you can open up the boxes and start organizing some of the books."
"Yeah definitely." I smile. For once I'll actually get to do something besides sit.
"Thank you so much." She says.
"Yeah no problem." I take a seat behind the desk and go through my phone.
Where are you?
Why aren't you replying?
Are you still with Luke?
Are you not back yet?
Can you fucking reply!?
There were a whole lot other ones like that from him and other people, but I ignored every single one.
Unknown ID
Happy early birthday(:
Who the eff. I didn't even remember my birthday's next week, October first. I'm seriously getting creeped out.
Suddenly my phone starts ringing. I pick it up," Hello?"
"Hey, Riley?" I hear a guy's voice.
"Riley! Why haven't you called me ever since you moved?"
"I've been really busy. How have you been?" I ask. Logan is a childhood friend. He knows my story all the way from the beginning. I grew up with him as neighbours and he's helped me through a lot.
"I've been great, so I wanted to ask you something?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"In LA where you live now." He starts off quietly.
"Yeah?" I ask not sure of where this is going.
"People put out millions for street fights." His words spill fast, but not fast enough.
"Are you asking me to street fight, here?" I ask.
"Yes- "
"No. I told I'm not street fighting anymore." I add. Yes I used to street fight back home. That's mostly where my saved up money is from.
"Can you at least listen to why I even asked you to do this?" He asks like he already knew I was going to decline.
"Okay, so you know I wouldn't ask unless it wasn't important. This fight that's happening there in two weeks, is only between the best street fighters in North America. Only the top fifty get to compete."
"Let me guess I made the list."
"Yes. Now they've been nagging me for the past two weeks to get you to compete. I kept telling them no, but they won't take no for an answer."
"Well do you think, should I do it?"
"Well if you win you win fifty million dollars. If you lose, you lose a million."
"What makes you think I have a million dollars?" I ask.
"You have more." He says like it's no big deal.
"Maybe. But a million dollars is a lot of money."
"Riley we both could use fifty million dollars if you win, and I think if you start training again you could beat their asses."
"I know, but you know I quit." I sigh.
"I know and I also know why, but this isn't tag team you work alone for this." He adds.
"How long will this last?"
"Three nights." He says. Should I do this? Gaining fifty million dollars versus losing a million. Not mentioning all the money on the side that people bet. But it's an addiction. "Riley? What are you thinking?"
"I'll do it." I agree. "Just for the sake of fighting and the adrenaline rush. The money's just a bonus like always."
"Like always." Logan repeats I can feel him grinning on the other end of the phone," I'll be there in a couple of days." He says.
"Okay, I'll come to pick you up. Just send me the details for your flight and the fight."
"Okay. Hey, if you want an upper hand, there's a fight every Friday there. I heard fighter number three is in the ring."
"Does he have a name?"
"He goes by Rider."
"Okay, looks like I'll be paying him a visit. I'll talk to you later." I say as I see the shipment truck pull up.
I put my phone down and open the door for them. They bring in a total of five heavy crates and place them on the side. I sign a piece of paper and they leave.
I look at the crates and let out a huge breathe. I start by getting a knife and taking the saran wrap off from around the boxes. Eventually all the boxes are open and I start taking the books out.
I climb the ladder to stock a couple of the books on the shelves.
The ladder ended eight shelves early and apparently I was too short to reach to the eighth shelf. I hate heights. Don't look down Riley. I think to myself as I tiptoe on the ladder. After a couple of minutes of stretching, I finally slip the books on. I feel a sudden sting of pain down the side of my right rib cage and I lose balance," AHH!" I scream. I close my eyes preparing myself for the worst.
"Holy shit, Riley." I hear Heath groan. I open my eyes only to find myself being held bridal style in his arms. "You're heavier then you look." I gasp and stand up getting out of his grip.
"It's all muscle, buddy. You should go to the gym and get yourself some too."
"I do. Look at these babies." He flexes his arms and I laugh. He had muscles alright, but I wasn't going to give him something for his ego to feed on.
"You're so cocky and weak." I tease.
"Weak?" He raises his eyebrows.
"Yup. I don't even weigh much. Someone needs to do some more weight lifting."
"Princess not everything's about you, but I'm happy you admitted it." I glare at him.
"Why are you here."
"Oh I just had this vision, where I knew you were going to fall so I came as fast as I could to save you. You're welcome by the way." He says with sarcasm.
"I need a new workbook for English class."
"Lose the other one?"
"No. The answers are already filled in."
"You mean you cheated."
"No, I went ahead."
"Oh." I get going to search for the English workbook. I finally find it. "Shit." I say when I turn around and bump into him. He smirks.
"Did I scare the princess?" He grins.
"No shit." I say walking back to the counter. He watches me as I scan the barcode," Thirty eight." He hands me a fifty dollar bill. I hand him back the change and he just stands there staring at me. "Can I help you with anything else?"
"Yeah, I also wanted a night out with the smoking desk lady." He smirks.
"Does little Heath have a crush?" I say in a baby voice sitting down on the chair. His smirk gets wiped off his face," Well let me tell you I'm not interested." I finish off.
He walks around and behind the counter. I try to stand up, but he's too close; the best option is to stay seated. He leans down making intense eye contact and my heart starts beating rapidly. His forehead and nose touch mine. I close my eyes waiting for him to kiss me. "Is that what I see? The princess is waiting for me to kiss her." I open my eyes to see him smirking. "Well not today, your highness." He backs away and I glare at him.
"Why are you actually here? Heath." I sigh.
"I wanted to ask you something."
"And that is?"
"Do you know anyone by the name of Ivy Knight from back home?" Ivy Knight. Oh! I know her. I one hundred percent know her.
"No, why?" Why does he want to know about Ivy Knight?
He nods," I've just heard a lot about her."
"Like what?"
"She's pretty famous." He says.
"Fighting." He finishes off just before leaving. I gulp. Holy, shit. How does he know about Ivy knight? Is he- no he couldn't. But that would explain his killer body. Not the right time Riley, and why are you worrying it's not like he's a fighter. Well at least I hope so.
He cannot find out about Ivy Knight. Because if he does he will find out about me. No one is suppose to find out about this part of my life. Ugh! Why did Ivy and Riley have to be the same people?! I sigh in utter frustration.
Damn, street fighters. I swear I'm starting to love this book. How about you? What do you think Riley- Ivy's rank is in the top fifty?
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