《Bad is an Understatement | ✓》Chapter 18


I wake up to a constant ear blaring pounding on the door. I grab my pillow and put it on top of my head to lock out the noise. After a couple of minutes, it finally stops and I sigh in relief. The pillow gets yanked off my head," Hey!" I whine. I blink several times clearing my eye sight,"Luke?"


"What are you doing here?" I groan turning around in my bed.

"I was going to take you out today." He reminds me.

"Oh." My morning voice is very unattractive, but I could care less because all I want to do right now is sleep. No reply comes from him mnk he has left. I guess I spoke too soon, right when I'm about to fall into a deep sleep he slips his arms underneath me and picks me up bridal style.

"What are you doing?" I groan stuffing my head into his shoulder.

"Taking you to my car." I don't protest. I feel myself being seated in the car a few seconds later. Luke adjusts the seat belt and I wrap myself around with the blanket that was on me.

I hear the driver's door close and the engine starts. "You're just lucky I'm driving." He laughs.

"Mmhm." I mumble falling asleep in the moving car.


"Riley, Riles, Riley..."

"Yeah?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"We're here." Luke says.

I look outside the window which displayed a huge a mansion outside of it. "You brought me to a mansion?" I ask.

"I brought you to my mansion." He smirks.

"Oh. Your house." I look at it again with awe," Shit, that's big and you're filthy rich."

"Thank you?"

"Your parents aren't home, are they?" I ask looking at myself currently wearing leggings, a hoodie and converse. I can't believe I fell asleep in my shoes.

"I don't know. I guess we'll find out." He sounds way too amused. He exits the car.

I get out of the car following him up the driveway. I run a hand through my messy hair trying to get the tangles out. "You look fine. Riley." He rolls his eyes as we stand in front of the doorway.

"You literally dragged me out of bed. I don't want your parents thinking I'm a hobo." He laughs opening the door. I'm so getting him back for this.

"Wow." I say looking at the two grand staircases coming down from the second floor. The house was amazing it looked like it was specially designed with the most antique and precious pieces of furniture.

"Dad." I hear Luke walk up to a man dressed very well in a suit and tie. He had specks of white hair and wrinkles around his eyes.

"Luke. What brings you here?" He asks.

"Just brought a friend over." He looks at me.


"It's nice to meet you Mr.Johnson." I say shaking his hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard a lot about you, Riley." He says sending chills down my back. It was like his words had double meaning. I let go of his hand and vaguely smile."I was actually going out."

"Oh, okay dad." Luke smiles and the middle aged man leaves. He really didn't seem that old maybe in his forties. "Riley, I'll show you my room." Luke says and I follow him up the staircase.

He walks me down the hall and opens the last door. His room was painted a very light peach colour. He had a huge king sized bed in the middle, his room was very clean and sophisticated for a guy. I sit down on his bed. "Hey, do you mind if I freshen up?"

"Yeah sure, I could probably find you my sister's clothes or something if you want." I nod.

"Thanks." I say walking into the bathroom. The bathroom was huge It had a jacuzzi in one of the corners and a glass doored shower beside it. I strip down and get into the shower.

After about twenty minutes, I get out of the shower. I groan realizing there were no new clothes to change into, so I go through the cupboards looking for a new towel. When I find one I wrap it around myself, and walk out into the room. "Luke?" I ask who was currently sitting at his desk. He turns around in his chair and looks starstruck. I blush as I realize he's staring. I clear my throat bringing him back to reality.

"Oh uh you-"

"Clothes?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, they're right there." He nods towards the bed. I feel my face heat up and I hold my towel up as I walk to the bed to grab the clothes.

I grab the clothes and walk back into the bathroom without glancing at Luke who was eyeing me shamelessly.

"Hey," Luke says as I come outside.

"Hey," I smile. "Thanks for the dress."

"Yeah no problem. It was my sisters. It looks good on you."

"Ah thanks." I walk up to the bed and sit right in front of the desk facing him. "Soo?" I ask.

"So?" He asks.

"You brought me here, what did you have planned for the day?" I ask stating the obvious.

"Well." He says looking at the silver watch he was currently wearing," It is currently eleven thirty. Which means it's past breakfast, so how about we start with lunch."

And right on cue my stomach growls," Sounds great!" I say exiting his room. He steps out in front of me and I follow him down to the kitchen.


"Ahh!" I scream as the girl's head in the movie gets ripped off. I lean into Luke's shoulder as I hear him chuckle," It's not funny!" I scold.


"Kind of is." He says and I don't answer," Okay, okay! I turned it off." He sighs.

"Good." I back up sitting properly," I told you I hate scary movies."

"I know. But I didn't know it was that bad. We only watched twenty minutes of the movie." He says holding back a smile.

"It got scary pretty quick."

"Haha." He laughs. "It's twelve." He says glancing at his watch, "Do you wanna go to bed?"

"It's twelve?!" I asked shocked," The time passed so quick."

"Too quickly." He says biting his lip. We both stare at each other me admiring his beautiful and majestic features and him I don't know.

He leans in. I close my eyes waiting for his lips to meet mine. I feel his hand curl around the back of my neck and the other on my waist. Before I could realize it, his lips were on mine. My hands find their way around his back and I pull him closer as his tongue finds its way inside my mouth. He bites my lip causing me to moan.

He stops and smirks leaning his forehead against mine. He suddenly picks me up. My legs automatically curl around his waist and my arms around his neck. He lays me down on the bed. Him being on top of me starts kissing me again.

The sensation of his lips against mine fighting for control was breathtaking. He stops and looks at me and I look at him. His black hair was messy and in need of a hair cut. His cheeks were flushed red under his tanned and defined cheek bones.

His hazel eyes were full of lust and desire. Jack? I put my hands on his cheeks to feel," Jack?" My voice about to crack. He raises his eyebrows.

"Riley?" He asks. But it's not Jack's voice. I close my eyes and shake my head. Opening my eyes I see Luke.

I gasp and sit up dangling my legs down the side of the bed. "I-I'm so sorry." I embarrassingly say wiping away a tear.

"Riley?" Luke asks and I turn around to face him.

"I'm sorry Luke. I shouldn't have done that. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't lead you on like this, but I'm just not ready for a relationship." I admit.

"It's okay." He says before pulling me into a warm hug. I hug him back, but I don't cry. I can't cry. "I'll show you the guest room." He adds after he breaks the hug.

I climb off the bed and follow him down the opposite end of the hall. He opens a door which led to a very neatly kept room. I turn around once I get inside and smile vaguely," Thank you."

"No biggy. If you need anything just call me without any hesitation. Okay?" I nod. He turns around to leave, but stops. He turns his head around," Jack's a lucky guy."

No. I was the lucky one. I hold back the tears at the thought.


"It's hot." I whine.

"Take your hoodie off then." Jack laughs exposing his sparkly white teeth.

"Okay." I curl my fingers around the hem of the hoodie and pull it up. I feel cold air hit my bare skin, meaning my shirt went up a little too.

"Riley?" Jack's smile disappears. He comes closer to me," What was that?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask averting my eyes around the room.

"You know what I'm talking about. Those were fresh cuts. You told me he stopped."

"He did." I say lightly. He cups my cheeks and lifts my head up.

"Riley?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Okay he never stopped. He's an addict Jack he won't stop. He just can't." I cry.

"Okay I've had a enough. It was bad enough we have to keep us a secret. I'm not going to let your dad do this to you." He says walking away.

"Jack!" I take hold of his arm," You can't go! He'll kill you!" He yanks his arm out of my grip.

"I don't want you to go back to where you were a year ago, and I'll do anything to keep this Riley." He says kissing me. "I love you."

"J-jack please?" I beg with the littlest hope I have left, but he walks away. "Jack!" I yell crumbling to the ground.

"Jack! Don't!" I breathe heavily noticing that I'm not in Jack's home, but in Luke's.

I wipe away the dry tears," It was just a dream Riley. Just a dream." I look at the empty jug on the night stand. I sigh exhausted. I get up grabbing the empty glass.

I walk down to the kitchen through the dimly lit halls. I chug a whole glass of water feeling a little relieved. "Yes, that's all I know." I hear Luke's voice from a room down the hallway down stairs.

I walk down until I find a room's door a little opened. I peek through looking at Mr. Johnson. "So what I know is that this girl will help us bring him down if we need to?"

"Yes." Luke says.

"Are you sure he cares about her enough to hurt him?"

"Positive, and I found out something about a guy named-" Luke looks at the door. I move to the side and away running up the stairs. I hear the door creak open, but I run up before he could see me.

Holy. Fucking. Shit. What were they talking about? Luke's definitely hiding something, maybe Heath was right. His dad gives me the weirdest feeling ever though.

I eventually fall asleep thinking about endless questions that still needed to be answered.


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