《Bad is an Understatement | ✓》Chapter 15


"Wake up!" Jen yells into my ear.

"What!" I get up in a hustle," Is someone dying? Do you need an ambulance? Should I call nine one one?"

"Haha I'm fine we're going out." She says. I grab my phone five oh three.

"At five in the morning?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Yes." Her tone tells me that she's not kidding.

"No." I hide under the warmth of my blanket.

"Yes!" She yanks my blanket away.

"Ugh!" I groan getting into the bathroom," I really don't like you sometimes! Specially in the mornings."

"Yeah, yeah. Just hurry up." She says. I start doing my business.


Me being me took two hours to get ready. I can get ready in ten minutes, but I really wanted to annoy Jen and Kylie. So it's nine now.

We just ate breakfast at Timmies, my favourite. Kylie's driving us somewhere I still don't know about. "Can you just tell me!" I whine.

"No!" Kylie and Jen both say in unison. I pout my lips and cross my arms.

"I hate you two."

"You'll love us when we get there." Kylie says very confidently.


"Universal studios! Ahh!" I shriek in excitement. "I love you guys!"

"Told you!" Kylie says. I hug her.

"Thank you so much! Can we go in now?" I ask excited they nod and I run up to the entry thing.


"That pic's awesome. I'm posting that one." Jen says as we go through the pictures from today sitting in our room.

I open Instagram only to see the picture already posted. I like it and comment 'beauties'. The picture was of Jen, Kylie and I laughing historically.

"Okay put away your phones people I have the drinks!" Kylie announces busting in with a bottle of alcohol in her hand.

"Are we seriously getting drunk?" I ask.

"We are seriously getting drunk." Jen grabs the bottle from Kylie and opens it.

Jen pours some in three cups and we grab them. I sip on mine feeling the poison burn my throat.

"So Riley, do you have a boyfriend back home?" Jen asks.

"Nope. I am totally single."

"Really? I don't believe you." Jen asks.

"Yes. Why is that so hard to believe?"

"Because you're pretty and you haven't been after my brother or Ian."

"Okay your brothers just no, and Ian is just a friend I don't think I would ever date him." I take a chug of the alcohol emptying it. I grab the bottle to pour more into my cup. "Talking about your brother did you know he put snakes in the room?"

"He what?!" Jen's eyes widen in horror.

"Yeah it was so gross. I'm planning on getting him back."

"Do you have an ideas?" Kylie asks curiously. I grin.


"But we need to go shopping." I say.

"The car's outside." Kylie says standing up. Jen and I join her.


We got pulled over by the police on our way back from the hardware store. Kylie only had a half glass of alcohol so we were let off the hook.

We're back in my room right now waiting for the guys to fall asleep. "Can we go it's three a.m. they're probably asleep." I whine.

"Okay. Stop your whining kid." I at Kylie glare for her comment.

"I am anything, but a kid." I protest.

"Okay. Okay. Grab the bags Jen." Kylie says and we head out for the guys dorm. We get into the building in under ten minutes.

"Shh it's room one oh six." Jen says as we walk down the third floor.

95, 96, 97, 9, 9?! "Guys why is it nine after ninety seven?" I whisper.

"It's missing the eight see the next one is ninety nine." Kylie explains good thing she's sober.

"Oh." I say a little too loudly.

"Shh!" Kylie glares. "There's one oh two." Kylie pulls out a spare key to the door. Dylan had lent her that key once, because he's Heath's roommate and Kylie never gave it back.

The door squeaks open and I cringe as it seems louder than it actually is. It was dead silent at this time. "Are they sleeping?" I ask Kylie who was peeking through the door.

"Yeah." She opens the door wider. We walk in looking at the two men sleeping in their beds like little babies. It was pretty dark, but not dark enough to tell that this room was neatly cleaned unlike usual guys' rooms.

"Jen." She hands me one of the bags. I open it revealing over a hundred mouse traps. I grin mischievously.

One by one we set the mouse traps covering every inch of the floor. I even put one on top of Heath's phone. We stand in the doorway looking at our accomplishment which took us over two hours, because of Heath's constant moving around. I seriously thought he'd wake up and swallow me whole. He can be very scary sometimes. You never know how he'll react.

"Okay it's five thirty." Kylie grins. "Riley is your alarm ready?"

"Yup." I nod turning my phone's volume on high.

"Jen you record." I say and Jen's already holding her phone up. "Ready? Three, two, one." And I press my ringer.


"What the!" Heath and Dylan both say in unison. Kylie flicks on the lights.

Heath reaches for his phone," Ow! Fuck!" All three of us burst out laughing. "Shit!" Heath says clutching his hand.

"Kylie?" Dylan says stepping down," Ow! Fuck! Kylie!" He groans grabbing his foot. Heath sits up on his bed and is literally shooting daggers from his eyes towards me, but I just laugh.


"Seriously?" He asks grabbing his phone. "It's five in the morning."

"It's never too early, or too late for a prank. Wherever. Whenever. Remember?" I ask innocently.

"Hey, sis! I wouldn't be laughing so much. You know I'll get you back for this." Heath's warning causes Jen's laughing to die down.

"Yeah you'll have to go through that before." She points at the ground. Heath leans over looking down.

"Shit. I'm going to kill one of you today." He deadpans. I almost choke on my own laughter.

"Kylie's mine." Dylan smirks. Heath suddenly jumps out of his bed landing on the mouse traps.

"Ow! Shit! Fuck! Ugh! Ouch!" He walks closer to us. Jen and Kylie both hide behind me.

"Hey!" I complain," Run! Don't push me closer to the beast!" Heath sends me a glare, and I sheepishly smile.

"There's really no point in running they'll catch us eventually." They both say. Heath grabs me pulling me on the traps.

"Ow!" I was pulled too fast, because I lose my balance crashing into Heath's chest and he falls back.

"Ugh! Fuck!" He groans as I land on top of him. He on the other hand lands on the traps. Heath looked too frustrated to notice me on him.

I look at his chocolaty eyes which were still bruised. I never noticed how much emotion they had hidden in them before like guilt and desperation. He noticed me staring. His brown hair was scattered in all directions and he had fresh minty breath. His lips were the perfect shade of rosy red I've ever seen," Wanna take a bite?" Heath asks.


"I see you staring Princess. I'm not blind." I scoff putting both my hands on his bare, well toned chest trying to push myself up, but he wraps his hands around me.

"Let go of me." I fall back onto his chest.

"You're drunk?" He asks.

"No I'm not drunk. I drank, but not drunk. There's a difference."

"I know I'm not stupid."

"Oh really? Because you've proved you should be in kindergarten."

"Now don't be all judgy at six in the morning." He says and I roll my eyes," You know what I just noticed. That you woke me up and now we're in this position. Wanna do something else?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

I smirk,"Definitely." I reach up to an unopened trap above his head and bring it down to his ear. Since he's too confused to notice, I press it against his ear and it snaps.

"Fuck!" His hands fly to his ear. I stand up stepping on a trap.

"Just kill me please." I mumble to myself pulling the trap off. I look behind me to see Heath is standing up. I take a run for it. I run outside and down the stairs. When I see the door approaching I look behind me to see no one,"Ow!" I crash into someone. I look up to meet the hypnotizing blue eyed football player. "Luke?" He laughs. I take a step back," What are you doing here at six in the morning?"

"Oh, I-ah," I narrow my eyes," I came here to meet a friend."

"And this friend couldn't wait until a reasonable time."

"Nope he's really busy during the day." He says not making eye contact. I'm like a lie detector and I know there is something fishy going on here.

"Oh. Okay."

"What are you doing here? Still in your clothes from yesterday." Before I can answer Heath runs down the stairs shirtless.

"Shit." I mumble to myself as I look at Luke's expression." It's not what you think! I swear."

"Ahm, I should-"

"Luke I swear I was just here to prank him that's it." He raises his eyebrows.

"Come on Princess why are you trying to hide such a good night we had together. The morning was my favourite." Heath smirks putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Fuck off." I whack his hand off.

"I'll fuck you."

"Go fuck yourself." I put my hands up in emphasis," Okay! Luke I'm sorry you had to see this in the morning. I'll be leaving you two now. But I'll see you tomorrow." I mention remembering it's Tuesday tomorrow.


I came back to my room and slept for a while until it was time for class. I get ready by grabbing all my stuff. My phone. Shit, "No!" I groan remembering that I brought it to the guys' dorm. Ugh!

I walk out slamming the door shut behind me. This is just amazing. If Heath has my phone he's not giving it back so easily. I walk into class and sit in the spot I sat last time.

My phone has everything in it. My nightmares and every memory left of Jack. Heath walks in a couple of minutes later wearing shorts and a t-shirt like usual. As he comes closer, I can't help but notice all the bruises on his arms, legs and one on his ear. I cover my mouth to hold in a laugh as he sits down next to me. "I wouldn't be laughing so much, I have something that's very important to you." He holds out my phone. I try to grab it, but he securely tucks it into his pocket. The bell rings starting class," You're not getting it back so easily Princess." He smirks.




How was the chapter? There's a lot of snippets because I didn't wanna go into a lot of details of a place I've never been to(universal studios)

One more thing I noticed and I'm not sure of because I don't live in the states, but I'm pretty sure there's no Tim Hortons there. So Oops.

Thank you for reading!

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