《Bad is an Understatement | ✓》Chapter 12


Squeezing through the crowded room, I make my way to the bar. I keep my breathing slow and steady to keep from having an asthma attack. I've had asthma my entire life and I've learned to cope with it. I haven't had an attack in a while and I would love to keep it that way mostly because I don't have my inhaler with me. It's in my duffle bag.

I sit on one of the chairs in front of the bar," A shot of Tequila please." The bartender nods making my shot. He slides it to me and I gulp it down in one try," How about two more?" I ask, and he starts making more. I drink the second and third.

"Hi." Ian says sitting beside me. I put the shot glass down.

"More please." I request.

"Are you sure you could take more?" Ian asks.

"Does it look like I'm drunk yet?" I ask being sober enough. I just feel a little buzzed right now.

"Just a little buzzed." He says.

"Exactly." I say grabbing another shot," I'm not drunk."

"I'm sorry for the prank. I shouldn't have done that specially only a couple of hours after I apologized for my first prank."

"No really?" I ask feeling a little more hazy, but I still force a fifth and a sixth. I have a very big capacity.

"Whow. Not judging you or anything, but I think you've reached your capacity."

"I-I'll be fine." I stutter under the alcohol's effects. Acting a little more drunk than I actually am won't hurt. At least not me. "And I'll forgive you if you leave me alone for like a minute or an hour." I say standing up, but I lose my balance. Ian catches me before I end up on the floor. Cheesy much.

I stand up blinking numerous times,"Th-thanks." I say seeing two of him. Oh shit. I might be a little drunk.

"Do you need some help I could take you to a room." He says and I nod not being able to take the bulging music.

He wraps his hand around my waist and I put my arm around his shoulder. He walks me to a room down stairs and sits me on the bed. I see a bottle of champagne on the table and grab it chugging it down. I cough as I chug too much. "Whow!" Ian says turning around and taking the bottle from my hand," Calm down."

"Hey! That's mine." Tears start to slip from my eyes. "Don't take that away from me!" I try snatching it back, but he pulls it away.

All of a sudden I feel dizzy and the urge to puke. I hold my stomach and mouth with my hands. I look at the garbage can on the other side of the room and run to it. I kneel down and puke. After I'm done, I lay down on the bed."Here." Ian says handing me a glass full of lemonade.


I thankfully take it and gulp it down. My vision was still hazy and my head started to throb. Ian sits next to me scratching the back of his head. I felt happy and excited for some reason," What is it?" I ask too cheerfully. He is acting way to weird maybe if I act drunk he'll tell me what's going on mostly, because he'll think I'll forget in the morning.

"Ah, you remember the dare right?"

"Yeah," I laugh looking down at myself," That's why I'm half naked." I state.

"Yeah." He laughs awkwardly," I was talking about my dare."

"Oh." I'm confused. I remember his dare, he had to give the hottest girl in the room a hickey. Oh fuck. I'm so sober right now."Did you do it?! Did you do it?!" I act excited to know if he did.

"No." He says not looking at me.

"Why?" I ask put my hand on his shoulder.

"Because the girl's you."

"Me?" I ask and my eyes widen in excitement," Me! Oh my god you think I'm hot!" I squeal.

"You don't mind do you?" He asks innocently.

"Nope." I say popping the 'p'.

"So-" Before he can continue I kiss him on the lips. I'm completely sober and I know what I'm doing. He kisses me back. Soon he pushes me back on the bed and startles me by getting on top of me.

He won't do it Riley. He wants your trust, right? So he won't do it. Not when you're drunk. I think to myself as he kisses me and I pant for my breath. Damn he's force full. I think to myself as I tried to put my hand around his neck, but he pinned them down. He sits on top of me scanning my face," No I can't do this." He mumbles to himself breathing heavily.

"What can't you do?" I ask acting like I'm still drunk.

"I can't. You're drunk. I'm not going to use you. I'm sorry Riley. I shouldn't even have kissed."

I push him off me. Don't need to put up the act on any longer. "No damn right you didn't need to kiss me back while I was supposedly drunk." I laugh at his shocked expression.

"You're not drunk?" He asks.

" I was a little, but I wasn't drunk enough to sleep with you."

"So the dare?" He blushes.

"You either face it like a man by not forcing me to do it and accept the fact that you can't and won't be able to do this dare. Or force me to do it because your a pathetic piece of shit."

"Look Riley I'm actually really sorry for trying to do it while you were drunk. Well at least I thought, but that doesn't change the fact that I still think you're hot." He sheepishly states.


"If that's your way of flirting. It's horrible." I walk to the door.

"Where are you going?" Ian asks.

"I'm going to decorate Heath's face for the fun night I've had." I slam the door shut behind me as I walk to the backyard.

I walk outside only to spot Heath on a girl. That's not Kirsten. What a fucking player. I walk over to him and pull him around to face me by his shoulder. I make a fist out of my hand and swing it making contact with his right eye," What the-" before he could continue I punch him in the other eye," Fuck!" He growls.

"You're lucky you don't have a third eye." I growl.

"Riley?" He asks shocked.

"No shit sherlock." I end by pushing him back into the pool.

"Damn it Riley!" I hear him growl once again before I'm inside.

I calm down as I once again find myself sitting in front of the bar. I open and close my right hand as I feel it had gotten tense. Those were some good punches Riley. Nicely done. I appreciate my skills while taking another shot.

"Hey, Riley?" I turn around to see someone who reminded me of Dylan.

"Luke?" I ask.

"That's me." He winks and I laugh.

"We haven't talked or seen each other in a while, how are you?" I ask happy to see a fresh face.

"I'm actually great." The song changes to a slow paced one. "You wanna dance?" He asks.

"I'd actually love to." He lends out his hand and I put mine on his locking them together. I walk with him to the middle of the floor and he puts his hands around my bare my waist. I wrap my arm on his shoulders.

I feel a little tired so I pull myself closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder. The silence between us made me feel so comfortable and warm it was something I've been yearning for. But the silence was enough for my brain to bring back the memories. Memories of my dad and Jack.

"Dad please, don't I'll do anything for you. Whatever I've done I've always done for you!" I cry pleading.

"This guy over here ruined you Riley! He made my efforts on you go weak! If he lives you'll never truly be mine." He says pointing the gun at Jack.

"P-please! Dad! Please!- Riley? Hey, Riley are you okay?" I gasp for air as I see Luke's face in front of me. I breathing heavily for a couple of seconds before my breathing becomes a little rhythmic. "Riley?" Luke asks handing me a glass of water and I take it. He stands in front of me as we're still on the dance floor. His hands come up wiping away the tears which had unknowingly fallen. "Riley? Are you-"

"I'm fine Luke. I'm sorry I just um, can you give me a ride home?" I ask still traumatized by the memory flash. I haven't remembered this for over weeks.

"Yeah, of course." Luke says and I follow him through the crowd. All of the sudden I'm yanked back by a hold on my left wrist.

"Heath?!" I ask as I turn around looking at his figure.

His expression turned from stone to worried," What happened to you? What did he do?" He asks looking at Luke who was beside me.

"He-he d-didn't do anything. Just let me go." I struggle to make him loosen his grip. He lets go of me only to have a hold on Luke's collar.

"What the fuck did you do to her?!" He outbursts by punching him square in the face before he could even answer.

"HEATH! STOP!" I yell but he doesn't stop and now he's on top of Luke," Heath please I beg you, just stop!" I cry any strength I had left in me out. I kneel down on the ground beside him. "J-just stop. Let him go please." I beg and he looks at me confused.

He looks at Luke's face which was currently covered in fresh blood. Ian comes in," I'll take care of him just take Riley home." Ian says.

"I don't want to see you anywhere near her." He says before looking at me. "I'm taking you home princess." He carries me in his arms as if he knew I had no strength left in me. His clothes weren't wet they were dry. I could tell they were freshly washed.

With that my eyes started seeing blurry before completely shutting off. My whole body goes numb resting into Heath's arms.


How do you like the dark secret in Riley's past?

I was really debating weather I wanted her to cry over her past or not. I kind of just went along with it because I thought it would fit into the way I want the story to go. I swear I did not have this planned:$ Tell me honestly what you think!

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