《Bad is an Understatement | ✓》Chapter 11
I rock back and forth as I feel myself moving, but at the same time sitting. Flashes of light appear through my closed eyelids and I close them tighter as I try to remember what happened. I try to bring my right hand forward, but it gets stopped by a cold metallic object around my wrist.
My eyes snap open. I look around to find myself sitting on the back seat of a car handcuffed to the door. "You're up I see." I look at the person driving who was currently looking at me through the rearview mirror with his chocolate brown eyes.
"Hey, I'm just taking you out for a fun night. No need to get mad. I told you it was either going to be my way or yours."
"A fun night? You just qualified yourself for a death sentence by kidnapping me, and I'm not really sure about how long your way will last. But I know for sure, it won't be that long."
"I don't think kidnapping is worth a death sentence in America."
"Oh I wasn't talking about the law." I glare at him and he looks at me through the rearview mirror. His adam's apple bobs and he relaxes his posture.
"It's only one night. One party. No harm will come from it."
"First of all I've been to tons of parties and gotten drunk before I'm not scared of that. Why can't you just understand that I don't want to go." I try unlocking the door. I pull the lever, but it doesn't open. "Second of all, were these handcuffs really necessary?"
"Child lock and yes. I didn't want you bashing my head." He says calmly which only causes me to get more angry. I hit the door in frustration. I look outside the window as he pulls up into the party house.
"Unlike you I do not have a death wish. I wouldn't have tried killing you while you were driving."
He slowly pulls into the garage and turns off the engine. He turns around throwing a bag at me,"Good to know. Now change into these, they're Jen's."
"No. How long have I been out for?" I ask.
"If I answer that will you change into those."
"No." I say without looking into the bag.
"Then I'm guessing you'll never know."
"Okay." He looks at me bewildered by my response. "What?" I ask as he stares at me.
"You're not going to scream, fight or do anything?"
"Nope. I'm not going to the party, and if you're going to be stubborn too then I don't mind staying here for the night." I reply.
"Are you serious?" I nod," It's just a party. Okay, swear on your life that you're not scared to go, and that you just don't want to."
"I swear on my life that I'm not scared to go I just don't want to. No crosses count." I add. His eyes widen for a second before narrowing them thinking something. "Can you stop?" I ask irritated by his curious eyes.
"Okay. What will it take for you to go to this party?"
"Now that's the way I like it." I smile," Number one, you can't prank me for the whole night. Two, if I get drunk you can't take any pictures or videos of me. No one can. Number three, I'm not changing into whatever clothes you brought. And last, but not least. Me going does not mean I forgave Ian. Deal?" I cross my arms and legs. The cuff gets stuck near the end of my forearm.
"It's only a deal if both ends gain something."
"I'm listening." I simply answer. What is this guy planning?
"You have to come upstairs to the private room with me," I narrow my gaze as a warning," and other close friends to play some games."
"What kind of games?" I ask suspiciously.
"Games like Truth or Dare, Never Have I Ever and Twenty One Questions."
"Okay I'll play Never Have I Ever and Truth or Dare, but not Twenty One Questions. The rest of the games that anyone comes up with are also my choice if I want to play or not." He thinks for a couple of minutes," It's the best you're getting. Take it or leave it."
"Deal." He says bringing his hand out. "You're hiding something Princess, and if not with Twenty One Questions I will eventually get answers." He smirks.
"Deal, and good luck with that." I shake his hand. "Now hand me the keys." He hands me the keys from his pocket. "Oh and I'm getting you back for this tonight. Consider it a part of the deal." I say unlocking the stupid handcuffs.
I stuff the cuffs and the key into my pocket for safe keeping, away from Heath. He gets out of the car and starts walking towards the door which probably leads inside the house. He stops in his steps as he realizes that I'm not following. He walks towards my door and opens it. I step out," Oh why thank you, Charming." Sarcasm lingering through my every word.
I walk towards the door he was walking to and open it. "Wow." Are the only words that drop from my mouth as the blasting music makes contact with my ears. This house was big because there were over a hundred people crowded dancing to the beat of the song in just this one room.
The smell of alcohol and weed filled the atmosphere. I cough a little in suffocation between the sweaty people and smell of smoke. I didn't even notice Heath was pulling me through the crowd of people as I had to squeeze through them.
My breathing gets a little heavier," Hey, are you okay Princess?" Heath asks looking back at me. I nod in a not so assuring way.
He pulls me through the people and up the stairs. We walk down the hallway to the last room and he opens the door revealing a huge round shape room which was outlined by a round couch.
There sitting, were a couple of people which included Jen, Ian, Dylan, Kylie and Kirsten. "They're here!" Dylan announces and Heath lets go of my hand leaving the warm feeling.
Heath goes up to Kirsten," Hey, baby." He says kissing her on the lips. Oh. I did not know they had a thing going on...
I awkwardly walk past them to Jen. "Hey, you finally decided to come, huh?" She says.
"I was forced to." Heath smirks at my response as his hand is snaked around Kirsten's waist.
"Pay up." Heath smirks. Dylan and Ian both hand him each a hundred dollar bill.
"Hey!" I whine. The boy's expression drops into a 'I already know what she's going to say' look. "I'm worth more than two hundred." I smirk. After getting over the shock of what I said, a smirk covers their faces too.
"You know I think we're going to be great friends. Now can we start the games?" Dylan says whining and sitting down beside me.
The rest of the crew sits down as well," Okay. Truth or Dare or Never Have I Ever?" Ian asks sitting across from us beside Heath and Kirsten.
"Truth or Dare!" Dylan, Kylie and Jen all say in unison.
"Riley?" Ian asks.
"Yeah sure." I hand wave myself. It's really hot in here.
"Sorry, um the air conditioning broke down today." Ian says noticing my frustration against the humidity.
"It's okay." I smile.
"Why don't you just take the hoodie off?" Heath asks.
"Because I'm not wearing a shirt underneath."
"Even more of a reason to take it off." He grins. I grab the pillow from behind me and throw it at him.
"You're a horny jerk. At least behave in front of your girlfriend." I say looking at the angry expression on Kirsten's face. He pecks Kirsten on the lips trying to please her. I roll my eyes when Kirsten smiles like she's gone under his spell.
"Okay who wants to go first?" Kylie asks enthusiastically. No one puts their hand up or says anything," Okay fine the oldest person here gets to go. So it's between Jen and Heath."
"What? No! I'm not going." Jen protests," And we don't even know Riley's birthday what if she's the oldest."
"Hey I'm twenty one. I'm not the oldest."
"Ugh. Fine. I guess I'll go." Jen groans disappointed.
"What about Heath? He didn't even protest." I mention.
"Oh if we started arguing we'd be here 'till tomorrow morning." Jen says and Heath chuckles earning himself a glare from her.
"Okay Truth or Dare?" Heath asks her.
"Truth." And everyone boos. "I'm not giving into peer pressure. Boo all you guys want. I pick truth." She says.
"Fine. No problem. Have you ever kissed Ian or Dylan?" Heath's words flowed out so smoothly it was like he already knew he was going to ask this.
"No! Ew. No. Well... not that I remember." Jen says," No offence or anything guys." Dylan and Ian pretend to be offended when she said 'ew'.
"Okay, Ian you're next." Jen says.
"Oh come on I wanted princess to go next!" Heath whines. I let out a laugh.
"The rules are the person who goes first chooses who goes next and I choose we go anti clockwise." Heath shuts up.
"Okay then, Truth or Dare Ian?" Jen asks.
"Dare." He smirks.
"Okay I have one." Heath says smirking.
"No it's my turn." Jen complains.
"We all know you don't have a dare so just let me." Heath says and continues before Jen can protest," You have to give who ever you think the hottest girl in this room is a hickey tonight, and so we know that you don't change girls you have to write her name on my back."
"Yeah? Okay. Sure. Yeah I'll do it." Ian says not sounding too sure. He grabs a pen which was laying on the coffee table in front of us and writes the girls name on Heath's back.
"Okay Heath it's your turn. Truth or Dare?" Kirsten asks.
"Truth." Everyone complains how he's playing safe and he just rolls his eyes not caring.
"Can I ask the question?" I ask and everyone quiets down.
"Yeah sure." Jen says.
"Why'd you want me to come to this party so badly."
He smirks like he knew I would ask that," Because I want to find your weaknesses." He says simply. His words sent chills down my back. The way they dripped out of his mouth so calmly. It was terrifying.
"Oh. Well good thing I already know yours." I smile viciously.
"Okay. Kirsten it's your turn." Dylan says.
"Dare." Kirsten says.
"Okay I dare you to have a thirty second make out session."
"With?" Kirsten asks. If I would've been dared that I wouldn't be as calm as her.
"Kylie." Dylan says devilishly smirking.
"Ew!" Kylie says smacking Dylan on the shoulder.
"Hey! We all know you've been with a girl before so don't you dare back away from this." He says playfully.
"Fine." Kylie groans. Kirsten on the other hand seems cool with it. They both scoot closer to each other and their lips instantly meet.
I felt a little awkward watching them so I try to keep my eyes busy by scanning Heath. Who looked too amused by this. "Okay we're done." Kylie and Kirsten both say in unison and my eyes avert to their figures which were scooting apart from each other.
"Okay Kylie your turn." Jen says.
"No way. I just did my turn. I am not going again and you can't make me."
"Fine you're just a poor sport." Jen says," Dylan?"
"Dare." He says.
"I want you to take three shots off of ah-um, Riley! Three shots off Riley." Kylie says. I give her a 'are you serious look' and she replies by nodding. I narrow my eyes in disappointment.
"Riley?" Dylan looks at me.
"Okay." I say.
"Okay." Dylan says," Ian bring the utensils. And the rest of you follow me." We follow Dylan to the back of the room which had a pool table. I stand there as Dylan looks between me and the table. I realize what he's trying to point out and I let out a sigh.
I sit up on to the table and pull up my hoodie revealing my bare stomach. The scars had disappeared do to my tan which made me happy. I didn't have to answer to people's questions. Ian comes back with a bottle of champagne and a shot glass in his hand. I scoot back on the table pulling my hoodie up a little more," Just take it off princess." I hear Heath say and I don't bother answering, but simply take my hoodie off revealing my black adidas sports bra.
I sigh before laying my back down on the table. I ignore the stares I was getting probably because I didn't argue about taking my hoodie off. I feel the cold shot glass full of liquid on my stomach and my breathing slackens. Within seconds, I feel warm air right above where the glass is. The glass soon lifts up and I watch Dylan drink it. "Nicely done man!" Heath pats him on the back. I sit up. "Just two more to go." He smirks saying it to Dylan, but looking at me. I lay back down rolling my eyes and the process is repeated two more times.
I put on my hoodie sighing, because it actually felt nice cooling down a bit. I look at Dylan who was smirking at Kylie playfully showing off the fact that he took the dare. "I hope you didn't mind Riley?" Dylan says helping me down from the table.
"Don't worry about it. I know it meant nothing more than a dare to you." I smile sitting down at my old spot on the couch.
"Okay Riley. It's your turn Truth or Dare?" Ian asks. Truth or Dare? Huh. Let's play risky. I smirk.
"Truth and Dare. I can't choose." Everyone 'Oooos'.
"Are you seriously not scared of me or is it just an act?" Heath asks. I scoff at his question.
"Are you serious?" I ask," Out of all the questions in the world you could've asked you ask that question." He shrugs," No I'm not scared of you, and me being me is not an act." I say looking him dead in the eyes.
"I dare you to stay in your sports bra for the rest of the night."
"Are you just a pervert, or do you just like annoying me?" I ask.
"A bit of both. Now are you taking the dare or not?" He asks irritated. I pull my hoodie over my head and hand it to Dylan. I feel refreshed as the cool air coming in from the window hits my bare back.
"Okay! I guess the games over." Ian says breaking our glaring. "Dude I'm heading down to the party. You guys should come too."
"Sure." Heath says standing up and walking to Ian who was currently by the door," Don't forget your dare man." He reminds and they both disappear; followed by Kylie, Kirsten and Dylan.
"Do you wanna head down?" Jen asks me.
"Yeah sure I'll be down in a minute you go ahead." I say. Jen gets up and opens the door letting the blasting music through.
"How come there's no sound when the doors closed? The music is so loud." I ask.
"Most of the rooms are soundproof. You should be happy I mean you do not want to hear all the things going on in these other rooms." I laugh. "I'll see you in a bit, okay?" I nod and she shuts the door behind her.
I walk over to the window which showed all the illuminating lights in the town shining like stars tonight. I shiver a little as the cool breeze makes contact with my skin, but it still feels better than sweating in my hoodie.
Why did Heath bring me here? Just to play this stupid game. I will never understand him. I let out a deep breath before walking towards the door. I just really feel like getting drunk tonight. I think to myself before turning the doorknob and heading out. It'll be a fun night. I hope.
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