《Bad is an Understatement | ✓》Prologue
The wind blew strongly in the dry air. Out of three hundred and sixty five days, did it have to be stormy the day I landed?
I zip up my jacket and pull the loose strands of hair behind my ear. Lugging my suitcase, I walk back into the crowded airport. It was chaotic. People were constantly bumping into each other, trying to get to their designated areas while others were arguing with workers.
I, on the other hand, find a spot on the bench and sit quietly. The weather can't be controlled so people just need to suck it up rather than yelling at workers who have no control over the whole situation.
Like they're saving your life, the airplane could crash or malfunction.
My heart skips a beat when my pant starts vibrate. Realizing it's my phone, I reach into my pocket and fish it out, the caller ID displayed my roommates name.
"Hey, have you landed?" Jen asks.
"I did about an hour ago, but all the roads have been shut down because of the storm," I reply.
"I know, half the city lost its power and they're saying it's only a matter of minutes before the other half loses it too," Jen informs.
"Shit, I think I'm gonna be spending the night here."
"Gosh, I was looking forward to tonight," Jen sighs sadly.
"Me too, we'll see each other in the morning."
"I would pick you up, but my car's at the mechanics. Seriously, hate having a twin," Jen mumbles.
Before I can reply, everything falls dead silent as the light disappears. I look at my screen and it says no signal available. Few seconds later, lights not as strong as the usual, takeover.
I close my phone and put it back into my pocket. The ruckus of people arguing and running around blinds my hearing. Exhausted, I bring out my black fluffy pillow and lie down on the bench.
Hogging the whole bench, slowly, I drift into a deep sleep.
I shift over to the side trying to get comfortable. My whole body was aching and I had no idea why, so I move over a little more and - thud.
"Ow," I groan. I crisscross my legs and grab my pillow putting in my lap. My eyes still blurry, I rub them clear and look around at the airport. Most of the area was now empty compared to last night telling me the roads were now open.
Yawning, I stand up tall and stretch. I lazily grab my suitcase and carry it outside. There was a drastic change in the weather. Rather than the wind and rain like last night, it was now sunny with some clouds. A taxi was parked across the road, so I walk over to it.
"Hi, can you take me to UCLA?" I question the bald man. He didn't look scary as I like to describe all taxi drivers. On the contrary, his smile felt quite welcoming.
"Sure, hop in," he says. With a smile on my face, I open the back door and shove my luggage in before taking a seat myself.
The driver turns on the ignition and we start moving. My eyes intensely gaze at everything we pass. Los Angeles is beautiful and so much more different than Vancouver. British Columbia has it's natural greenery, but Los Angeles with it's entertainment and business world seems so much more interesting.
Intrigued by the outside, I don't even realize we're on campus until the driver calls me.
"Sorry, uh- thank you," I take out my wallet and hand him the due payment.
"Have a good day, Ms.," he says as I exit the taxi. Once he drives off, I turn around to face the building labelled in bold letters 'Girl's Dorm'.
Escaping the bright sun, I head inside. I remember my room number was six oh seven on the fourth floor, so I decide to take the elevators.
After a short walk through some halls, I find my room and use the key I was mailed a couple of days prior to my flight. When the door opens, the first thing I spot are the faint pink walls.
I pull in my suitcase and close the door once I find myself alone. Jennifer must be in class right now. I'm really excited to meet her. We've been talking over text ever since we found out we were going to be roommates a couple of days ago and have gotten to know each other a lot.
Starting a new life, I wanted everything to be absolutely fresh, so I told Jen the main parts of my old life. Like where I was born, and how I raised myself alone because my mom died when I was fourteen and my dad was a drunk ass who only knew how to hit his own daughter. She was surprised at how blunt and forward I was about it, but she doesn't know even half the shit I've been put through for the last nine years of my life. It was necessary for at least one person to know that part of me, because some things that I do now, will seem unusual to people who don't know it and Jen can just help me brush them off.
My eyes roam the room curiously. Everything was organized and clean. Two single beds were set on the far end of the room, in each corner split by a nightstand in the middle. The bed on the right, had a decorated wall while the one on the left, didn't instantly letting me know which one belonged to me. I set my suitcase on the foot of my bed before lying down.
The comfortable bed pulls out the lazy side in me as I close my eyes to rest. Realizing how tired I was, I don't try to get up. I keep my eyes closed until I slowly feel my sleep getting deeper. A few more seconds and I would've been deep asleep, but no, I'm awoken by the sound of my phone.
My eyelids rip open. I sit on my bed contemplating whether I should walk all the way to my suitcase to get my phone, or lay back down.
Lay down. No, Riley! You won't be able to sleep at night and fuck up your sleep schedule.
Scolding myself, I get up and grab my phone. I pick up Jennifer's call, "Hey, are you here?"
"Oui," I reply. "I'm in our room right now."
"Great, I just got out of class. You must be hungry, so meet me in the cafeteria, like now."
I laugh,"'kay, but where is the cafeteria?"
"Oh, yeah. You know the nightstand we have, there's a map of the campus in the first drawer."
"One sec," I take a couple of steps towards the nightstand and slide open the first drawer. The first thing I spot are a box of condoms. "Uh... Jen, I thought you were single."
"I am," she replies.
"The box of condoms?" I question.
"For emergencies," she says sheepishly.
"Uh-huh," I move the box and find the map lying underneath.
"Found it."
"Good, see you in a few minutes!" she chirps.
I end the call and sigh laughing. Never in my life, have I been friends with a person with such high levels of happiness injected into them. Already, I feel like I've made the best decision moving here.
I put my phone in my jean's pocket and unfold the map. The paper wrinkles as I turn it around in the effort to find the right side up. Once I do, my eyes spot the the gym at the farther back side of the campus. From the looks of it, it was going to be about a twenty minute walk from here.
Eager to meet my new friend, I take a quick glance in the mirror before I head out. My dark brown hair was in loose curls; they weren't intended, but didn't look too bad, so I leave them. My eyeliner was still on while my mascara had smudged, so I run my fingers over the bags off my eyes taking off the black colour. Deciding I look presentable, I exit my room.
I'm out in the parking lot, in minutes. I follow the signs and head towards the campus. As I walk, I spot hundreds of students. Some like me carrying their suitcases while others walked with their friends talking about the latest news. In university, hardly anyone knows anyone, so I didn't feel left out.
About six minutes into the walk, I find the main building. It was enormous and could tell I'm gonna have a hard time finding anything here. This was going to be challenge. So with one big huff, I climb up the few stairs and head in.
I've kept walking through random hallways for the last fifteen minutes, and I still haven't found the cafeteria. This map is honestly useless. From every angle, it makes no sense.
I'm stand in wing C and according to the map, the cafeteria should be at the end of the hallway. And guess what, I've been down there seven times, and it hasn't magically appeared there.
Frustrated, I shove the map into the closest garbage can. This wasn't going to stop me, so I just walk. I decide to walk in every direction, and hallway until I find the damn cafeteria.
As I walk down a narrow hallway, the sound of an engine roaring, takes over my hearing. My head turns watching the students clearing the hallway. I try to zoom in my hearing to listen to some of their gossiping, but the roar of the engine increases, catching my full attention.
I spin around terrified of the possibilities of what it could be. My mouth gapes like a fish when I see that some idiot is riding a motorcycle through the hallways. He's only fifteen feet away, coming towards me in full speed, yet here I stood, glued to my spot. There were no barriers in his way except for me which could be easily crushed.
Sometimes I wonder how much more stupid I could get.
I'm great at acting on impulse, but whatever's going on with me right now, is out of my understanding. My eyelids shield over my eyes when my brain prepares itself for the worse.
Come on Riley, you knew this day was going to come soon. I would say thank you, but this life s-
I jolt when I hear a loud bang. Slowly, my eyes open. Adjusting to the light, I look to my left where the guy had crashed. There's a huge dent in the wall and the guy who was on the motorcycle, is twisted painfully under his bike. Feeling sorry, I was going to run up to the guy to help him, but when he starts moving, I freeze up.
"Ugh," he groans.
Literally the first day of university and this, I might as well be cursed.
His arm's tighten, showing themselves off as he picks up the weight of the bike and slides out from underneath.
Well, he seems to be doing just fine helping himself.
I watch as the veins pulse in his arms as he dusts off his black shorts. Faintly, I could make out the guy impulsively mumbling profanities under his breath. When he's done dusting himself off, he stalks his way over to me.
His perfect posture as he made his way over to me, was breathtaking. The maroon shirt complimented his dark complexion and loosely kissed his muscles.
The shirt was a damn tease. I mentally groan.
The black helmet he wore blocked any feature on his face making me frown. A mouth-watering body like his, can only come with a drool worthy face.
Wait, a helmet? Wow, makes total sense. I mean you are driving in the halls of a university need to be save, don't ya? Who the fuck even drives a motorcycle inside a damn building?
The guy towers over me at a height of six three making me feel like a toddler compared to him at a height of five eight. He stood three feet away. His hands rise up and cup his helmet, pulling it off. His tanned face is revealed supporting a perfectly chiseled jaw. His chocolate brown hair scattered in all directions and damp with sweat, made him look even more attractive. The one feature of his that caught my full attention, were his eyes. His light brown eyes were hypnotizing.
"Are you deaf, blind, or both?" he rudely asks.
"What?" I asked confused. I get distracted by his eyes.
"So you're not deaf, are you blind?" his heavy voice covered me in goosebumps.
"Are we playing twenty one questions, because I also have a question; is dick a part of your personality?" I ask annoyed from his attitude. He chuckles not seeming too amused.
"So you think you're funny, huh?" He takes a step closer trying to intimidate me. I shrug in response.
"Just a little," I pinch my thumb and pointer finger. He looks at it a little surprised by my own attitude.
"I just lost three hundred dollars because your rich little brain was clogged by things I clearly don't give a fuck about and couldn't process how your legs work."
"You winning or losing your bet is none of my fucking concern and where does class come in all of this? Just because I go to this school, doesn't make me rich. And my little brain?" I air quote the last three words.
"I bet you couldn't even tell apart a dictionary from a thesaurus, all you'd see are the words and stereotype it, so don't go judging me without knowing me. Lastly, I don't know about you, but the last time I checked, this was a university hallway, not a high speed raceway for you."
I hear the grinding off his teeth as his jaw clenches. A vein pops out perfectly centred in the middle of his forehead. His anger radiating onto me like massive heat waves. He moves forwards and I move back until I feel the hard wall behind me.
Well, fuck.
I take a glance to the side, past his arm. I could see the crowd around us eagerly waiting for his response to my blow.
"You have no idea who you're talking to, so bitch, I'll let it go this time b-"
"Oh, I know exactly who I'm talking to; a air headed man whore. And, but what? I'm not scared of you. No matter who you are, we could've avoided all of this useless arguing if you had just been polite to start with."
"I'm not polite to anyone, especially sluts like you. If you just wanted me to notice you, you could've just said so," he says, leaning in, leaving only enough space for us to breathe. If any one of us were to move, even an inch, we'd be kissing.
"And let me tell you, you have my full attention," a proud smirk covers his face.
"Wow, you're so self-conceited that it's not even funny," I scoff.
"But thanks for proving that you're also indeed an air headed man whore, and the next time you feel like calling me a slut, don't. I'll break you up in tiny piece before you could even cry for your mommy. I don't hesitate strike where it hurts," I whisper the last part with my eyes down low. He traces the direction of my eyes and his anger grows.
His arms cage me in as they slam into the wall behind me. My heart rate rises from the proximity.
"You have some guts, Princess," he looks me deep in the eyes. "But you know you can't resist this."
He licks his lips lustfully and bring my eyes back up to his. "You're ignorant, you just don't understand anything."
My hands come up to his chest and I push him away.
Gosh, it was like pushing away a wall. His chest is hard. Shut up, Riley.
Immediately, I break out of my thoughts, and walk past him brushing his shoulder.
"You'll regret this Princess. So much, that you'll wish you had never even come here," he declares. I flip him the bird just before turning the corner.
What a fucking ass hole.
How was it?! Do you like it? Want to read more? Its pretty cliche, but I have this book laid out if I continue writing it; it won't turn out to be so cliché!
Please do tell me what you think by commenting, or even voting! Thank you so much for reading!
Monday Dec 10th, 2018: For the RRs, I wanted to say that yes this chapter has been rewritten and different from the original version. I'm sure those of you who read the old version know why I had to change it, but everything else is pretty much the same so yeah. Have fun reading!
- In Serial18 Chapters
The Wizard Division
Everyone knows that magic is real, that it's the driving force behind the evolution society has gone through over the past few thousand years. Everyone gets annoyed by faeries that steal your socks, or swap your car for a carriage, or coat all your food with salt. Because things like that don't matter enough to hide. Everyone learns about Hitler, the darkest necromancer ever known,who singlehandedly waged war on the rest of the world, in school, and the other similar events in history. Because they were too large to hide. But for everything else, the veil hides the magic from the mundane. There might be an unlicenced werewolf working as your librarian. Maybe a dragon owns your local banking chain. Maybe the murder victim who was killed in a locked room WAS killed by an angry ghost. Or a shapeshifter. Or the elder Fae. Or a rogue Wizard. The solution? Everyone knows the answer to that too. The one thing every police department in the world has in common. The Wizard Division. The L.A.W.D. (Los Angeles Wizard Division) is in for one hell of a ride, when Charlie, a new trainee foisted into the world of magic joins their ranks, and with him a whole host of new and unusual magic sheananigans comes to Los Angeles. Updates twice weekly. Make sure to follow for more updates.
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Zao Ning. The Reincarnated Cultivating Dragon.
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" I'm... 200 years in the future? Can a loser like me... really start over?" Lars the loser, was someone who nobody noticed nobody saw and no one respected. When his high school bully beats him into a coma, Lars draws his last breaths thinking."Am I going to die a loser?" When He awakes from his coma, he finds himself in a another world in a distant future, and that he is no longer a human, but he is now a Shifter, a being with supernatural powers. Lars, now in the body of a Shifter named Axel, sets out to become the strongest Shifter in his academy. Learning from the bullying he experienced in his first life, he sets off on an adventure to become the strongest. However, as he navigates through the academy he has premonitions of a great tragedy that he realized he had dreamt about in his previous life. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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○304 Reasons we Love you□ (Squid game guards x reader)
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