《the human (r.h)》two; snap out of it


It was a rainy day in Forks, one that would put anyone in a fairly foul mood. Mainly because the sky was so grey that it made you wonder if it was ever a different colour. There wasn't even a white cloud in sight. It was all just grey. That was including the cloud that was floating above Delilah and Maya.

"The new girl." Maya took the cigarette out of her lips as she spoke, her eyes focused on the trees in front of her.

"Bella." Delilah knew that her sister knew Isabella's name, however she was just being awkward.

"Why'd you care?" Delilah paused her actions, her finger that was trying to light her cigarette paused for a small second, not long enough for Maya to notice. However she soon continued on with her actions.

"I don't. I just wanted to know who she was." The brunette paused as she took in the smoke from her newly lit cigarette, then letting it out and watching it float above her. "Does it really matter?"

"Yes, you normally don't care what people are called." A manicured hand reached up to pull the dark sunglasses down Maya's freckled nose, her eyes now focusing on her sister.

A small smirk appeared on the other girls pink lips "Thats not true and you know it. Just because you don't know all their names doesn't mean I don't."

This caused both girls to release a small laugh, before both raising their smoke back to their lips in perfect unison.

"Why do you know all their names?" Maya's voice no longer sounded as nice, only because she had cigarette smoke in her throat.

Delilah turned her body to face Maya, her hands wrapping around the smaller girls neck, making sure to keep the cigarette away from Maya. "Because Mai, if I didn't know their names then I wouldn't know their secrets. We can't all keep our status by dealing drugs."

That was the thing about Maya George, she didn't just take drugs, she also dealt them. Even though Delilah had told her many times that she was doing it completely wrong - if you're going to deal you can't take - she still did it. She didn't take them because she was trying to escape, she just took them because she could. Then she dealt them to make money, not that she needed it. It also gave her power over people in town.

Whereas Delilah George had a knack for manipulation, not that it was a good thing, but it meant she could always get what she wanted. Which gave her a certain power over everyone. The brunette was a sweet girl and she would always offer a smile to someone who needed it, however she wasn't afraid to make sure everyone knew that all she had to do was whisper a few things, and people's deepest secrets would be exposed.

Delilah and Maya didn't want to be this way. They actually wanted to be like everyone else at their school, but it just wasn't possible for them. They'd grown up in a house where they were taught that social status was more important than anything else. The influence that they had on the town always had to be maintained, no matter what.


"We can't all get the enjoyment of just digging for information on people."

The girls removed each other from their arms, moving back to stand next to each other like they were before, however both of them now stamping out their cigarettes.

"You don't know how hard that actually is."

"Harder than dealing drugs?"

"Yes. Mom and Dad are happy with you, they know exactly who is having what and how much. They aren't exactly happy with me right now."

"Because of the new girl?"

Delilah knew about Isabella Swan before the girl had even stepped foot in the state. She knew all the basics about her: fathers the chief of police, parents are divorced, her mothers gone travelling and sent Bella to live with Charlie and her star signs a Virgo.

Maya was never sure how Delilah managed to know these things before she even knew what the girl looked like, but somehow she did it.

"Kind of. It's mainly because I still know nothing about the Cullens."

As Delilah spoke she moved her eyes to the left and pierced her lips, her tell tale sign that she was lying. However luckily for her, Maya was paying her no attention.

"You still can't find anything out?"

"Nothing at all. They're so private, I can't even find their address."

Maya let out a small laugh at her sisters words, patting her on the shoulder as she did so. "That sucks Lilah."

"Yeah I know." Delilah pushed herself off the wall they'd been leaning on, brushing her clothes down after doing so. "I'll see you at the car after school, I need to speak to my science teacher."

The older George sister just nodded her head at the brunettes words, pulling another cigarette out and sticking it in mouth, showing her sister that she wasn't going to be walking with her.

As the doors to the cafeteria opened back up, all eyes turned to who had entered. The room knew that it would be one of the George sisters, which was exactly why all eyes turned to her.

The girl didn't pay no attention to that though, in fact she just lifted her head higher, moving her eyes to the table filled with the family that were causing her so many problems.

It was only for a brief second that she looked, but it was enough time for Alice to pass her a smile, then for Delilah's eyes to find the golden ones that she liked so much.

The truth was that Delilah did know one thing about the Cullens. It wasn't much though, it was just a small something that Alice had told her in return for a favour. The favour being something that Delilah was already going to do, she just wasn't going to tell Alice about it.

It was only a small favour, to befriend Isabella Swan. Delilah wasn't sure why but she did it anyway. In return Alice told her that the Cullens weren't who they say they are.

Not that that information was useful at all, which was why she hadn't said anything to her parents.


"Hey Angela, walk with me to science?" Delilah paused her walking at the side of the table, a smile lifting her lips as she looked at the sweet girl.

"Obviously. Bella's got science too, I said she could walk with us."

Delilah moves her gaze over to the new girl, her smile growing even larger if that was possible. "Yeah sure."

Isabella was rather shocked that Delilah was walking to class with Angela. The girl hadn't even been at the school a day but she already knew that Delilah was the most popular girl here, even more so than her sister. She just didn't seem like the type to be friends with Angela.

"Is that okay Bella?" Isabella was so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't realised Angela had got up and stood next to the beautiful girl, it wasn't until the angelic voice spoke that Bella snapped out of it.

"Y-yes." She didn't mean to stutter or keep her answers short, she just couldn't help it.

"Great, I just need to call at the toilet on the way."

The walk was spent with Angela and Delilah talking, they spoke about what Angela did over the summer break, they spoke about Angela's school projects and even Angela's family.

Isabella couldn't help but notice they didn't speak about anything to do with Delilah.

"I'll try to be quick. Don't want you to be late to your first science lesson."

Angela and Bella stood outside the toilets as Delilah went in, she knew no one else was in there as they were all making their way to their lessons instead.

Delilah made her way to the sink, she made eye contact with herself in the mirror as she rested her hands on the sink. She had to mentally prepare herself for what she was going to do next.

It took her a few seconds before she pulled her phone out of her back pocket, dialling the most recent number. It only took a few rings until the reviver picked up.

"Hey mom." Delilah greeted, she tried to keep her tone positive but it was hard when she was doing something she really didn't want to.

"Have you met the new girl?"

The frown on her face deepened as she heard the words her mother spoke, there was only one person in the world she loved more than her mother and that was Maya, but sometimes Delilah did question her love for her.

"Yes, I'm walking to a lesson with her now."

"What have you found out?"

"Nothing yet, apart from that she's quiet and-"

"Then why are you calling?"

Delilah flinched at Nia's tone. "You said to call when I'd spoken to her."

"If you learnt something about her. We don't care if you've just said hi."

Delilah went to protest, she was only doing what she had been told, however before she could say anything the line went dead.

It took Delilah a few seconds of just looking at herself in the mirror before she turned around and left. She'd wasted enough time and only hoped she hadn't made Angela or Bella late for Science.

"I'm so sorry, I couldn't find my lipgloss, but" Delilah paused as she smacked her lips together "I found it at last."

Angela and Bella had been mid way through a conversation when the door next to them was flung open, they barely had any time to register the girl stuttering our, never mind the words she was speaking.

"Are you guys coming?" Delilah paused, turning around to look at the two girls who were still stood at the door, her hair whipping around behind her as she did so.

"After you." Angela spoke, moving to stand at one side while Bella stood at the other. It really fed Delilah's Regina George fantasy.

The class wasn't too far away, it was just enough distance for Delilah to feel like she owned the place and for Bella to feel uncomfortable walking with her.

"Mr Molina, sorry we're late, we've got the newbie with us." Delilah briefly walked up to teacher as she was speaking, however she didn't stay near him to finish her sentence, instead she walked to the bag of the class to her seat.

"Oh yes, Miss Swan."

Delilah watched as Bella trembled slightly as she was talking to the teacher.

"She really needs to calm her nerves." The brunette didn't look at Angela as she took her seat next to her, keeping her eyes forward.

"It's hard for some people." Angela defended, only receiving a hum in return.

The relationship between Delilah and Angela was one that not many people understood. While both George sisters were part of friendship groups, it was rare you saw them speak more than a few words to those people. However Delilah had formed a real friendship with Angela, the pair would walk from lesson to lesson chatting to each other, then they'd spend that lesson talking, Angela even had her phone number. Although the pair were both good friends, Angela knew next to nothing about Delilah.

Curious eyes watched as Bella made her way to sit next to Edward Cullen. It was very clear that the mysterious boy didn't want the new girl next to him. Now Delilah didn't have the best view of what was going on, but she could tell by both parties faces that it was a very awkward situation. So because of that, Delilah couldn't help but stifle a laugh into her hand.

She didn't know what Edward Cullens problem was, and she didn't know why Alice wanted her to befriend the Swan girl, but whatever the reasons were, she wouldn't rest until she found out.

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