《Always & Forever》chapter 16


chapter 16 The Ritual

All the way, to the ancestral witches manor, I felt my nervousness and worry to grow with each passing second.

What if Finn betrayed me?

What if my plan failed?

Thoughts like that plagued my mind all the way. And trust me. It wasn't nice feeling.

What if.

I felt two strong arms grabbing my forearms and turning me, so I was chest to chest with the said person.

I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted with brown ones of Elijah.

They were full of worry and affection. Elijah softly rubbed my arms in order to comfort me.

"My dear, everything will be alright. Please try to calm your heart," he pleaded and I felt myself calming a little. I took a deep breath and looked around.

We were almost there.

I think

I saw Finn standing in the pentagram, and of course, he also saw us.

"They're coming, mother," he announced while turning his head to the mother. She seemed quite panicked.

Yeah you should be, witch.

"No! It's too soon, the moon it's not high enough." she quaked in fear and turned towards Bonnie and Abby "Go, quickly!"

She ordered and both Bennett witches quickly hurried to the manor where I knew both Stefan and Damon were.

Sadly I couldn't change Abby's fate's because it was an only available way to cut Esther from power.

Its better her than Bonnie.

But I was still sad for them both nonetheless. Especially for the said Bonnie, poor girl lost so much for vampires.

"My sons come forward," Esther calmly beckoned them. We stopped just a few steps from the pentagram.

I felt a shiver going through my body remembering the last time I was near pentagram.

It wasn't one of my most pleasant experiences.


"Stay beside me, mother," Finn extended his arm to her while staring at us. I felt my fears creeping up back.

"It's okay. They can't enter," she assured him calmly while stepping into pentagram's center. I shivered again when she glanced at me but still I stared right back even if I wanted to run away from her as fast as my legs could carry me.

"That's lovely. We're stuck out there, while the favorite son plays sacrificial lamb." Kol mocked while stepping towards them until he was physically stopped by an invisible force.

Fire from the torches shot high in the air. "How pathetic you at Finn," he sneered stepping in front of me, even if I was between both Niklaus and Elijah.

"Be quiet, Kol." Esther snapped at her youngest son "Your brother knows the virtue, you cannot even imagine."

I felt anger bubbling in my chest and felt my eyes squinting.

How dare she!?

He just sneered at her.

"Whatever you think of us, killing your own children will be an atrocity," Elijah added, and I squeezed his hand in support.

"My only regret is that I didn't let you die a thousand years ago." The Original Witch simply answered.

Klaus rolled his eyes.

Esther turned again to me.

"I am sorry, child." she addressed me and I stiffened.

Its not in my plan.

"I am sorry that you were dragged into this mess. It's not your world, not your problems," she explained and the first time this evening I saw the real emotion in her eyes.

What is happening?

"You belong to your family, your brother." she almost softly whispered to me, and I felt how my mouth twitched.

Well she is kind of right. To be honest.


I heard them growling from behind me, but I was more concentrated on the witch in front of me.

"They miss you terribly. I can help you to return to them. I swear on my magic," she swore. And I without thinking took a step towards her.

My family. My family missed family. My brother. I can come back to them.

But then I stopped.

My new family is here now.

And no matter how harsh it sounds I feel that my place is here now.

My family would understand.

I shook my head and lowered my arm instantly.

I heard how they sighed in relief.

"No! I can't. My place is here, with them." I whispered almost inaudibly but they all still heard that. Esther's face hardened.

"Very well." she flatly said and opened her mouth to say something more but Niklaus interrupted her.

"Enough! All this talk is boring me. End this now mother dearest or I will send you back to hell." he growled at her while letting go my hand.

"For a thousand years, I've been forced to watch you. Felt the pain of every victim, suffered while you shed a blood," she spoke looking at each of my mates. " Even you, Elijah, with your claim to nobility, you're no better. All of you. You are a curse on this Earth. Stretched out for generations. If you've come to plead for your life. I'm sorry, you've wasted your time" she moved her head to the side.

I looked around. It was almost time. At my words, flames shot up into the sky.

"No! Sisters! Don't abandon me!" she cried out and I could feel anticipation creeping in.

"I'm sorry, mother." I heard Finn murmuring to his mother and I closed my eyes.

I didn't want to see that.

A moment later I heard the sound of a snapped neck.

I flinched.


I was sitting on the sofa back to the Mikealson's manor. A warm cup of tea was in my arms.

All of the Originals brothers were with me. My mates were closer, somehow touching me and Finn was leaning near the window while absentmindedly gazing through the glass. I cold feel sadness and guilt just spilling from him.

"What happened? Who died?," Rebekah walked in and looked curiously at me, then at Finn.

"Our mother," Kol snorted and I lowered at him. He just raised his hands in defence.

Elijah stood up a d moved forward towards his sister.

"It's over, my sister, " he announced and Rebekah gasped.

From my seat I saw how her eyes slightly watered.

I smiled sympathetically while Finn started walking towards the exit.

"I need to be alone for some time," he answered a silent question and I nodded my head at him.

"Soon," I promised him and he slightly smiled before flashing away.

Soon it will better

I hope.

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