《Always & Forever》chapter 14


chapter 14 Compulsion

"I'm bored," Kol simply stated while collapsing on the sofa.

Of course, it was the same sofa I was sitting on so he just laid his head on my lap while toothy grin crossed his handsome face.

I audibly closed my book and turned my full, undivided attention to the attention seeker vampire.

If it is possible the grin on his face broadened even more. I twisted one of the longer strand of his hair around my finger.

"Our sister is a stru-" he started and I slightly narrowed my eyes and put my hand on his mouth to stop him from calling his sister whore.

He fake glared at me and I pinched his cheek. The yelp he produced made the smug smile appear on my face.

"Well at least she is having fun." he finished and closed his eyes for a second while I was still stroking his hair.

"What are you waiting for? Go on, have at it." Niklaus just told him nonchalantly without even looking from his sketch pad.

I wonder what he is sketching.

Kol turned his attention to him, his hand was absentmindedly playing with my fingers.

"It's not fun to go alone. Join me, Nik," he whined while the said hybrid just scoffed.

"It's the least you can do after sticking a dagger in my heart, " he put his best victim face and I snorted. Kol just squeezed my fingers tighter.

With his acting skills he will get everything he wants.

Nik was silent for a few moments until he closed his sketch pad and stood up.

"Alright. Why not." he finally caved.

See? Told you.

"I didn't have enough to drink last night, with you trying to murder Rebekah's date."

It was just handshake.

"You are such a guilt trip," I stated the obvious he just shrugged his shoulders.

I was momentarily surprised when Niklaus extended his arm to me. The raised eyebrows on my face, I believe was enough for him to start explaining himself.

"You didn't think after this morning we will leave you alone? " he explained with the smirk clear on his face.


I couldn't help but roll my eyes and accept his outstretched hand nonetheless.

"Yes, please go, this house has enough men rolling around in it," Rebekah shouted at us from other room while we were walking towards the front door.

Look who is talking

"Just like you Bekah, just like you sister dearest." Kol cheerfully told her and she threw a shoe at him.

It barely missed the mark.

I burst into laughter.

"Good riddance! All three of you," she yelled. I mockingly put my free hand on my chest.

"Rebekah, I thought you loved me." I pouted while putting the kicked puppy's face I was so fond of.

She just rolled her eyes.


"Go!" she threw another shoe at me, I just laughed even more but still keeping eye on the blonde in case she decided to attack me with something else.

You never know.


Kol and Klaus were at the bar both drinking some bourbon surprise surprise and talking with Alaric and Dr. Vampire Blood is Answer Meredith.

Well, I don't trust her.

While I was playing pool but keeping watchful eye on them.

Talk about trust issues.

If the wannabe vampire killer duo thinks they could just dagger one of my vampires, they will be sorely mistaken.

Mark my fragging word.

And when Alaric walked away to call Damon, and Meredith headed to Pool table near the back doors I made my way to the bar.

"Angel!" Niklaus greeted hugging me around shoulders.

He kissed hair on my crown and the fluffy, warm feeling I felt only about them intensified.

I curled near this side and sighed contentedly.

Its good day to be alive

"Hi," I silently greeted him back and leaned forward to kiss Kol's cheek.

Cheeky bastard the last second turned his head and it made me kiss him in the lips. It was a chaste kiss but kiss nonetheless.

And boy, how smug and satisfied he looked.

Well, but someone didn't share his happiness. And that person wasn't me. Trust me, I myself was almost grinning ear to ear.


But not the hybrid. Klaus growled at his brother and somehow managed to put me on his lap while wrapping his arms around my waist while glaring at the younger vampire.

It was a couple of tense seconds.

"Did you have fun?" he finally turned his attention from glaring at his brother (who was still smugly smiling ) at me and I just shrugged my shoulders while taking a sip of the coke I ordered earlier.

"It was OK," I told them but my eyes followed Caroline, who at that exact time walked and looked around Grill looking for someone.

Cough Nik and Kol cough

And when her eyes caught our group of three she made her way towards us. With a little bit more sway of her hips than necessary.

Girl, I like you, but you better not try to do what I think you are trying to do.

But Kol and Nik didn't even glanced her way. I was silently pleased with that.

Let's freaking hope that that plot didn't change. Much.

"Caroline!" I greeted her flashing a smile. Kol silently growled and leaned forward as if to ready to pounce on the baby vampire if she made a step closer and put my life at risk.

Someone is a bit overprotective.

She gave us a curious look.

"Nicolette, how are you?," she asked me with a small smile, and I shrugged my shoulders again as if that was the answer for any question.

"Can't complain," I answered her and took a sip of my coke.

"Join us for a drink! I apologize for last night," Nik offered and she deadpanned at him.

Go Care!

"I'd rather die of thirst, but thanks."

he threw him a fake smile and with the flip of her blonde curls walked away.

Near the door, she stopped and threw a worried glance at Alaric. I almost giggled in delight.

"What a lovely girl," Kol stated and I rolled my eyes.

I started to wiggle to escape Nik's arms cage.

"Well pardon, I need to go to the bathroom." I excused myself and started to make my way towards the nearest restroom until Kol grabbed my arm.

I smiled at him to calm his worry.

"It's the bathroom, Kol. I'll be ok" I softly told him and kissed his cheek for real this time.

They were such worrywarts, but they cared for me.


I was washing my hands when I felt someone's presence behind me.


You know that feeling when your body tenses and you start to think every case escape scenario. Yeah, that one.

I lifted my head to look at the mirror and I jumped when I saw Caroline Forbes standing near me with her arms crossed.

Oh boy. Somebody is going to die.

She was frowning at me. I felt my heart beating faster. She looked at me from my head to toes, as if looking for something.

Vervain! Which I don't have. Of course.

So the dying person is me.

I felt how the colour drained from my face. No vervain. She can compel me.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Caroline, nice to see you again." I tried to act cheerfully even if on the inside I was trembling with fear.

She pressed her lips together.

Not good.

"Cut that crap." she commanded and I saw how her pupils dilated, "Tell me, who you are to them and what you know,"

I was waiting for the inevitable moment when I am going to spill my guts to her, but it didn't come.

"How about fucking no."

It was a few moments of silence before she realized what I said and that I must be on vervain and stayed silent because I was too shocked to realize that I was immune to compulsion.

Instantly she flashed away.


I blinked a few times and shook my head while watching my reflection in the mirror.

What in Gandalf's old tits happened?

Why Caroline didn't get me compelled? I don't have vervain on me and I am sure I didn't drink any either.


I can't be compelled?

well, that's a nice thing.

I think.

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