《OurSecondLife with O2L》Chapter 7


Copyright © 2015 Annabelle Hays

Annabelle's POV

Oh my god.. I star panicking when he approaches me. "So you must be the famous girl that JC won't shut up about!" He laughed that amazing laugh that I adored so much! "Tyler!" I say super excitedly, unable to hold my excitement any more! "You have no idea how much I love you and your vids!" I say to him with the biggest smile on my face.

"Well not as much as I love you and your vids girl!" He says smiling. Oh. My. God. Tyler said he liked our videos!!! "Could I get a quick selfie with you?" I ask nervously. "Sure thing girl, but only if I can get your number so we can gossip 24/7!" He says. We take the cutest pic ever and exchange numbers. This is the best!

"Oh my gosh my bestie's are going to flip when they see you!" I say. "Well if they are anything like you, I'd love too!" He says laughing. "Shall we?" he says holding out his arm. I gladly hook my arm through his and we skip inside. I tell him to wait in the kitchen to surprise the girls when I get them to come there.

I see the girls doing some last minute preparations and I approach them. "Hey guys! Could yall help me get some more food from the kitchen to put on the snack table!" I ask them. "That looks like plenty!" Scout says pointing to the huge mound of snacks on the table. "Just.. Just come help me!" I say. They all sigh and walk with me to the kitchen.

When they walk in they see tyler and gasp, their mood automatically changed. "Could yall be the cuties I keep hearing about?!" He says laughing. He and I both laugh at their reaction. It was the best! After they all get pictures and what not, we go to welcome our other guests. Right then Carson and I both scream...

A/N hey guys! Sorry this one was short but I hope you like it! I certainly enjoyed writing it! Anyways comment and vote! I love you guys! Peace out Girl Scout ✌️

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