《OurSecondLife with O2L》Chapter 5


Copyright © 2015 Annabelle Hays

Annabelle's POV

I wake up and move a little until I realize that Jc still has me in his iron arm hold. I laugh to myself and slowly remove his arms.I get up and look around and smile at all my friends. I decide to take pictures of all of them becasue they were all absolutley adorable.

First was Carson and Connor. Their faces were only inches apart and their foreheads touching as they are both in each others arms. Click. How cute! Next was lily and ricky. Lily has her head resting on his chest and one arm gently holding his shoulder. Ricky has both his arms wrapped around her, his nose berily touching her forehead.

Then there's Augusta and Sam. Augusta has one leg wrapped around his waist and her arms wrapped around his stomache. Sam has one wrapped around her shoulder and the other gently rested on top of hers wrapped around his waist. Then the cutest of all. Kian and Scout.

Scout was laying on top of Kian her head resting on his chest, one arm on either side of his shoulders. Then there was Kian. His chin is resting slightly on top of her head and his arms wrapped around her waist like he never wants her to leave. Click. Sa qewt!

I go sit in front of the H of the Hollywood sign and look at the breathtaking sunrise. I don't even notice when when Carson comes over and sits down with me. "We are so lucky," she says. I nod silently in agreement.

I show her all the pictures that I took and she aww's at all of them, even her own. Since it's super early, and no one will be up for a while, I take Kians keys and Carson and I drive to Starbucks to get everyone drinks. Once we get the drinks, we get back in the car kand drive back. The hardest part was getting over the fence with 10 drinks!


When we get there, everyone is just getting up and chatting. They all scream when they see we have coffee. Connor practiacally tackles us! He gives Carson a kisson the cheek and me a super tight hug. Carson and I look at eachother in funny confusion. We both get hugs and "Oh my god! Our saviors!" I felt like the queen!

When Jc came over to get his coffee, he picked me up and spun me around and kissed me on the cheek. Wow, I guess they all really love coffee. When he sat me dow he immediatly squeezed me and ran off to Kian. That was odd. I just smile and shrug. We all just hang out and eat a bunch of junk food and drink our coffee and talk and laugh.

We eventually decide to go hiking. Jc is walking right in front of me and I smirk to myself. I run up behind him and jump on his back. He grunts at the surprise weight and I laugh. "Well. That was a.... delightful surprise!" he says kind of sarcastically. I smile at him and hop off his back.

He takes both my hands and turns me to face him. "Hey." I say. "Hey back." He says smiling and pinching my chubby cheeks. "Hey! If you do that to me, I get to do it to you too!" He gives me a look like "Fine." and I smirk at him.

I squitch his little adorable little baby cheeks. I dont know why he hates them! They're adorable! He looks so embarassed so I kissed his cheek and he imediatly smiles. "Sa quewt!" I hear Carson say as she runs past us with scout and kian. Jc and I laugh aand run to to catch up with them.


All of a sudden Scout jumps on my back and screams "HI ANNIE!" I just laugh at her happiness and hops off and walks right next to me so our shoulders are touching. "I can't thank you enough Annie! Without you and Carson, none of this would have been possible!" I just smile at her. "Oh please girl! The ony thing I did was coincidently choose the house that just so happens to be 3 houses down from our most favorite people ever! The only person whos left is Tyler!" I say laughing and she laughes with me.

"So you and Kian were adorable this morning." I say nudging her. "You two seem to be getting alon really well!" She blushes a little bit and smiles to herself. "Yeah. He's so....amazing. I think he may be the one Annabelle." she says sighing happily. "Wait are you guys dating?!" I ask exitedly.

"SHHHH! Not yet,BUT he asked me out to dinner for tommorow so hopefully he'll ask me then!" She says excitedly. "EEEEKKK!" we both fangirl at the same time and everyone looks back at us with confused looks. Scout and I just giggle. l'm so happy for Scout and Kian. I can hardly wait to hear about their date....

A/N Hope you guys liked this chapter! Please comment and tell me if you want me to post more! Please vote and I Love you guys! Peace out Girl Scouts!

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