《OurSecondLife with O2L》Chapter 4


Copyright © 2015 Annabelle Hays

Annabelle's POV

"Ok! Now that we are all done unpacking and stuff, let's go to the guys house." The 3 girls all look at each other in panic. What?" Carson and i ask them at the same time. Basically we get an assortment of "I can't go looking like this!" and "What will I wear?!" and "God one of us needs to shower." Carson and I crack up at their nervousness as they scramble to go get ready.

Carson and I just put on our matching galaxy sweats and our matching O2L shirts and put our hair in messy buns. We both put on a pair of black vans and look in the mirror. "Zayumm! We look cute!" I say as we check our selves out in the mirror.

All the other gilrs come out looking cute but not fancy either. Eh. Carson and I thechnically already have a boyfreind... at least we hope they ask us soon. So we aren't worried much about making a good impression. On the way there we all vlog. On the way there we almost all fall and its hilarious.

When we get there, everyone greets us at the door. "Nice shirt." Jc says laughing and I give him a hug. "You look cute." he whispers in my ear. I smile. "Thanks" I say. Carson and I get sarcastic compliments on our shrts and we all laugh. We sit around thinking about what we want to do.

"Hey we should go to the holly wood sighn!" Sam suggests. "Yeah! And we can camp there to!" Kian suggests. We all agree and start getting all the supplies. I get like 20 blankets so we'll stay warm. We all grab all the snacks we can find and load everything into the cars. We also grab pillows and flashlights. On the ride there we can all barelt handle our excitment.


When we get there we park and split up the supplies so everyone is carrying something. On the way there the guys tell us about how you can't actually get up to the hollywood sign, but they always sneak behind the fence and they've cleared a spot behind the H and O of the HollyWood so there's not a ton of bushes and bugs.

Once we reach the gate, we all climb over and once everyone is over it, we all get out our flashlights and keep walking until we get to the letters. We FINALLY get there so we lay out 5 blankets to make a huge pallet on the ground, then we sit out the foldable table out and put all of our food on it. We all lay there together.I lay down just looking at the stars above me and happily sigh.

All of a sudden Jc comes and lays down with me and wraps me in his arms and squeezes me. "It's beautiful isnt it." he says in a breathtaken tone. "Yeah." I sigh. I look around at all of us.

Carson and Connor are already asleep in each others arms. I can hear lily and ricky laughing together and gosiping, just being typical them. Augusta and sam were being all cute and having a little thumb wrestle and laughing when the other one losses. Then there was scout and Kian.

I've never seen either of them this happy before! They were just purely talking and telling stories. They belong together. I turn my attention back to Jc. I can't contain my happiness and I smile at him, only inches away from me sinse I was still in his arms.

"Why are you smiling?" he askes. "Because for the longest time I've been dreaming of this happening, we all have." I say looking at all of my happy friends. "I'm just really happy I'm here." I say sighing. "I'm glad you're here too" Jc says kissing my nose and I turn over so his arms are wrapped around my wasit. "Night sweet Pea" he whispers into my ear. "Nighty night cutie patootie" I say in a mocking tone and he laughs that laugh I fell in love with. "Goodnight."


A/N Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! sorry its a little short but tell me if you want more because i have a lot more in my drafts but i dont want to post unsless yall want me too! Anyways, if you are reading this, I love you! Peace out girl scout.

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