《Enigma [Vkook/Taekook]》27


28th February, 2021

09:45 am

It's today. The official hearing of the court. Taehyung is ready, it starts in almost fifteen minutes. He is nervous, he can feel his own hands shaking, he shrugged it off, though.

Today they'll punish the robber who murdered his ex boyfriend. He is scared, yes. But Jungkook had assured him everything will be fine. And he trusts Jungkook. He trusts the older that everything will be fine. That it'll be okay.

Once they were in court and the judge came, the process started.

Lawyer Gwan and Prosecutor Lee both were present in the court. Hwang Daeil was sitting in the middle while Jungkook was sitting at the very front. Jimin was also present, sitting in the front too.

"Your Honor, I would like to ask the accused some questions." Lawyer Gwan started.

"Where were you the night Park Jinyoung was murdered?"

"I was in the Rose building." Hwang Daeil answered honestly.

And that's how the questionnaire began. The lawyer asked many questions related to the night when Jinyoung died. Hwang Daeil answered all of them. Though he never confessed he murdered Jinyoung, there were many evidences that proved he was the one who murdered Jinyoung.

The first one being that he was there exactly at the same time the murder happened. The time of the murder and Daeil's robbery matches very well.

The second being, he has a wound on his forearm which was noticed by Jungkook the day he was interrogated. The wound was because of a lamp and they ruled out it was Jinyoung who threw the lamp on the robber in self defense.

Due to all this evidences, the robber was proven guilty.

Taehyung heaved a sigh when he heard the judge's final decision. He felt a weight being left off from his shoulders. The past few days had been difficult and now that the murderer is out and Taehyung is no longer a suspect, he felt merry.


Hwang Daeil was charged guilty. With imprisonment for life. He was held guilty according to the article 319, article 320, article 321 and article 250.

The court now came to an end. The criminal was now taken to the prison. Jimin left as soon as it ended, Taehyung never got a chance to talk to him.

But Jungkook stayed for him. He waited till Taehyung was out of the courtroom and the first thing he did was hold the younger.

Taehyung cried in Jungkook's arms. They were happy tears. He was free. Finally. There would be no car following him now. There would be no people seeing him and judging him as a suspect now. He felt amazing, relieved.

He cried for more hour because Jungkook had to leave for his job. But the older promised him to be back as soon as he could.

Taehyung however had many things to do, including starting to pack to leave for Japan. He'll be gone now. He will be free. He will leave this place and start a new life in Japan. With Jungkook.

With the one he decided to give his heart to after Jinyoung.

Everything was falling in place.

Everything was going perfect now.

It was like his life had started it's new meaning now.

Everything will be better now.

It will be fine and perfect.

And maybe, it'll be all sunshines and rainbows all over again now.

He hopes for it. Hopes for it very badly. He just needs to talk to Jimin. And tell him how much he misses that midget. Hug him and scold him for doubting him.

Soon he thought. He'll visit Jimin soon.

And he'll also visit Jinyoung's grave.

He wants to leave his past behind so he'll do this.

He'll meet the older and thank him for making him understand how self love is important.


He'll thank him for everything.

Maybe ask him why he did all this but he doubts he'll get an answer.

But he'll do it.


Very soon.


Yeah. The robber was held guilty.

Please excuse me if there's something wrong I wrote because I'm not a lawyer, lol. And I don't know much.


Article 319 (Intrusion upon Habitation, Refusal to Leave)

(1) A person who intrudes upon a ones residence, guarded building,

structure or ship or occupied room, shall be punished by imprisonment for

not more than three years or by a fine not exceeding five million won.

(Article 320 Human Habitation)

A person who commits the crimes of the preceding Article through the

threat of collective force, or by carrying a dangerous weapon, shall be

punished by imprisonment for not more than five years.

Article 321 (Illegal Search of Human Habitation and Body)

A person who illegally searches another s body or ones habitation, guarded

building, structure, automobile, ship, aircraft or occupied room, shall be

punished by imprisonment for not more than three years. <

Article 250 (Murder, Killing Ascendant)

(1) A person who kills another shall be punished by death, or imprisonment

for life or for not less than five years.

Thank you for reading.♡

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