《Enigma [Vkook/Taekook]》28


1st March, 2021

03:04 pm

It's a good day to not eat sweets and so Jimin made his way to the 'The Love Latte' café. He didn't go to the university today, taking a day off. Well, his mind was fucked after the court incident yesterday.

He is happy that his brother got the justice he needs to, however one thing that is eating him up is he didn't talk to Taehyung. He was too embarrassed yesterday to go and talk to Taehyung so he left immediately as the accused was held guilty.

He decided he'll visit the other today, but he found out that Taehyung already moved out. He doesn't even have his number as when he was angry he deleted it. He regrets it now, though.

He walked inside the asthetic and beautiful café. His lips curved as soon as the sweet aroma of coffee hit his nostrils. He walked up to the counter to see a familiar face, he thought he would never see. He suddenly felt nervous, nevertheless walked ahead.

"Hey Taehyung." Jimin managed to say and Taehyung was initially shocked but he quickly gave the shorter a smile.

"Hey Jimin. What can I get for you?"

"Um, I was wondering if maybe we could talk?" Jimin voiced out, still sounding nervous.

Taehyung gave him a quick nod and smiled. "Jin hyung, my friend is here can I take a break?"

The older agreed and now Jimin and Taehyung were sitting in the far corner of the café.

"How are you, Tae?" Jimin took a sip of his caramel macchiato.

"I'm good, chim. What about you?"

"I'm fine too."

An awkward silence followed them. With Jimin quietly sipping on his drink.

"What did you want to talk about?" Taehyung broke the silence, he knew very well what they're going to talk about but he doesn't wants to start the conversation. Jimin can do it.


"Tae, I'm sorry." Jimin looked at Taehyung, "I'm sorry for that. I know you and Jinyoung broke up and didn't have a good relation and therefore I doubted you. That day you went to have dinner with him and I didn't knew about it, so I doubted you. I'm sorry, Tae." He continued.

"It's fine, Jimin. Jinyoung was your only family, I can understand." Taehyung assured the shorter male.

"No, Tae. You're my family too. I was harsh that day. I said words I never wanted to. I regret it."

"Jimin, I'm glad that you consider me your family. I'm your bestfriend, right? You don't have to be sorry, chim. It's okay. And people say bad things when they're angry, they do bad things when they're angry. It's fine, though. You did nothing wrong." Taehyung smiled and Jimin returned it.

"You moved out, Tae?"

"Yeah. The owner kicked me out."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Where are you staying then?"

"Well, about that. You know Jeon Jungkook?"

"The officer Jeon?" Jimin questioned.

"Yeah, him." Jimin motioned him to continue, "his neighboring apartment owner's were searching for a tenant, he asked me if I was okay with it, I didn't have any other option, plus the rent was affordable so I moved there."

"Woah, that's cool. I never took him for a good guy. He gives me those cold, bad boy vibes." Jimin said impressed.

"Yeah, but that's not all."

"That's not all?"

"I'm dating him."




"STAY QUIET BOTH OF YOU!" They heard a very familiar voice and saw Jin screaming at them. Taehyung gave him a nervous smile while Jimin waved his hand.


"Details, Tae." Jimin deadpanned.

"Later, I've work now."

"Do you love him?" Jimin inquired curiosily.

"Yeah, like yeah. I do." Taehyung said, unsure.

"Are you sure you love him, Tae?"

This had Taehyung question himself if he loves Jungkook or not. Currently he was tired so he decided he'll do the thinking later.

All of Taehyung's tiredness vanished once he came out of the shower and he decided to visit Jungkook. The older has been busy these days with work. As he is soon going to resign and now move to Japan with Taehyung, he has been spending time with Namjoon and Kwon.

The younger is thinking about what Jimin said in the cafe today. Does he love Jungkook? Yes he does. He loves him a lot. It's been days since they're dating and he doesn't remember a day where Jungkook wasn't by his side.

He decided It's time he tell all of his feelings to Jungkook, today. And so he knocked on the older's door. He was engulfed in a hug as soon as the older opened the door.

He smiled into the hug, feeling relieved. He felt happy and contended.

They both entered the living room and sat on the couch, with Taehyung sitting on Jungkook's lap, straddling him.

"Hey petal. I missed you." Jungkook mumbled softly.

"You saw me yesterday, you idiot." Taehyung giggled.

"Doesn't matter." The older started kissing Taehyung's lip.

"Jungkook." Taehyung said in between the kisses. "I want to tell you something."

"What is it petal?" Jungkook asked as he started to draw asymmetrical patterns on Taehyung's back.

"Jungkook, I love you."

To this, Jungkook seemed to freeze. He looked at Taehyung in shock.

"What?" He was confused and unsure of what he just heard.

"I said I love you." Taehyung said again. "I've been meaning to tell you this for a few days now, but Jungkook I love you. I love you."

"Really?" Taehyung nodded his head. "You've no idea how happy those words make me. I love you petal. I love you so so much."

Taehyung smiled and Jungkook was immediate to kiss those lips. They were addicting to him.

"Make love to me Jungkook." That was all it took for Jungkook to carry the younger towards the bedroom.


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