《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 7- saw him


The first phase of the hunter exam was held in a place that seems to be like a cave.

Someone gave us numbers and I got the no. 302 while Ill's was 301.

"Ill- I mean Gittarakur, where do you think Killua is?" I asked while tip toeing, searching for the one I been dying to meet.

Gittarakur didn't answer me. He just moved his jaws but didn't mutter any coherent words, then ignored me.

I just decided to ignore him too,

maybe it was his way of telling me that he is in the process of acting like another person.

"Gittarakur, I'll he be heading first-" as I was talking while walking away from him I accidentally hit someone and he fell down, butt first in the process.

It was a fat guys with a sling bag draped on him.

"Oh, I apologize. Are you okay?" I asked as I extended my hands to him.

"No problem at all, I was the one who didn't look where I was going." He said in a polite manner.

'Hee~ He doesn't even know how to act well. Hmmp acting like a good guy, what a joke' I sneered while keeping my polite appearance.

'Might as well play with you'

"Are you sure?" I asked in a fake worried tone.

"Yes, yes...oh! You seemed to be a new face. My name is Tonpa." I saw his eyes excitedly glow.

"You must be tired, uh, wait here you can have this." He rummaged into his bag and gave me a can of Orange drink.

"Really? I can have this? I've been thirsty from all the traveling I did to get here. Thank you!" I happily smiled at him, while I can see that there is something wrong with the juice.


"No problem, you should drink it now." He urges with a fake smile.

I saw Gittarakur approaching in the corner of my eyes.

"Oh okay" as I opened the can, Gittarakur snatched the can away from me and then he looked at Tonpa, which made the fat man unseasy and sweat nervously.

"I- I... I should be get going now...hehe..." He nervously laughed. Which I returned a nod and a smile.

He then left.

I looked at Gittarakur and smile at him.

"There's laxatives in there, right?" He just move his mouth.

' I guess that's a yes.'

He then threw the can away.

Then in the corner of my eyes I saw Tonpa approach a group of applicants, consisting of a boy with spiky green hair, a blond boy and a man with spectacles.

I saw the green haired boy talk to Tonpa politely, and then same old routine, the fat man gave the three of them can of juices.

I enjoyingly watched everything happened.

The three of them didn't drink the juices, well the green haired boy did, but he threw it up saying it tastes bad.

I nearly laughed watching everything unfold in front of my eyes.

They're interesting, at least there are still some good bunch among this fools around me.


After the fat man left, there, I saw who I have been looking for.

A boy with silver have and electric blue eyes, walking towards Tonpa and asked for a juice.

I just watched him drink it and then told the fat man that he was trained to take poison at an early age so laxatives doesn't work on him.

I was so excited upon seeing him. I nearly jumped in front of him and hugged him, but of course I didn't.


Why would I?, he doesn't even know me yet. We are still strangers in front of each other.

"Hey, Gittarakur, is it him?" I turned with sparkly eyes at my younger brother who was beside me the whole time.

As usual he just moved his jaws and didn't utter a single word, but I know its affirmation.

"It really is him!" I exclaimed.

He really has a potential in being assassin, at the age of 12 he is already like that, I can feel that he has a lot of potential as mom says, well, it's not like I'm not like that back then.

I drank poisons too, and got immune to them.


Easy I just snuck to the lab every time and secretly drank poisons, but it's a secret 'cause, because of my weak constitution, I wasn't allowed to be put in that training.

But who am I?.

Of course! I didn't listen and secretly trained myself! HAHAHA.


Killua really looked like me when I was young but I have much longer hair than him. So that's why, mom told me that every time he sees Killua, he sees me.

Hmm... I will not approach him for now, I'll join this hunter exam and be a Hunter. That would be fun.

Then someone arrived and welcomed us.

The first phase will now start, I wonder what will it be...

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