《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 6- why?


(Yilluzu's POV)

The hunter exam was still a month away. My dad decided to allow me to join but with the condition that if even just a little thing goes wrong Illumi would take me back home without a second thought, but what's the fun in all going fine and smoothly?

Well, Now I was sitting at my balcony just resting, they told me before I can go to the hunter's exam, my body had to be in good condition. I have no choice but to obey.

(Time skip - a month-)

Finally, a month has passed. I can finally go outside the Kakuro mountain and join the hunter's exam.

I've been training my body slowly these past month so that my stamina can increase even just a little and I have to practice my skills because it's getting rusty.

In this past month, I accidentally used my nen, oh I forgot to tell, I was a specialist, yeah yeah, I know, all black haired in the Zoldyck's were manipulators while the silver haired were transmutter but I'm the odd one I'm a specialist. I have this ability to make any request in my skull-like-floating-nen that can talk and can grant anything I requested but with every request there is a price, I have to exchange anything I have or I see for anything I want, the bigger the request the bigger the price, and I can keep the thing that I requested, convenient right?

Okay, back to the topic. I accidentally used my nen to protect myself at that time. For some unknown reason someone got inside the Kakuro mountain, I was practicing that day at the forest when someone with great aura secretly attacked me, I have no choice but to defend myself.

I was not in great condition that day so I didn't notice him attacking me from behind.


I called my skull-like friend and requested for sword as exchange for my hair tie which was made from thin strips of gold. After my request my hair tie disappeared and a golden sword appeared in front of me.

Of course I killed the man but using my nen in that condition hit a great toll at my health, I just suddenly collapsed and my vision faded.

When I woke up, I saw myself back inside my room and my mom sitting beside me in my bed, my whole family interrogated me, of course they let me off because it's not my fault that there was a sudden attack, but the servant responsible for the security was punished severely for their incompetence.


Today, I and Illumi, will set off to the hunter's exam.

I'm excited, its my first time going out after I woke up and got back home.

"Ill, what do you think the hunter's exam will be?" I asked while sitting inside the car which was heading outside the Kakuro mountain.

"We will know when we get there." He aswered me in his usual tone.

As I was looking outside the window of the car, I see that the scenery didn't change that much after thirteen years.

"Tell me Ill, how had you been this past years?" I asked as I looked at him which he returned a confused look.

"Since I woke up I haven't talked to you that much, I want to know how have you been for the past years that I am gone and sleeping." I said as I put my hand on my chin while placing my elbow on the car's window, looking at him.

Illumi faced forward and kept silent.

'Illumi's not the same anymore. He is not a child, he became more silent now.'


I'm a little disappointed because I didn't have the chance to see him grow to what he is today. I just turned my head to the car's window and watch the scenery as the car drives.

As if knowing that I'm a little disappointed and sad about his silence, Illumi turned to my side and hugged my waist.

I know illumi doesn't show much emotion in his face but I know that it's just his face and the temparament he gained from being an assassin.

"Yilluzu-nii," he called as I look at him and cares his long black hair.


When we arrived outside the Kakuro mountain. I notice the scenery and the view quite pleasing.

"Young master's, please take care." Goto said as he bows.

I smiled at him which he returns with one.

Then we began our journey to the hunter exam's first phase.


As we were walking I noticed that everything around us amazes and interest Yilluzu-nii. What's so exciting in those things?

Just for example the black cat we just passed by he immediately run towards it looked at it with sparkling eyes.

What's so intriguing about that cat. Everything around, even the simplest and little things amazed him.

"Ill! Look at that!" Big brother shouted as he pointed the plain field.

I looked at him with an 'Are you serious?' expression.

When he saw my face, He laughed and looked at me, "You must be wondering 'why' aren't you?, why I'm intrigued by such little things?"

I didn't reply and kept silent about his question.

Seeing that I'm not answering, he turned his back and walked forward again.

"I just realized how beautiful and colorful the world is-" he started. I just looked at his back and listened.

"Being in a condition where my mind is conscious and my body isn't responding, felt like I'm alone and awake in an endless darkness. I can't see the light, I can't hear the birds and can't breath in this fresh air,

confined in a room where the beep of the monitor is the only thing I often hear, the smell of the disinfectant the only thing I can inhale."

He said while he looks up at the sky and spread his arm.

"Prisoner in a room where no light can penetrate and give warmth to me." He continued.

"I lived like that for 13 years, where the only person I can usually hear were mom and dad voices who frequently go there and talk to me.

Those things, made me feel how beautiful and colorful life is, the world that I didn't mind and ignored back then"

he then stop at his steps and looked down and sighed.

He then looked back at me in a smile.

"Ill-" he hesitated to continue,

I can see him feeling conflicted, but then I guess he chose not to tell in the end. He just smiled at me then continued walking.

No one mentioned the topic again.

We are near now where the first phase will be held.

I turned to Yilluzu-nii. Who was preoccupied with a flower.

"Yill-nii," I called to earn his attention.

"I have to disguise myself, it'll be troublesome if Kill sees me. He will think that I'm there to get him back." I told him.

"Oh, okay"

I used my needles to change my appearance. "Yill-nii, please don't use my name when calling me. Just call me Gittarakur, okay? That will be my disguise name." He then nod his head in agreement.

Then we proceed to the first phase of the exam.

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