《Instagram [COMPLETE]》22- Taeyong's POV


I placed my phone down and waited for Mark. I could hear Mira talking to my mum. They both began to call me for dinner. I sighed.

Honestly, yeah. Mira is pretty but she is nothing compared to YN. And she's too clingy and kinda creepy. I lay down on my bed and ignored the continuous voices shouting my name. I plugged in my earphones and listened to my music. Mark was going to be here soon and we were gonna get pizza ordered and work on the project. Only to avoid Mira but we have been procrastinating from this project for a while. I closed my eyes as the music filled my ears droning out everything else. I didn't even hear someone enter. I felt my bed dip at the side and my eyes shot open as someone softly tickled my sides. I sat bolt up right staring at Mira as she sat smiling. I pulled my earphones out ready to yell and lose it but I stopped when my mum entered.

'Taeyong, your girlfriend came for dinner. She wanted to make sure you were eating. Isn't that sweet?' She said smiling between me and Mira.

'She isn't my girlfriend and never will be' I said sternly. Mira looked kinda hurt but still smiled a little.

'That's rude Taeyong' my mum said sternly.

'It's the truth' I said. My mum sighed.

'Fine. Dinners ready. Come downstairs together.' She said

'I'm not having dinner. Marks coming over so we can work on our project. We were going to order pizza' I said getting off my bed to grab my laptop to set up for Marks arrival. My mum nodded.

'Then share with Mira' she said as she closed the door behind her. I groaned.

'What are you doing?' Mira cooed as she leaned over my shoulder to look at my laptop. I slammed the computer shut and looked at her. More like glared at her.


'Get the fuck! Out of my house!' I said. Maybe to loud as she flinched.


'No! Save it for your pathetic life. I don't like you and never will' I said. She froze and looked like she was about to cry. Just then I heard my mum calling me downstairs. I sighed and ignored her. The door opened and yeah I lost it.

'I SAID NO! SO FUCK OFF!' I yelled turning to face who I presumed was my mum but my jaw dropped when I saw a terrified Mark standing at the door. I sighed. Mark burst out laughing as he entered.

'Calm down mate, I came to save you. I ain't leaving' he said as he sat next to me taking my laptop.

'Mira can you leave us to work now, thanks for keeping Taeyong company until I arrived. Bye!' Mark said shocking Mira. She stood up and was about to talk but just huffed then stormed out the room. Mark and I just burst out laughing.

'Thanks m-'

'You owe me a pizza, no pineapple, pepperoni. Oh and we are going to the store to get drinks and watermelon' he said cutting me off my sentence. I laughed and nodded grabbing my jacket as we stood up.

'Well lets go then' I said as we left. We went down the stairs. We were making small talk about YN wanting to join for the free food.

'Yo we should take a pic to piss her off' mark said laughing. I agreed. We reached the living room to tell my mum where we were going. Mira was still there talking with her.

'Mira can you take a photo for us outside?' Mark asked. I looked at him and he laughed.

'Sure, I'd love to help out my Taeyong' she said smiling as she took Taeyongs phone out of his hand. We took the photo and it ended up pissing off Mira more than anyone.


'Dude show me' mark said as we waved goodbye and left. Mira followed behind us.

'Can't believe you actually did that' Mark whispered to me. I shrugged my shoulders. We were both killing ourselves laughing as Mira walked next to us. What can I say? She eventually caught up.

Once we reached the store, Mark went to get juice and I went to get his pizza and watermelon, along with food for myself and Mira (my mum would slaughter me if I didn't).

'Taeyong' I heard Mira whisper.

'Hmm?' I mumbled as I read the ingredients on the pizza's, Mira is vegan so it has to suit her.

'C-can we talk? Alone. Without Mark?' She said quietly. I turned to face her as she held the basket. I dropped the pizzas in.

'Mark isn't here. What do you want to say?' I said bluntly. She sighed.

'I-I like you. And I know you don't like me back but I want to know what I can do to make you notice me or at least think about me?' She said. Tears brimming her eyes. I sighed.

'Look, Mira. I like someone else. Nothing you can do will change that' I said trying to stop her from crying. People were beginning to look at us.

'Who do you like? Is it YN?' Mira said quietly. I sighed then nodded.

'Sure. I like YN' I said. A few seconds later Mark appeared and dropped a few bottles of Coke into the basket Mira was holding. He looked at her red puffy face and then to me. He smirked. I sighed.

'Lets go. We have everything' I said taking the basket and paying for the food as Mark and Mira put it all into bags. We all left the shop and headed back to mine.

Little did I know, Mira wasn't the only one who heard my small confession to YN....

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