《Instagram [COMPLETE]》21


Neo Cult

Guyys help!!


What's up hyung?

Is everything ok?

Dude what's wrong

It's Mira.

She is literally sitting outside my house and I had to climb my bedroom window to get in

Two flights I must add!!!!


She doesn't know when to stop does she?

What should I do

Be blunt and arrogant against her

I can't

Her brother will hunt me down and that dude is terrifying

Like who has that much muscle?!?!

My house is out of business now

Mums back

And I can't bring anyone home

Got grounded haha

So we ain't studying tomorrow??

What did you do?

Sorry 😅

I had Taeyong staying over without my mums permission

She's very stuck up and doesn't like guys being in the house especially when they are sleeping in my room

Did you guys do anything?? 😉

Dude nooo

We just watched Netflix and fell asleep


The ship is Chenle and YN

Not Taeyong and YN

Wait?! What?!

What ship???

This kid is slower than Lucas and Jaehee

We all think you (Chenle) and YN should date



Not yet anyway

[not sent]


I'm a loner remember

I don't date lolol


How do I get rid of Mira without being hunted down???

Forgot that was happening 😅

Try phoning the police anonymously for trespass??

Too late for that

My mum just invited her in again

She better not ask her to stay for dinner

I ain't going through that again

Why don't I come over??

We do have that project to finish and we can order food

You actual god Mark thank youuuu

I'll pay 🍕🍕

On my way 🤘

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