《photoshop ; haechan》e i g h t e e n


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you take care of your plants so well.. teach me when we move in together ;) @min.hehe

what do you want from me?

@min.hehe your love, you're making it harder on yourself minhee. you're making me use my bad plans :)

don't you fucking touch her, roach.

@haechann you're gonna be a little late.


time was slowing down for minhee, it felt like hours.

minhee was about shut her eyes until she heard the doorknob making noise.

"unlock the door minhee, or you wanna do this the hard way?" hyunwoo said, it was silent. he chuckled and began to roughly turn the doorknob.

i'm around the corner, stay put.

he's trying to open the door

right now.

shit, keep quiet.

minhee held her breath as she heard the chair fall down to the ground.

he's inside her room.

"minhee~~ where are you? heheh, come out~~" minhee could see hyunwoo's tall figure walking around her room.

"i won't hurt you minhee, if only you just come out wherever you are." hyunwoo said.

suddenly, the door from downstairs opened.

"who could that be?" hyunwoo mumbled.

minhee already knew who it could be, haechan.

haechan ran up the stairs, not missing a step.

"hyunwoo, you're gonna regret this!" haechan yelled as he jumped on top of hyunwoo.

minhee could see haechan throwing punches, minhee covered her eyes, she couldn't stand seeing people getting hit.

"you're disgusting! fucking stalker!" haechan punched one last time, haechan didn't want to knock out the guy cold.

"this isn't over, haechan, and minhee, wherever the hell she is.." hyunwoo slowly gotten up and went over to minhee's window and jumped out of it.

"minhee? where are you? he's gone.." haechan asked, minhee slowly lifted the lid of her laundry basket. looking like an abandoned kitten.


"are you okay??" haechan ran over, helping minhee out of the bin.

"i'm fine.. how about you?" minhee asked.

"i'm alright, you should skip school for the next couple days.." haechan said.

"what if he comes back?" minhee asked.

"don't worry, i'll be with you," haechan ruffles her head.

"but you're gonna miss your schoolwork, plus you're a senior! you have to study for exams and-" haechan cut minhee off with a peck on the lips.

"don't worry. i'll be fine if it's for you." haechan said, minhee's face turns red like a tomato.

haechan kissed me! minhee thought.

"oh and uh, sorry about that kiss, you just wouldn't stop worrying," haechan scratched his head awkwardly.

"guys! food's here!" chenle yelled from downstairs.

"race ya!" minhee said as she dashed out of the room.

"that little fluffball." haechan chuckled to himself.


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