《photoshop ; haechan》s e v e n t e e n


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i finished friends, oops.

how tf, it hasn't even been that long..

i'm not surprised, she rewatched it so many times, she freaking quotes lines.

i like watching friends too, we should watch it sometime :)


minhee was sitting at her desk, doing the homework that chenle brought home for her.

it's only been ten minutes since chenle and haechan left the apartment.

minhee was concentrating on her homework until she heard the door open downstairs.

'wow they came home early..' minhee thought.

"chenle? haechan?" minhee yelled. there was no reply, she was confused.

she pulled out her phone and texted haechan.

did you guys come home?

no, we just ordered our food.

if it wasn't you guys, someone

must've broke in..

lock your door, and put a chair

under the doorknob. i'm coming

home right now.

silent your phone and hide somewhere,

if they try to hurt you, jump out the window.

haechan, i'm scared. i can hear them.

just wait okay? i'm coming soon.


minhee did exactly what haechan said, she quietly and gently placed her desk chair under the doorknob, to prevent the intruder to come in.

"oh minhee~~ where are you? playing hide and seek? sounds fun!" she heard a voice from downstairs.

there was a corner near her window that she could hide in.

she took her empty laundry bin, and went inside of it.

it was quiet, she could hear her own breaths.

"come out, minhee. i know you're here, i know you guys broke up. get together with me, and we'll live happily~" she heard the voice slowly coming up the stairs.

it was hyunwoo.

anytime soon??

i'm close by, don't worry.

it's hyunwoo, isn't it?


that bastard seriously won't leave

you alone, i'm running as fast as i can.

please hurry.. i don't know

if he has a weapon or not..

minhee slightly jumps after hearing a loud noise from the hall.

"see what you made me do, minhee? i'm angry because of you, might as well come out from your hiding spot, i'll punish you." hyunwoo's voice came closer to her bedroom door.

she held her breath and squeezed her eyes shut, tears began to form.

"please hurry haechan.." minhee mumbled.


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