《Trumpets: Forever Lost》Chapter15


So in band we are learning show 3 which is the senior show. The seniors got to pick the songs, but the thing is we have to memorize 4 songs in 3 weeks. I do not have enough time in my day to memorize that many songs. Then our section leaders expect us to know these songs as soon as we got them because they played our parts when they were in 7th grade. It's hard. Anyway things in band are going good. Except some people like to start stuff with me and it doesn't go well for them. My boy friend absolutely loves band. Wait! Did I tell you guys about Kennywood? Hold on. No I didn't tell you! Okay so My boyfriend has never been on a roller coaster before and I took him on the biggest one there was, and wow... That didn't go well. But hey! At least he can say he was on a roller coaster, without giving the details. Anyway, that's enough for now. I would write more, but right now I am way too busy with my book Fallen states. You should read it! Just saying.

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