《Trumpets: Forever Lost》Chapter 1


Does this ever happen to you? You are sitting in your chair counting the measures. And then you start getting lost is the music because it's so pretty and then your director cues your section to play and none of you play. It happens to only, and i mean only, to the trumpets in my band. No other section does it. Then the director gives you a certain glare and makes the whole band start all over again. It's kind of funny actually. It's like this. "Once apon a time in a band room not so far away, the percussion and wood winds were starting at measure 82. The trumpets on the other hand have been counting a 22 measure rest. They started to get hypnotized by the sinister, yet relaxing music, and missed there chance to play! The band director was furious and made them start all over!" ( All said in a dramatic tone). Great story right?

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