《Irondad oneshots》I'll never leave you



"I am iron man"

Peter's eyes widened as he swung over to Tony with his spider webs, becoming worried when he saw the infinity gauntlet in his hand.

"M-mr Stark?" He squeaked fearfully.

Tony looked up with a small weak smile, looking fondly at the kid he had tried so hard to get back.

"p-peter." He couldn't say much before he started coughing violently, looking as white as a sheet despite all the dirt covering him and the iron man suit.

Peter sniffled sadly and helped Pepper lift him up, going through the portal Dr Strange made and taking him to a hospital to get fixed.

"Y-you'll be ok Mr Stark I promise..."

Tony nodded slowly, and started coughing a little less.

"D-Don't tell me what I already know Underoos"

Nurses and doctors slowly gathered around tony, rushing to bring him to the closest emergency room.

Peter frowned and gulped, hugging himself a little when he saw Tony get taken away. He slumped down against a wall and took a shaky breath.

In the operating room, the doctors and nurses patched Tony up. They had his vitals under surveillance and started to carefully clean up his burns.

Tony was sleeping, and a week had past before any news was shared.

The main nurse went to find peter.

"He should be waking up soon. we're not sure what he could be suffering with seen as we have never felt with anything like this before so just be calm.. he is in quite a bad shape kid."

Peter nodded shakily and stood up.

"O-ok..." he fiddled with the sleeves of his jumper and walked to where Tony was, seeing Pepper sat next to him with a slightly worried expression due to the condition her husband was in.

Peter walked further into the room where Tony was and fiddled with his sleeves on his sweat shirt. He slowly walked up to the bed when Pepper beckoned him over and took a small shaky breath, scared of what he was thinking might happen.


Pepper looked over Tony's sleeping body before glancing over at Peter with a soft smile.

"Peter.. the nurse said he'll wake up soon, don't worry. he's a strong one. he won't leave us here.. besides he still owes you that hug.." she said with a wink and was glad when he saw Peter smile ever so slightly.

"I-I could've done something P-Pepper... if I had just been stronger and not scared then...then maybe Mr Stark wouldn't be like this.." Peter mumbled sadly and sat down in the chair next to the bed, hugging himself to try provide the comfort he so desperately needed.

Tony opened his eyes barely, hearing peter blame himself.

"k-kiddo, it's not your fault."

The man reassured peter, reaching his hand out gently to ruffle his hair, glad he got a chance to see the boy once again.

Peter stared at Tony with wide brown eyes which quickly started to gather tears.

"M-mr Stark I'm so so sorry I... I couldn't just done something to help!" He said in a raspy voice, tears leaking out of his eyes slowly as he felt the man he saw as a father cup his cheek weakly, slowly rubbing circles on it.

Tony shook his head with a small smile and kept rubbing Peters cheek to provide him comfort.

"Kiddo I'm Tony Stark... I do reckless things... trust me... no matter how hard you would've tried to prevent this I still would've managed to pull it off in the same way..." Tony said weakly and sighed when he saw how tense and upset Peter still was.

"Come on kiddo..." he said and to Peters surprise he pulled him onto the bed, hugging him close to his side with his head resting on the man's chest.

"M-mr Stark?" Peter asked quietly and relaxed ever so slightly when he saw Peppers smile to reassure him.

"A-are you just trying to get a drink or... are you really hugging me right now?" Peter asked with a muffled voice as his face was buried in the man's chest.


Both Tony and Pepper chuckled at that, watching how to boy curled up closer to the man.

"Yeah kiddo I'm really hugging you right now... I think it's safe to say we are there.. we've been there for a while..." Tony said as softly as he could, keeping one arm holding Peter close and the other running his fingers through the boys curly hair.

Peter sighed softly and wrapped one arm around Tony's waist and the other clutching onto his top to ensure that this was real and not just a dream.

Pepper sighed and walked closer to them, hating to ruin the moment. Tony glanced at her and had an idea of what she was going to talk about so he tightened his grip around Peter ever so slightly, smiling when the boy relaxed into his embrace more with a small sigh.

"Peter honey.. there's something that we need to tell you and.. I don't know how you are going to take this..." Pepper started out softly which caused Peter to ever so slightly lift his head from Tony's chest, his grip never loosening on the man's top.

"It's...it's about Aunt May" she said and at those words Peter started to feel light headed and sick.

"W-What.. what's wrong with her..? Is she here..?" Peter said shakily and went pale when he saw Pepper shake her head.

"I'm so sorry Peter but.. a couple weeks after the snap she was involved in a car accident.. she, the doctors said her injuries were too severe so they were unable to save her due to the fact the snap had wiped out most of their well trained doctors..." Pepper explained as softly as she could and Peter's breathing started to pick up, his pupils wide with fear and sadness.

Tony frowned sadly and put Peter's hand on top of his chest, laying his hand over the boys. He used his free hand to pull the boy closer and rub his back gently so that he would calm down.

"Hey hey calm down.. shhhh..." Tony tried to soothe him and kept rubbing his back until Peter's breathing was matching his. Soon enough the boy sniffled quietly and stayed silent as he hid his face in the man's chest.

Pepper looked at Tony with a worried look before sighing.

"The doctors said that your injuries were quite bad but they will allow you to come home as long as all you do it rest.." she said and Tony deflated slightly but nodded, sitting up and pulling the broken teen with him.

"Come on kiddo... you can come back with me and keep and eye on me, how does that sound? We can even work in my lab..." Tony tried reasoning and perked up a little when the boy in his arms stopped trembling and looked up at him with big eyes and a small smile.

"I'll take that as a yes..." He chuckled and rubbed Peters back, smiling ever so slightly when the boy curled up close to him.

"What.. what will I do about the social Mr Stark?" Peter asked in a quiet voice, leaning against Tony carefully so he doesn't hurt him.

Tony sighed and brought the boy closer to him, ignoring the stiffness he felt.

"Kid I'll get my best lawyers involved to gain temporary custody over you while things settle down, if the social know better then they wouldn't mess with the Tony Stark..." Tony said and smiled softly when Peter showed a small smile and curled up closer to the man, sighing contently when Tony tucked the blanket around Peters small body as well as his.

Peter nodded and remained quiet as he curled up close to Tony, finally letting his eyes slip close after a week of restless sleep. He kept a hand fisted on Tony's top to ensure that this was real and not a dream as he fell into a peaceful slumber, too tired to care about anything else that was about to come their way.

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