《Stolen // Irondad》Chapter 14


"Wake up," growled the tattooed man, as he opened the door to the cage.

Peter blinked, the day before's events coming back to him. He sat upright, keeping his left eye shut from the light. It was burning his head: making his migraine ten times worse.

"We have someone that wants to see you."

Peter rubbed at his eyes. Was he finally going to see his Dad? He hoped so, he knew it was unlikely: but that small ball of hope glistened inside of him. He had to keep faith, right?

A man stepped out from behind Peter's captor, his dark eyes glinting maliciously, "Hello again, Peter, did you miss me?"


Peter lunged at his previous captor - using all the energy his aching body possessed. However it wasn't enough, and he was forced onto the ground via Vyde's firm hand.

"Woah, easy tiger. I thought we were friends," Vyde taunted - smiling at the small boy just as he done before.

Peter tried to steady his breathing, but he couldn't. He could see too much, then nothing: and it kept changing back and forth, causing him to moan in pain.

"Turn the light off," Vyde ordered the tattooed man, getting impatient whilst he hesitated, "We need Spider-Boy here to feel safe, because he's now where he belongs," the man's voice started to become more villainous, "Locked up. A two way protection. You're safe from those who wish to hurt you. And the public is safe from you."

Peter shook his head in disbelief, "You're the ones who want to hurt me. And I'm no danger to anyone. Except... maybe you, once I get out of here," he took a deep breath, "Why are you here anyway? Didn't know Hydra, or whoever you are, were working with Brookeman."


Vyde grinned, "I was bringing you all gifts," he pulled a needle out of his pocket, and swiftly injected an unknown serum into the teen, "That was your's, and this," he replied, whilst handing the captor a remote-like object, "Is their's."

Peter crouched there, rubbing at his forearm - the place he had just been injected into - until it was red, "What's in there," he asked in a panicked voice. His arms trembling; his legs shaking.

"Something to keep you under control."

* * *

Tony found himself back at the Tower, his head still spinning from the earlier events. He had to get to the rest of the team. He had to save Peter.

"Guys, suit up, ask questions later," he yelled, as he walked into the lounge - his armour appearing on him as he spoke.

"What?" Cap asked, clearly not hearing Tony's instructions... after all he is an old man.

"Did you hear me, Rogers? Later," he snapped back.

"Alright, chill. Team, let's follow Stark into whatever he's leading us into."

They all came, even Thor who had just arrived on Midgard with his brother. However, the god of mischief was nowhere to be seen. He was probably reading up on all the new Midgardian tech and sorcery.

* * *

Peter screamed, clawing at his neck, whilst his captor pressed the button. Pain shot through his body - through his veins, tearing apart at everything in its path. His face was soaked in his own tears and sweat: but the two men had nothing but watch, and chuckle at his helpless self.

"Please stop," he begged, his voice breaking as his throat started to throb.

"You want them to stop?" Vyde asked, he was in a gaming mood.


Peter nodded his head, falling back into his side soon after.

"Then what do you say?"

Although the answer came out quietly and distorted, it was understandable as Peter gasped, "Yes... sir."

"And from now on you take orders only from myself, Miss Brookeman, and Mr Sutton here."

Peter scowled, trying to act brave: but he was failing, miserably, "Yes, sir," he uttered, the emphasis on the word sir.

Sutton, who he presumed was the tattooed man, once more clicked the switch. Turning off the charge of pain that had been running through Peter.

* * *

"Tony, you're gonna have to tell us the mission before we get there," exclaimed Nat, as they sprinted down the streets of Queens.

Tony ignored her, trying to overtake Steve - was still a few hundred feet ahead of them.

"Come on, Stark, you and the kid go missing for a while, only you return. We can put two and two together," Clint reasoned.

Nat raised her eyebrows and laughed, "You can add two and two, Barton? I'd like to see you try."


"Come on, we're almost there," Tony muttered through the coms, his voice coated with impatience.

"Stark, the plan?" Steve asked, this time in his 'Captain' voice.

"Fine," Tony groaned, "We find Peter, we get him out of there, I kill Sylvia Brookeman."

Steve had been nodding up and until that point, "Kill? I don't think we can exactly kill someone, or let you."

"She hurt my Peter, she deserves pain."

Steve didn't reply: he had the exact same urge to kill people, once he had found Bucky, back during the war.

* * *

Peter's neck clicked. He had been in an uncomfortable position for almost two hours - but he couldn't move... he was petrified that they would push the button again.

The door swung open - only just missing Peter's face. The pale boy just sat there, waiting.

"Get up," Sutton ordered, holding a gun towards Peter.

The small boy scrambled to his feet, exiting the cage. He was grateful to be out of there, but for some reason his senses were tingling.

"Your friends are here, so we're gonna do something about it."

As Peter was pushed down onto a chair, the restraints clicking into place almost instantly, he pulled up the courage to speak, "I'm not going to fight them... if that's your plan."

Sutton smirked, "You might not, but once we're done with you, that part of you will be gone."

* * *

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