《Mrbeast oneshots (mpreg)》Jimmyxnoone (cont.)
It's been three years. Three years since Jimmy fainted and they found out that they lost a baby they never knew about. Three years of mourning over the lost of the baby and the promise Chris made. They slept together on and off but both knew it wasn't the right time. They would just sleep together just for the enjoyment. Their relationship was complicated, they would sleep together when both of them were in the mood but they never dated. Yes, they would fuck each other until both crashed but we're still friends. That was all they were.
Jimmy remembered why they started to sleep with each other, the stupidest reason to just get enjoyment. Little did he know what it become. When Chris came out to him as bi, it made Jimmy curious. He was never sure of his sexuality, so one day he asked him to sleep with him. As a joke. When Chris stripped him of all his clothes and Jimmy stripped him, it sent tingles of excitement throughout his body. When they shared the sloppy kisses, it made something in Jimmy's stomach churn but with excitement. When they actually did the deed, it made Jimmy realize what he wanted in life. He still was questioning his sexuality but he knew, right then and there that he liked men. He liked their looks, the sex, the companionship, and the relationship itself.
He sat on the couch, the TV low as he watched a show. A funny scene played but Jimmy didn't have the heart to laugh. He wasn't in the mood. He grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, throwing the remote carelessly to the side. He was thinking about that promise Chris made three years ago, on how they would try again. He was ready to try again, the only thing that was making him feel anxious was trying to predict Chris's reaction. Did he really mean what he said all those years ago or was he just joking? His mind ached as he tried to picture his reaction.
Chris walked into the living room to see the TV was off and Jimmy was staring up at it like something interesting was on, making Chris laugh. He walked up behind Jimmy, his hands hovering over his shoulders, an mischievous grin playing on his lips. He placed his hands onto his shoulders and popped his face into his.
"I want to have sex with you." Jimmy blurted out when he saw Chris's face. Chris smiled and started to laugh, taking his hands off his shoulders and jumping over the back of the couch. He wrapped an arm around his shoulders and put a hand on his thigh, scooting closer until he was practically sitting on his lap.
"Who's top? You or me?" He asked, rubbing his thigh. Jimmy shook his hand off his thigh and sat on his lap, leaning back so his back was on his chest.
"You. Chris, before we start can I ask you something?" Jimmy asked, turning his head to look at him. Chris raised his eyebrow, smirking as he did. Jimmy smirked back and placed his lips onto his, biting his bottom lip.
"What is it?" He whispered, putting his hands on his hips and rubbing it, moving his hands down his hips. Jimmy stared at him, taking his lips off his and letting go of his bottom lip. He sighed, turning around so he was facing him.
"I want to start trying." He looked away from Chris's glance, laying his head onto his shoulder. A hand stroked the side of his head, playing with his hair.
"What do you want to start trying?" Chris asked, his other hand rubbing his back. Jimmy groaned and placed his hands onto his arms, squeezing them. He just hoped Chris wouldn't freak out when he says what he was about to say.
"For a baby." He whispered, biting his lower lip. He felt the hands stop stroking his side of his head and he squeezed his eyes shut, fearing what he was going to do next.
"A baby?" Chris repeated, his voice steady and not a trace of fear and angry. Jimmy lifted his head off his shoulder and looked at him, seeing a smile growing on his lips. Jimmy smiled back, kissing his lips. Chris kissed back, biting his lower lip. Jimmy playfully broke then, moving his finger over to his lip. He stroked his bottom lip and scooted closer.
"Alright, let's try. You sure you want to carry the baby?" Chris asked, rubbing his back. He watched Jimmy scrunched his lips up and felt a hand go under his shirt to rub his stomach.
"Can you even get pregnant?" Jimmy asked, the spectacle sharp in his voice. Chris shrugged and put his other hand under his shirt.
"I don't know. We don't know until we try." Chris whispered and leaned forward, placing his lips onto his. Jimmy smirked and slipped his hands under Chris's shirt, gliding his hands up and down his bare chest. Chris shivered, the coldness of his hands feeling nice.
"But I want to carry the baby. We can try to see if you can carry a baby later." Jimmy spoke, kissing Chris's cheek. Chris smiled and started to kiss him sloppily, making Jimmy groan.
Chris's finger stroked his finger along Jimmy's jawline, trying to pass the moment. They were in the half bathroom in the house, tests waiting on the counter. They were just staring at each other while they waited for the timer to go off. Having sex everyday may have gotten Jimmy knocked up but he still thought it didn't help. Chris tried everything to calm him down and please him, but he started to feel useless. The sex wasn't as enjoying as it was, the stress to make a baby getting to them and ruining the enjoyment of something that pleasured both of them long ago.
Jimmy bit his lip as the ringtone of the timer went off and he turned around to grab a test. He was quiet for a couple minutes as he studied the results. He then turned around and crashed into Chris's chest, squeezing him tightly. Chris smiled and hugged him back, picking him up off the floor and spinning him around. They looked at each other and they kissed, the happiness overwhelming them.
They were still friends but they started to discuss on getting in a relationship but then soon agreed on that they would do it later. They were still friends who kissed and had sex, knowing what pleasured each other and the outlines of their bodies. They cared about each other, comforting one another if one of them was sad or letting them vent if they needed to.
"You better get those dad jokes ready." Jimmy joked when Chris put him back on the floor. Chris smiled and laughed, ruffling up his hair. Jimmy couldn't help it; he leaned forward and kissed him again.
"You better get ready for the crying." Chris broke the kiss and kissed his nose. Jimmy hummed and swayed his hips, rubbing Chris's hips. A feeling sparked inside Jimmy, a feeling that he always got when Chris would hold him and/or be sweet. He didn't know what that feeling was but he knew it was feeling that was more than friends feeling.
"Jimmy?" He looked down and caught Chris's gaze. They smiled at each other and sighed, Jimmy hummed. Chris shrugged and put his face into his shoulder. Jimmy leaned his head over to lay on top of Chris's.
"Next time I want to be pregnant." Chris told him, rubbing his hips. They swayed slightly together, the air was filled with happiness and another feeling that was unknown to both of them, love. Jimmy laughed and took his head off of Chris's, looking down at the man.
"Who says there IS going to be a next time?" Chris's face flushed and he took his head off his shoulder to look at him. They were still holding on to each other, not daring to let each other go. Jimmy raised an eyebrow and ran his hand through Chris's overgrown unkept hair.
"I mean, if there is, I call being pregnant." Chris tired to back himself out of this situation but he already dug the hole too deep. He felt his head get pulled up and he now stared into Jimmy's eyes.
"If I didn't love you, I would've been mad." It was now Jimmy's turn for his face to flush. He let go of Chris's hair, letting it stick up despite the urges to comb it down. He buried his head into the crook of Chris's neck, making him aw and coo at him like he was his son.
"Awwww, my little baby embarrassed to admit feelings for me. Aw." He leaned down and kissed his shoulder, laughing breathlessly. "Don't be embarrassed, I feel the same way, Jimmy."
He took his face out of Chris's neck and looked at him so fast, it made Chris dizzy. He stared at him and hugged him tighter, the feeling of relief overwhelming him. He leaned forward and placed his lips onto his, closing his eyes and waiting for Chris to connect. He felt lips connect with his and mold it each other, both knowing that this was for real. They let each other explore one another like never before, discovering new things despite thinking they everything about their bodies and lips.
"mmmmm-" Jimmy hummed as felt their warm lips move with each other. He parted open his lips and felt a tongue slip into his mouth, a new feeling arose from him. They were still locked in the kiss, fearing they would lose this special moment if they let go.
"Love you." Chris's spoke against his lips as they parted. Jimmy hummed and kissed his forehead, squeezing him tighter. He leaned down to put his lips by Chris's ear and spoke, his hot breathe sending shivers down Chris's spine.
"I love you too." He kissed his ear then his ear lobe, biting it slightly. Chris laughed and patted his shoulder to tell him to knock it off. Jimmy looked at him then kissed his nose. They smiled at each other and kissed more, the moment feeling right.
"How about Ariel?" Chris asked the man in the chair who laughed and shook his head.
"I'm not naming them after a princess." They were in the living room, Jimmy in the recliner while Chris was on the couch. He was on his phone looking up names for the baby. Just barley six months pregnant, Jimmy wanted to get some things done before he didn't have the energy to do so. He cradled his bump in his hand, tracing shapes and lines on his bump. Stretch marks were already visible on his bump, making his bump look ugly so he covered it up any time he could.
"Mmmm, how about Carla?" Jimmy shook his head. Chris scrolled down a little more and nodded.
"Delilah?" Jimmy shook his head.
"Brianna? Frances? Ellie? Rosalyn? Madeleine? Addison? Millie?" Jimmy shook his head and Chris sighed, curling up his legs to get comfortable. Jimmy hummed and rubbed his belly, closing his eyes and leaning his head back.
"How about Nicolette?" Jimmy asked, opening his eyes and turning his head to look at him. Chris thought about it before nodding. He looked back at his phone to get a boy name.
"Jace? Rylan? Milo? Adrian? Fred?" Jimmy scoffed and rubbed his bump, tapping it gently. He felt the baby move around and protest as if he was disagreeing with the names too.
"Could they get anymore basic? How about Alfred?" Chris made a face and shook his head, scrolling on his phone to look for more names.
"How about Cosmo?" Jimmy raised an eyebrow before nodding, smiling and feeling the baby move around a little but before settling down. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes again, humming and yawning.
Chris stared at the bump and smiled, cocking his head slightly as he studied it. He put his hand on his stomach and rubbed it, wondering what it would feel like to carry a baby. Jimmy turned his head and opened his eyes, facing Chris again. He put an arm around his bump, self conscious of the stare. Chris looked up and cocked his head.
"How does it feel to be pregnant?" Chris asked. Jimmy looked down and hummed, tapping his bump gently and thinking of how to describe it.
"It's like... a.... I don't know. Being pregnant is like there is a lot of tension. I can't describe it. But when they move, it feels like either tickling or vibration, it just depends on how much they are moving. If they are trashing around, it's more like pressure. If they are just moving around it's like tickling and if they are kicking it's more like vibration. It's weird, it's sometimes feels like I'm carrying an alien and other times it feels like I'm not carrying anything." Jimmy described, rubbing his bump soothingly. Chris nodded and smiled softly.
"You're brave for doing this, you know?" Jimmy scoffed and rolled his eyes, taking his hand off his bump and looking at the man.
"Will you stop? I know I am, I offered to carry the baby. Now, I'm going to get a snack since they're hungry." Jimmy put his hands on the side of the recliner and pushed himself up, putting his hand under the bump. He walked to the kitchen and rummaged around in the cupboards. He came back with a sandwich on his plate, humming and going over to Chris. Chris grabbed the plate and put it next to him, putting his legs down back onto the floor and letting Jimmy sit down on his lap. Jimmy did and leaned back, feeling arms wrap around him. He grabbed the plate and started to eat the sandwich, feeling hands go onto his bump and started to gently rub it.
He finished his sandwich and placed the plate on the couch, turning a little so he could curl up his legs. Chris kissed his cheek and hummed, laying his head on his shoulder.
Their relationship, yet again was just friends. They do everything a normal couple does and their is obvious signs they like each other, they even admitted it. After they found out Jimmy was pregnant, they tried to date, which didn't end well. It felt like that the things they normally did were forced and not as genuine as it usual was. They broke up but they kept on doing the things they normally did, not really caring about being in relationship.
"You sure you don't want to be my boyfriend?" Chris always asked this question, still unclear if they were just really friends. Jimmy groaned and turned his head to look at him. He leaned back and put his hands behind his head.
"I'm sure. Once this baby is born, we'll discuss it again. I just don't feel like we should get in one right now, it's too much stress." He rubbed his eyes and sat back up, looking over at him. He couldn't resist and kissed him on his lips, savoring the sweet moment. Chris kissed him back and hummed, his hand traveling to his leg and cupping his thigh in his hand.
"You keep doing that and I'll have to slip that ring on your finger." Chris joked, humming more. Jimmy laughed and kissed his forehead, smirking at him.
"Then do it." He laughed when he saw a smirk form on Chris's face. Chris kissed his cheek and grabbed his hand, gliding his finger across his knuckles. He kissed the back of hand, making him blush. He turned away from him but Chris forced him to look back at him, putting his hand under his chin and turning his head to look at him.
"Maybe I will." He smiled at him then kissed him softly, smiling into the kiss. When they broke apart, Jimmy rolled his eyes at him but laughed.
"You better do it soon before I get back on the market."
"You wouldn't." Jimmy nodded and tapped his bump.
"Who knows, I may or may not."
The night was calm and quiet, no moon in the sky but the stars dusted the sky, brighter than usual. Chris couldn't sleep, tiredness creeped on him but he couldn't fall asleep. The man, who was heavily pregnant, was sleeping peacefully next to him. He was breathing slowly and he seemed calm but his face didn't. He looked like he was uncomfortable and irritated but Chris couldn't blame him. Carrying a bump that took up half the bed when he was on his edge of the bed and with hormones going crazy, it was tiring for both of them. Chris tried to do everything he could to help make him happy but he started to feel useless the longer the pregnancy goes on. They couldn't have sex anymore; Jimmy would complain that his back hurt to much and his bump got in the way.
Chris sat up and rested against the headboard, humming quietly as he studied the man. He ached to rub his bump that poked out from the mess of blankets that were piled on his body. He decided to tear his eyes away from the bump and looked up at him, studying his face more. His hair fell in his eyes and his bread was shriveled and unkempt. Chris always teased him to shave it off but it would always end in tears. He knew it was hard for Jimmy to take care of himself since he hit the seven month mark but he would always forget that when he would joke about his bread. It painted him as a jerk, he knew but he tried not to do often.
Jimmy stirred and groaned quietly, turning onto his back. He stretched his arms above his head then sat up in the bed. He looked over and down, expecting to see him sleeping but he then looked up to see him sitting up. He smiled tiredly and pushed himself up off the bed, cradling the bottom of his low bump.
"How you feeling?" Chris asked. Jimmy turned around and faced him, rubbing his abdomen. He huffed and put his other hand on his back, rubbing small circles on it.
"I'm 41 weeks and two days and this baby wants me to pee for the third time this night." He complained, hearing his stomach churn. He sighed and closed his eyes. "And now they're hungry. I'm doing good, how about you?" He sarcastically spoke, his legs bobbing as it was uncomfortable to stand. Chris waved him off to tell him to use the bathroom. Jimmy nodded and walked to the bathroom, closing the door.
While he waited, he got off the bed and grabbed another pillow from the hallway closet. He came back into the bedroom just as he was exiting the bathroom. Chris propped up the pillows so he could sit up comfortably. When he was done, he felt hands wrap around his hips and push him aside. He got back into the bed and crawled under the blankets, sitting up against the pillows. He sighed happily and placed a hand on top of his bump.
"Thank you, baby." He whispered the nickname to himself, so low Chris didn't hear. He nodded and got back into the bed, sitting up against the headboard. He turned his head to look at him, pouting when he saw his face scrunched up.
"You okay?" Jimmy hummed annoyed and let out a breath slowly, tracing his bump with the tip of his finger. He shook his head and looked at him.
"Braxton Hicks." He replied, pulling the blanket up to muzzle his face into his blanket. He yawned and leaned over to lay his head onto Chris's shoulder.
"If they get worse- Tell you, yeah yeah I get it." Jimmy sounded annoyed, arching his back and cursing under his breath. He tried to relax, but he was pretty uncomfortable with the baby moving around and shifting in the tight space they had. An overwhelming cramp washed over him, making him lose his breath. He stopped moving and he exhaled slowly, throwing back his head.
Chris cocked his head and tried to wrap his arm around his shoulders but he whined when he did, biting his lip. When the cramp settled, he kicked off the comforter and blankets. He noticed his pants darken and something dark trickle down his left leg. Jimmy noticed too and gasped, lifting his head up and pushing himself up with the help of Chris's body. Chris got up and got off the bed, running over to Jimmy's side of the bed. He placed his hand into his and leaned down to put his other hand onto his chest.
Celestial Journey
The protagonist somehow escape our Universe, 'ascending' into a new Universe, quickly he realize that this one is different.Indeed, this new Universe is filled with immortals, monsters, beasts, and much more.Millions of years later, as he has almost reached the summit, he once again embarks on a journey filled with randomness, from acting as a mysterious old man to taking in disciples, forming and destroying entire worlds.But how long will his time last ? When his ascension to the legendary Celestial Realm is getting closer each passing second, will he leave the Universe fulfilled ?This is the story of a man who wishes to break the limits, surpassing even the Martial Dao itself, all the while being the eccentric man he truly is. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] By the way, yes, the cover has been made on paint... Don't judge me ! (The earlier chapters are horrendous and I will rewrite them once I reach 50 chapters or so.)
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52 stories
I heard about this writing challenge from a youtuber I'm following and I wanted to do it too!Writing one small story every week for a year for a total of 52 stories. Let's go! (It's going to be a mix of of OCs stories and Fanfictions)
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Call me teacher. Completed
Ду Кёнсү. Хүйтэн хөндий тэр залуу миний гэрийн багш.2020/09/14 2021/04/24
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Walker of the Forgotten Path
Practitioners use the authority of the spirit to reach heights of unimaginable power. But that wasn't a destiny Seth could embrace. Because, as an orphan, what he possibly accomplish in the world were the powerful got everything and the weak the crumbs? What he could do to change his fate? Will he allow the only thing he had inherited to be purged of his soul?Or will he embrace it and carved his own path? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Release Schedule: 2 or 3 chapters a week. (will try to increase it with time) https://tapas.io/series/Walker-of-the-Forgotten-Path/info
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Lover's Day: Izuku Midoriya x Reader x Bakugou
Valentines Day Competition! At your Hero Academia, UA, what will happen when an innocent Holiday becomes a vicious competition? Friends become rivals. Rivals remain rivals. Witness the silly high-school shenanigans unfold as your classmates battle for each other in the game of love. Warning: Pure unadulterated fluff. If you are looking for anything but fluff and dorky fun, this is not the story for you. Brief storyline: Imagine if the UA class had to compete for their Valentines. How will Midoriya try to win your heart? How will he secure your Lover's Day kiss? Who will get in his way and compete for you? Misunderstandings and drama will ensue. It's high school, remember?
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Snape X reader -a fine line-
It was (Y/N)'s sixth year at Hogwarts and she was more than exited to go because of her secret crush. While struggling with her mental health and cutting, she couldn't stop thinking about him: Long black cloak and onyx, cold eyes. Her crush was no one less than the head of Slytherin and potion master Severus Snape. What happens when she finally dares to kiss him and what happens when she suddenly gets captured by the Death Eaters. Will Severus Snape save her or let her die under the hands of the Dark Lord itself? (Beginning is a bit trash so i'm sorry for that!)-TW--Self harm-Smut-Unwanted touches (only in one chapter)
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