《Mistakes Made. A Hamgelica fic》UNKEPT SECRETS


"When are you going tell her?"

Angelica rolled her eyes and resisted the urge to throw her beverage in the direction of her younger sisters head. Margarita had invited Angelica over for lunch and Angelica reluctantly agreed partly because she didn't want to seem rude but mainly because Angelica needed someone to talk to and talking to Eliza created too much guilt for her to deal with.

'I'll tell her when I'm ready."

Margarita rolled her eyes.

"You know what makes me laugh about this family. Every time one of us say were going to come out and tell a secret it always ends up telling itself at the worst possible moments and that creates physiological pain that our emotionally unstable family can't handle."

Angelica inwardly grimaced at how accurately hurtful the statement was.

" What do you suggest I do."

A small mischievous smile crept onto the youngest Schuyler's face.

"Give her the cold hearted truth. Eliza can't cry over everything she can't have she's been doing that for 21 years. In my personal CORRECT opinion I feel like she needs to women up and grow up."

Angelica sucked at the straw in her refreshment as she considered Peggy's advice. It was true ever since the trio had been little Eliza had always gotten what she wanted. If the sisters were taken to a movie Eliza chose what they were going to see. If they were playing pretend Eliza was in charge of their fake household and as ridiculous as it sounded this carried on after young childhood. In high school the insanely popular Angelica and Margarita missed out on various parties because Eliza didn't like some of the people there and didn't want her sisters going if she wasn't going. Peggy must've noticed Angelica's expressions because she quickly chimed in.


"I know you know it's true and honestly so what if Eliza doesn't like it. For once in your life Ange make a decision that's going to make you happy."

The two sat in the comfortable silence.

"Angelica I know you don't think I don't or haven't noticed the sacrifices you've made for us over the years but I do and if this is going to make you happy me or Eliza or the whole god damn universe shouldn't get in the way of that."

Margarita went in for an awkward hug considering she hadn't hugged anyone in a while. Margarita was not the best as showing affection. Peggy had left and Angelica was left with the bill and her thoughts. Angelica had been sitting for 15 minutes when her phone vibrated. Angelica looked down to see a text from Alexander.

"You need to get down to central park there are about three horrible parents and I refuse to people watch by myself."

Anglica smiled before paying and rushing out of the high end establishment.

Angelica ran to the subway while thinking. " Sorry Eliza but this one's mine."

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