《Mistakes Made. A Hamgelica fic》LYING


"Okay, bye."

Angelica sighed before hanging up her phone and leaning back in her seat. She and Maria had been talking on the phone for an hour and a half and they were just now getting off the phone. She smiled and screamed into her hands out of pure joy. In the middle of her little scream fest, she felt a knock on her window. When Angelica looked up she saw a man with freckles, long curly hair, and a black sweater. She stupidly rolled down her window because no sane person who's trying to to survive in modern America would roll their window to a stranger in the city but Angelica decided to roll it down anyway because she had a little more faith in humanity after falling in love.


"Are you lost or something."

"No, why?"

"Because you've been parked outside of the building for like an hour and you're screaming in your hands."

Angelica arched her eyebrow and smiled before resting her elbow on the window and her chin in her palm.

"Have you been stalking me?"

"No, I live here and my roommate hasn't returned my calls so I'm locked out."

"Who's your roommate?"

"You wouldn't know him.'

"I'm Angelica Schuyler. I know everyone in this city."

The man laughed and put his hand out for her to shake.

"I'm John Laurens."

Angelica jaw dropped in surprise.

"I know you."


"Because I know your roommate."

Laurens let a small challenging smile come onto his face.

"Prove it."

Angelica pulled out her phone and called Alexander. The phone rang twice.


"I'm downstairs and I have a sudden urge to kiss you again."

The phone hung up and Alexander was downstairs in 30 seconds. Laurens laughed.


"My god Alexander you'll come downstairs in 30 seconds for her. Someone I've never seen before but you won't open the door for me. Your been best friend since high school."

Angelica laughed before turning towards the two men. One Alexander your ridiculously amazing and two Laurens I agree there is no god."

Laurens turned to Alexander.

"I like this one."

Alexander smiled.

"Me too."

Angelica grinned at the simple yet meaningful comment.

"See you two losers later."

Both men pretended to be shocked.

Laurens put his hand to his chest in mocked offense while speaking in a horrible british accent.

"How dare she. So unladylike."

Angelica rolled her eyes before sticking out her middle finger.

"To hell with lady likeness."

Angelica started her car but didn't even start driving before Alexander jumped in front of her car yelling.

"I love you Angelica. Marry Me!"

"You've known me for a week you can't love me."

"I can and I will get you to marry me one day."

Angelica nodded her head and accepted the challenge.

"Three months. You have three months to get me to marry you."


Angelica blew an exaggerated kiss and drove off with a helpless expression on her face. She was three minutes on the road when she got a call from Eliza. She put the call on bluetooth and answered.

"Where were you. I called you like six times."

"I was out."

"Okay are you busy."

"No, why."

"You know that Alexander guy from your lecture?"

Angelica smiled at the mention of his name.


"Is he single? Just asking for a friend."

Angelica knew she wasn't asking for a friend. Angelica knew Eliza better than she knew herself.

"Angie... are you still there."

"Yeah I'm here. What was the question?"

Eliza groaned out of embarrassment on having to repeat the question.

"Is he single?"

Angelica inhaled.


Angelica heard the disapointment in her sister voice but tried to bury it with the overwhelming feeling of joy in her heart.

"Okay, thanks."

"Don't worry about it."

Eliza laughed off her previous question.

"See you later Angie."

"Bye Liza."

Angelica hung up and felt the guilt on her chest rise but ignored it by drowning it out with the sappy love songs on the radio.

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