《PERFECT》Chapter 14


We went straight to the beach after breakfast. I took off the sarong and put it on the beach chair. While rubbing some sun block on my body I looked over at Nick. He was taking off his shirt and damn, I blushed again. Every time I saw him without shirt I blushed and don’t ask me about my eyes. They would steal a glance at him whenever he’s not looking.

“You want me to put sun-block on your back?” he asked waking me up from my trance.

“Sure,” I nodded and handled it to him turning my back. I immediately regretted asking him to do it for me; I felt Goosebumps all over my body as his hands touched my back. He started from my neck to my shoulders then my arms messaging it softly. Then back on the shoulders again before rubbing my back up to my waist. God, it felt so good. However, I managed to control myself and let him finish, which took longer than anticipated.

“Let me put some on your back,” I offered Nick when he had finally finished with applying on me. He handed the bottle to me and this time it was his turn. I felt Adrenaline rush through me; I started to rub the lotion on him. I felt like I’m touching a Greek God (as if I have touched one). His body felt so perfect to touch especially his muscular arms.

“Are you checking me out?” asked Nick suddenly when he realized that I am continuously rubbing his arms.

“No. I did not,” I denied.

“Really?” he smirked, “You think I didn’t notice you stealing a glance at me whenever I wasn’t looking in your direction?”

“How do you always notice whatever I’m doing?’ I scoffed.

“That’s because I’m an observant guy,” he smiled.

“Well Mr. Observant, sorry to disappoint you but I really did not look at your body,” I denied again.

“Oh really then what are you looking at?” he asked and then gasped, “Oh God. Don’t tell me you’re looking at my other part of the body? Wow! You really are a naughty girl, aren’t you?” he teased.

“No I did not,” I scolded him hitting his shoulders while blushing away.

All of the sudden, he turned around pushed me to the ground and he was on top of me, “Why don’t you want to admit that you like me?” he asked, “Just admit it. You like my body just as you like my lips.”

I blushed. “Shut up,” I said to him and crushed my lips on his, stopping him from talking and embarrassing me. He definitely couldn’t resist me and kissed me back. Our kissed lasted longer than anticipated.

“Don’t tell me my sister asked you to kiss me again?” he teased once we were apart breathless this time.

I blushed before answering him, “No, that was just to shut you up,” I told him, “You talk too much.”

“Hmm, if that the case, I’m going to continued babbling, so that you would kiss me again,” he said with his eyes twinkling. I just smiled and blushed again.

“You look beautiful when you blush,” he complimented me.

I continued blushing at his words but managed to say, “You just said that because you want to get into my pants, don’t you?” I smirked.

He scowled at me. “You think that’s all I have in my mind?” Hurt and anger were reflected on his face as he asked me this. “You always think badly off me Ashley. You should try to get to know me better before judging my character or personality. Once you do know me then you would realize that I’m not that bad of a person,” he snickered.


“I’m sorry,” I apologized sincerely, “You can’t really blame me for having doubts about you. You have always given me bad impression about yourself.”

“That’s because you never gave me chance to show you who I really am,” he scoffed.

“Well, you always acted badly towards me. You never once acted nice towards me. You always called me names,” I defended.

He sighed and look at me, “I’m sorry,” he apologized, “and I promise I won’t do that to you anymore. You shall see the real Nick in front of you from now on.”

“I’m sorry too,” I apologized to him. “You are right. I shouldn’t have judged you without knowing the real you,” I apologized. “I promise I will never judge you badly again.”

“Promise?” he asked.

“Promise,” I said to him and he smiled, “And you promise too?”

“Yeah I promise,” he said.

“Pinky promise?” I showed my little finger.

He linked his finger with mine, looked in my eyes and said, “Pinky promise.” We both held soulful smiles on our lips as we locked our eyes.

“You want to me to kiss you, don’t you,” said Nick without taking his eyes off me.

I just blushed and looked away, “No,” I denied.

“But your face expressed otherwise,” he told me.

I chuckled and looked at him, “You can read my face?” I asked him.

He nodded his head, “Yeah, your face gives away what you are thinking most of the time but it’s hard to predict because you always deny it,” he said looking seriously at me.

“Maybe my face doesn’t tell the truth then,” I shrugged.

“No,” he shook his head, “Faces doesn’t lie. It’s you who wouldn’t admit to the truth.”

“Oh yeah,” I glared at him, “Now tell me what did my face say?”

He chuckled, “It says shut up and kiss me.”

He crushed his lips on mine. All my senses were on fire. Nick smelt like the beach, simply divine. I could only hear his moans mixed with mine and everything else seemed disappeared into oblivion. As our tongues were rubbing against each other I could taste mint. The kiss held promises for a new start. As I opened my eyes and looked over at Nick, his eyes were showing the same passion I was feeling.

I don’t know why, maybe because we were on a romantic island, we were kissing at every opportunity that we had and I didn’t resist or hesitate or deny that I like kissing him.

We spend the whole day at the beach and after dinner, we decided to go to club, enjoying ourselves there. We danced to almost all of the songs, hugging and kissing each other. Funny thing is none of us were intoxicated while we did that.

“I think we better go back to our room,” I whispered to Nick while his lips were on my neck. I was breathless after we both were kissing passionately without bothering about other people around us. Well, most of them were doing the same thing as us. Yeah, it definitely has something to do with being on this island!

“Yeah, I think your right,” he whispered back before kissing my ears and got up. I don’t know why but we both were rushing back to our room; as if scared that the magical moment might end.

Once we entered our room, our lips were locked again in another breath taking kiss. Nick’s arms were around me while my hands around his neck and I wrapped my legs around him. With the same position, Nick carried me to bed and dropped me once when we reached the bed. We both were moaning as if we still couldn’t get enough of each other. My legs still wrapped around him as if worried he would leave.


When he pulled his lips away from me I could feel he was breathing heavily like he had run a million miles. I realized that I too was gasping for air. His lips traveled down my throat and he bite it softly making me moan again.

His lips traveled further down and pulled up my Tank Top. I didn’t object but instead helped him to remove it away and left me in my bra. His lips immediately landed on my exposed breast kissing and nibbling it, while his hands were massaging it the same time. God, it felt so wonderful. The way my body responded to his touch was something new to me and I never had experienced such wonderful pleasure before.

His lips captured mine again and before I know it, I was already topless underneath him. His lips left mine again and I let out a loud gasp when his mouth captured my peak nipple while his hand massaged and teased the other. I moaned when he sucked and nibbled it softly. My hands were all over his back and hair, pulling and scratching them. His mouth then moved to my other nipple and did the same. He was tormenting me with his touch I felt like I’m going to die.

I pushed him from me and sat on top of him this time. I unbutton his shirt, exposing his bare chest and started to do what he just did to me. This time he the one who moaned.

He pushed me back on the bed and looked at me with lust, “You better stop this now before we do something you would regret later,” his voice was hoarse.

I looked at him and I think I wore the same look as him, “Do you want to stop?” I asked him instead. My voice was hoarse as his.

“Do you?” he asked me back.

“Will you regret if we didn’t stop?” I asked instead.

“I know I’m not; but you may,” he said.

“Why don’t you let me decide that later?” I asked him pulling him into a kiss.

“Are you sure?” he pulled away.

Gosh, what is happening to me? I have become a wanton whore. I should have realized it before I started to respond to him. I should have realized that he didn’t actually want to have sex with me. Maybe he just wanted to test whether I could resist him. I should remember that I’m not his type.

Upon realizing this, I immediately pushed him away, “Ok, I got it,” I said angrily and got up, covering my breasts with my hands while looking for my bra and tank top on the floor and dashed into the bathroom feeling embarrassed with myself.

I could feel my tears falling freely down my face and I angrily wiped them away. Why am I crying? I should be happy that he stopped me from doing something I’ll regret; but why don’t I feel happy? All I felt was frustration and disappointment when he didn’t want to continue. He’s probably right that I might regret later about this night but I feel repentant and frustrated only that he didn’t want to continue. Damn! What is happening to me?

The bathroom door suddenly opened. I didn’t even realize that I didn’t lock the door. Nick walked towards me; I was standing at the sink and I immediately covered myself with the top, holding it over me. He came and stood right in front of me staring deeply into my eyes.

“What are you doing?” I asked him trying to be firm but instead it came out weakly. “Will you please get out? I want to clean myself.”

“What do you mean when you said you got it?” he asked.

I looked away from him, “Nothing,” I said heatedly to him. “Forget what I said and just get out!”

“Tell me what you meant by it?” he insisted standing in front of me with his hands on his topless waist. Doesn’t he know he looked delicious standing like that? Gosh, what am I thinking? I wanted to knock myself on the head for not focusing at the matter at hand. I turned away from him to concentrate on being angry instead of ogling the eye candy.

“Didn’t you hear me? Nothing! Now get out!” I said to him again.

“You’re lying,” he said and turned me around to face him, “I’m not going leaving until you tell me the truth.”

“Whatever,” I snorted, I turned around again to put on my tank top, “You can use the bathroom,” I walked past him and lay down on the bed. I pulled a duvet covered myself up. I felt the other side of the bed slightly dip and suddenly I felt his hands on me. I pushed his hand away. He pulled the duvet away and all of the sudden he was on top of me trapping me underneath him. Our faces were inches away. We were staring at each other and suddenly our lips locked again.

I was breathless when Nick pulled his lips away and started to nibble my neck, “Nick,” I called out his name breathlessly, “Please, stop if you don’t want me.”

“What made you think I don’t want you?” he stopped what he was doing and looked at me.

“Why did you stop just now?” I dared to ask him.

“I don’t want you to have any regrets later about what happens between us now,” he said softly, playing with my hair.

“What made you think I would?” I asked him again.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t?” he questioned me instead.

I pouted my lips, “I don’t know but maybe you are right.”

“Hmm,” he looked like he regretted asking me that question.

“Yeah I definitely will; especially when you start to boast about it and go around telling your friends how much I wanted you,” I mocked.

“Damn, Ashley, I thought you said you not going to judge me without knowing the real me,” he scoffed.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized, “I didn’t mean it.”

He looked angry and I did what I knew, the only way to stop him from staying angry at me; I slide my arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. I knew I’d won when he didn’t resist and accepted my kiss. We both moaned again as our kiss become more passionate. I could feel sparks wherever his body touched mine

“You not going to stop this time are you?” I asked him; who was looking at me with full desire in his eyes.

“Unless you want me to,” he answered softly.

“What do you see on my face?” I asked him instead.

“You want me as much as I want you right now,” he told me.

“Duh,” I raised my eyebrows playfully at him and he laughed before crushing his lips on mine again. This time we both were definitely not going to stop or hesitate anymore. Within second we were both fully naked and our hands were exploring each other bodies.

“Are you on pills?” Nick asked me.

Oh gosh. I forgot about the pills. I don’t even have those pills, how could I be on pills? I shook my head. He immediately got off me and move to the side. I felt frustrated. Don’t tell me he wanted to stop because I’m not protected?

I looked at him and saw he’s taking something out of the drawer from the side table. He gave it to me before sitting back on top of me. It’s a condom. Thank god he has it ready. But why did he have it ready? Note to self, ask him later when we’re done.

“Put it on for me,” he instructed.

My eyes went wide open. Did he ask me to put it on for him? I looked at him and he smirked. Damn. I never done this before and slowly torn the wrapping before putting in on him with shaking hands.

“Damn, you are too slow,” he complained and took it from me put it on himself. He slides down below me. I gasped and shivered when his mouth started to tease my most sensitive part. I moaned and whimpered so loud and he quieted me down by kissing me fully on the lips. I then felt him entered me and again I gasped as I feel a slight pain.

He stopped and looked at me with a questioned in his eyes, “Don’t you dare stop,” I warned him.

He kissed me again before drove slowly inside me and went on faster when we both were in climates until he finally collapse on top of me. I wrapped my legs around him, still wanting to feel him inside me. After a few minutes later, he move to the side, laid on his back pulling me closer to him. He pulled the duvet covering us both with his arms around me.

“Wow,” I said kissing his chest and I heard him chuckle before we both dosed off to our sweet sleep.

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