《PERFECT》Chapter 3


Picture : Amy

I looked at her in shock, “You both know what happened?” I asked.

“Yes, of course we do,” she smiled, “We were your witnesses.”

“What?!!” both Nick and I shouted at the same time.

“Yep, we both are and you should thank us because we even gave you our wedding rings,”

I took the rings from my pocket and put them on the table, “These are yours?” I asked them.

They both nodded happily and then cast us a shocking look, “You both don’t remember?” asked Amy.

Both of us shook our head, “Oh damn,” cursed Amy, “You are right about that, baby. They definitely don’t remember a thing,” she said looking at Marc.

“We both were drunk, weren’t we?” asked Nick.

“Yes, you were,” nodded Marc, “But you both insisted on getting married. We told you that you would regret it in the morning but you still insisted it. Your both were,” he said looking at me, “Especially you, Ash.”

“I would never do that!!” I denied.

Amy rolled her eyes at me, “You definitely did.”

“How could you say I wanted it?” I asked Amy, “You know I don’t like him,” I stressed and then looked at Nick, obviously hurt by my words, “Aw, come on,” I said to him, “I know you don’t like me either.”

“Yeah, maybe I don’t but I don’t make it that obvious,” he scoffed.

“Not obvious?” I queered, “You call me “Cass”!!”

“Well you should be proud. I have a nick name for you, that doesn’t mean I really hate you,” he smirked. “Don’t you know that you only give a nick name to someone you like?”

“Yeah, I know but they don’t call people names like Carcass or Walking Corpse!!” I stressed.

“Well, I have a unique way of expressing it,” he shrugged again, “Or maybe now you are my wife I should call you WIFEY instead,” he grinned and raising his eyebrows playfully at me.


“Over my dead body!” I scoffed.

“Stop it you two!!” scolded Amy. “Quarrelling won’t solve anything, besides everything is done and over. Whether you like or dislike each other you both are married. Last night the two of you couldn’t keep your hands and mouth off of each other,” explained Amy. “You both were sucking each other faces off.”

“Wow, really??” asked Nick excitedly, “She really sucked me huh? Well, it’s confirmed then that you the one who gave me this,” he chuckled and showed me the hickey on his left neck, “And I gave you that,” he said touching my nape.

I immediate touched it and looked at his with wide eyes. God I didn’t even realize it was there. Amy leaned towards me and removed my hair to see it clearly. I looked at her with a question and she nodded confirming it was there. “God, I was definitely drunk. I can’t remember a thing,” I said in tone of regret, “You were supposed to stop me!!” I scolded Amy.

“How could I when both of you look so great together?” she said smiling. “I thought you both finally realized that you both were in love with each other after years of being apart.”

“ME??!! In love with HIM??!!” I weirdly asked her, “That would only happen if there was something wrong with me. It will be that I have either lost my mind or gone mad. That could be the reason, like right now, I married him while I was drunk then the next day don’t remember anything,” I snorted.

“You know what, people always said that a drunk people always tell the truth, and the truth is Wifey, you actually had a crush on me but you are too lame to admit it,” raising his right eyebrow at me as if challenging me to admit it.

I rolled my eyes at him “Ah! You wish!” I huffed. “Even if you were the last man on earth, I would never fall for someone like you,” I glared.


“Well, last night proved otherwise. You couldn’t seem to take your hands, mouth, lips and tongue away off of me,” he chuckled, “Damn god, how I wish I could remember.” and looked at Marc before asking, “Tell me is she feisty as she looks?”

“Well…” Marc chuckled and before he could say anything, I cut him off.

“If you want to live to marry Amy, then you better keep quiet,” I warned him gritting my teeth trying to control my anger.

“He doesn’t have to tell me. I think I already know” laughed Nick. “God, you have made me feel hard just thinking about it.”

I pouted my lips angrily at him but I could feel myself blushing like hell. Good thing Amy came to my rescue, “Stop it Nick,” she scolded him but I could see that she also trying her best not to laugh, “You’re making my friend blush.” She put her hand comforting me, “Ignore them Ash, you are none of the above. You just wouldn’t stop kissing him that’s all,” she said in a sorry tone while Nick continued laughing.

I groaned, “Does the others know about this?” I asked her referring to rest of our friends.

“I’m not sure,” said Amy trying to recall it, “They were all drunk too,” she said.

I looked at her with amazed, “How come you both were not drunk like the rest of us?” I asked.

“Because we both told each other that we didn’t want to get ourselves drunk because we didn’t want to end-up married here,” she smiled.

Marc chuckled, “Yeah, we knew we might of ended-up like you guys if we were drunk,” he added while holding her hand, “Even right now when I’m sober, I couldn’t wait to make her my wife, what more being drunk,” he smiled before kissing the back of her hand while Amy giggled.

Both I and Nick rolled our eyes at them like we always do whenever Marc and Amy started getting romantic with each other in front of us.

“Well we both decided that we going for annulment before anyone back home know about this,” I bluntly told them.

“What?!!” both Amy and Marc asked at the same time. Marc looked at Nick who just shrugged uncaringly.

“Yeah,” I nodded my head, “We made a mistake and I think both of you could really see that this is just a mistake. I wouldn’t agree to married to him if I’m sober and Nick feels the same way too,” and turned towards Nick, “Isn’t that right?” I asked him.

“Well, not really, “he responded instead.

“What you mean by not really?” I angrily asked him. God, please don’t tell me he changed his mind.

“Well I don’t think I would mind being married to you as long as I get to know how you are in bed,” he said and then laughed.

I punched him hard on his arm, “Stop it, and be serious, Nick!!” I told him.

“Alright, I agree with her. Our marriage was just a mistake.” Phew, finally he agreed, “I still want to enjoy my happy single available life. I’m not ready for a serious commitment.” I smiled happily hearing his confession that I could kiss him. What?? Kiss him, no, no. I definitely don’t want to do that.

“I’m sorry I don’t think you both can do that,” said Amy panicky.

“Why, not?” I queered.

“Well…..” she hesitated and gulped before continuing, “Our friends might not know about it but I’ve told our parents about it, last night, and they all sound so happy.” she gave me a nervous smile, “They want to have a reception immediately after we all go back home tomorrow.”

Perfect, that is just perfect. I feel like strangling her right now.

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