《PERFECT》Chapter 2


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I managed to calm myself down a few minutes later. No point of crying over spilt milk. Right now what I need to do is to ask him for a divorce or annulment if we were really married. I walked into the shower and let the water run through my body. I felt dirty and made sure that every part of my body was entirely scrubbed clean. I cried again while washing myself. After an hour in the shower and full satisfaction that I was clean, I turned off the tap and wiped myself dry before I got out from the bathroom.

After putting on my faded jeans and T-shirt I went out of the room directly into his room to settle the matter with him before any of our friends found out about us. Hopefully Marc is not there. I took off the ring from my finger and before I could knock on the door someone opened it.

It was Nick and he was surprised to see me. He was fully dressed, most probably going out for breakfast. “If you still want to scold me for what happen last night, I’m sorry. I can’t remember a thing,” he whispered to me before I even said anything.

I rolled my eyes, “Me neither, but we really need to talk and resolve the matter as soon as possible before anyone finds out about any of this,” I told him in a serious voice but realized I was whispering too, “Why are we whispering?” I asked him.

“Marc and Amy are still sleeping inside,” he whispered again, “So I think if you want to talk then its better we do it at the coffee house besides I’m starving,” he said closing the door and walking past me.

I rolled my eyes and followed him inside the elevator, “How could you still think about food when we have a problem on our hands?” I asked him.


“What problem?” he asked looking worriedly at me, “Sleeping with you? You were not protected?”

Gosh, I totally have forgotten about that. I remained quiet.

“Don’t worry, whatever happens I’ll take the responsibility. I will not leave you alone to face any consequences,” he said to me seriously looking directly into my eyes. His blue eyes showed his sincerity and confirmed that he meant each and every word he said.

I could feel myself drown inside the blue eyes and I knew he meant it but when I thought about me spending my life with this jerk, I changed my mind. No way am I going to let this jerk interfere with my perfect life. I’m going to take care everything on my own, I thought to myself.

“No worries. I’m well protected,” I lied.

He shrugged, “Well then, I don’t see any problem. I sleep with every girl who wanted to sleep with me and I know Cass you wanted to sleep with me ever since you first laid your eyes on me,” he smirked cheekily at me putting his hand on my shoulders.

I shrugged his hand off and pretend to puke, “I wouldn’t want to sleep with you even if you are the last man on earth,” I scoffed.

He chuckled, “But last night said otherwise,” casting a cheeky grin on me.

“I was drunk and I can’t remember a thing. I couldn’t even remember whether you were good or not,” I pointed out, “Too bad I couldn’t even compare you with other guys,” I smirked. I’m not going to let him know that he’s the only guy I have had sex with. He might not stop teasing me if he knew.

“Well no worries my dear, if you ever want me to repeat and show you how good I was in bed, I would be more than willing,” he smirked again.

I glared at him, “I prefer to die than have sex again with you.”


He laughed and walked out as elevator door opened towards the coffee house. I looked for a table and ordered my coffee. I needed coffee to clear my mind while Nick was at the buffet table getting some food.

“Don’t you want anything?’ he asked when he placed his plate full of food on the table and sat next to me.

“God, are you really going to eat all that?” I asked him.

“Yep, I’m hungry,” he told me. “But you could have some if you want,” he offered.

“No thanks,” I said to him, “I have no appetite to eat.”

He looked at me and with a concerned looked? Maybe I’m mistaken. Nick never held or felt any concern about my feelings.

“Ok, now tell me what is it that we need to resolve now?” he said while munching the toasted bread.

I was about to tell him but I stopped when I saw the waiter approach us and offer Nick a coffee. After he left I started, “do you remember anything from last night?’

Nick looked at me and sighed, “I wish I did but I don’t. I do want to remember how you were in bed. I’ve been wondering whether you are feisty or…” I kicked him on his legs making him yelp.

“Damn you!” I scolded him, “Will you stop it! That’s the only part I want to forget ever happened in my life!”

“Aw, come on Cass, I know you are eager to know how I was, am I right?” he teased and grinning widely at me.

I rolled my eyes at him. Damn he’s not helping at all. I took a deep breath and intended to go direct to the point with him instead. I took the ring out of my pocket and placed it on the table, “Do you know whose ring this is?” I asked him.

He looked at the ring with wide eyes, “No,” he shook his head and then took something out from his pocket and place another identical ring next to mine, “Is this yours?” he asked looking at me who was looking at him with wide eyes.

“No,” I shook my head, “Where did you get that?” I asked him softly.

“On my finger,” showing his ring finger at me, “And I’m assuming you found that on yours’?”

I nodded. I couldn’t find my voice to say anything to him. I could feel tears starting to build up in my eyes. Damn, I’m married to him. I couldn’t even remember my own wedding and worst of all I’m married to him.

“Hey, hey,” he touched my hand comforting me, “Don’t worry, we’ll try to resolve this matter soon,” he said. “Maybe we could find someone here to help us to terminate it.”

I took a deep breath, glad that we had finally agreed on one thing, to terminate our marriage, “We need to do it fast before the rest of group finds out about it,” I said to him softly while he just nodded while still holding my hands rubbing it tenderly as if comforting me. I don’t why but it did make me feet secure and confident that he would resolve the matter.

However, when I saw Amy and Marc walking hand in hand towards us, I immediately pulled out of his hand and took both rings from the table and tucked them into my pocket. Nick looked weirdly at me and turned around to see the cause of my actions. Then he saw Amy and Marc walking in, he showed me an understanding look.

Amy and Marc approached us with big grinned on their faces; “Good morning newly weds,” greeted Amy cheerfully once they reached our table kissing me on the cheek at the same time.

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